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First World Problems

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If you don't mind me butting in I'm a bit confused. There have been some atrocious crimes to the art of pottery displayed on these pages recently and it's hard to keep up. Are we talking octagonal or the tacky ones with the fake gold trimming?

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We got a couple of new air-fresheners, the sort that spray out scent automatically every so often, because, it's ok, I can afford it.

But, they make a weird noise when they spray, and I've been slightly startled / got a wee fright a couple of times when they switch on unexpectedly when I'm in the same room.

I'm a grown man, in my own house, in 2015 modern Scotland, and I should not be subjected to getting wee frights from air-fresheners :(

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If you don't mind me butting in I'm a bit confused. There have been some atrocious crimes to the art of pottery displayed on these pages recently and it's hard to keep up. Are we talking octagonal or the tacky ones with the fake gold trimming?
Neither. It's these ones:
Thank you. :)
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We got a couple of new air-fresheners, the sort that spray out scent automatically every so often, because, it's ok, I can afford it.

But, they make a weird noise when they spray, and I've been slightly startled / got a wee fright a couple of times when they switch on unexpectedly when I'm in the same room.

I'm a grown man, in my own house, in 2015 modern Scotland, and I should not be subjected to getting wee frights from air-fresheners :(

My dad had one of those positioned at eye level above his lavvy. The amount of times I've been having a pish and ended up skooshing it everywhere because that thing has gave me fright is astonishing.

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My dad had one of those positioned at eye level above his lavvy. The amount of times I've been having a pish and ended up skooshing it everywhere because that thing has gave me fright is astonishing.

It's the ones(*air fresheners) in pub/hotel toilets you have to watch, if you get caught in the '*skoosh' you walk about smelling like a hoors handbag for the rest of the night.

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Oh yes. Good shout. I revel in being an absolute tosser

A colleague of mine in my old school wore the Harris Tweed regularly. He had a couple of cracking waistcoats. I used to think that I wanted to look like him.

He was 58

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I really fancied going a walk up Arthur's Seat (& back down too) but all through my lunch break I was trying to remember when was the last time I got a stone in my shoe & you know what I just couldn't think when it was, it was that long ago. The odds were stacked against me & I just couldn't risk it. Thankfully the rain dissipated my disappointment.


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Mozza's figured out how to make Prince memes on his phone. It's mildly amusing, but I'm concerned I might suffer ennui if it carries on forever. Not sure if I could cope.

It's more entertaining than anything Prince has ever done TBF.

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