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First World Problems

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Was it post apartheid, my friend says the Umbongo blanc is to die for?


Morally it's probably safer to stick to the post 1994 vintages as I did hear the grape treaders were treated in rather a beastly fashion prior to then. On the other hand it would be a shame if their suffering counted for nothing. 1987 is to die for according to my vintner, perhaps you use him also?. BTW I just tried a marvelous little number from New Zealand. Their wines are really coming of age. Unusually it has a Maori name, Kia-ora, rather fruity and carries a faint aftertaste of orange zest and tobacco. Well worth laying down a few bottles as it's running a bit low in supply.

Edited by welshbairn
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In the vending machine at work last night there was a Mars Milkshake. When I typed in the number for it, it just gave me an error message and wouldn't come out.

I had to have Cherry Coke instead. It was double the price and I wanted chocolate milk.

It's taken me since 9 last night to post that on here due to my tears.

Edited by Sonsteam of 08
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In the vending machine at work last night there was a Mars Milkshake. When I typed in the number for it, it just gave me an error message and wouldn't come out.

I had to have Cherry Coke instead. It was double the price and I wanted chocolate milk.

It's taken me since 9 last night to post that on here due to my tears.

I feel your pain pal but it's nae use greeting over chocolate milk. Take it from one who kens.


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I feel your pain pal but it's nae use greeting over chocolate milk. Take it from one who kens.


To make things worse a bottle of normal milk burst over me later that night.

Milk, milk everywhere and not a drop to drink :(

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To make things worse a bottle of normal milk burst over me later that night.

Milk, milk everywhere and not a drop to drink :(

It's like my old mam used to say, thems without feet lactose.


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I can't find a single pub in Inverness showing the Ashes. I've had to go to one with sky sports news and read my paper instead. Not amused.

If you ask the Castle Tavern if they can put it on one of the screens they probably will, especially if you're prepared to watch it outside under the shelter.

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I usually to to the local bakery on a Friday lunchtime as a weekly treat but it's always really busy so I've switched to Wednesdays. Now when I go on a Wednesday, it feels a bit like a Friday and I end up having to realise it isn't Friday yet.


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I thought of a great first world problem yesterday, got called away from my desk for something, and then when I came back I forgot what the problem was.

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I thought of a great first world problem yesterday, got called away from my desk for something, and then when I came back I forgot what the problem was.

^^^^ Growing Old forum for this pish
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Blu-Ray discs have rounded, smoother sides than CDs or DVDs. Picking just one from a spindle is almost impossible. I've started having to keep one slightly longer fingernail to help with the job as a result. Now folk keep assuming that I'll know where to get the good cocaine. It's a complete nightmare, dahlinks.

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I pay my telco $1.34 a month for a silent line. The upside is that my number isn't published in the phone book thus resulting in a decrease in calls from nutters and scammers. The downside is that when you call someone your number is hidden and people tend to ignore calls from "Withheld".

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Trying to pay for items with my card, the machine wasn't working properly. Twice it came up with the message "no connection: please remove card". Twice the cashier said "it's been declined". Twice I had to state loud enough for the rest of the queue to hear "no, it has NOT been declined. There is no connection". I had to go to a cashpoint to get the money out to pay but of course the rest of the queue were away by the time I got back so they probably all thought I didn't have money in my account. Mortifying.

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I think my wallet's eating my cards. One of them is regularly declined despite there being money in the account, so I have to switch to the other. Now the same thing's started happening with the other one too. If the third one gives up the ghost, I might have to actually get off my arse and call the bank to get some new ones sent out.

Not sure if I can take the horror of half an hour listening to muzak, P&B. I feel suicide may be an easier option.

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Add parking machines that don't give any notes as change.

£3.50 fee, only had a £20 note to pay. 16 x £1 coins now in my pocket.

Put them in a sock and batter the fcuk out of a parking meter. They need seeing to.

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Ordered our Tesco delivery in the 6-7 o clock slot and its still not here and me and Mrs Throbber are hungry and grumpy.

I should learn to do the shop with a meal spare for dinner in case of this sort of thing happening but we never learn.

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