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EXIT Polls.

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Personally, I don't believe the BBC exit polls, as they're often wrong in the marginal constituencies like they were in the 2007 Holyrood election. However, what it does show is...

1. Labour campaign in Scotland was beyond dreadful

2. Ed Milliband is toxic

3. SNP fear mongering by Tories in middle England has achieved it's effect

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Not depressing at all. It is perfect. This is exactly the "circumstance" that leads to the 2nd referendum that we will win.

Glorious, if true.

Agreed, it would destroy Labour's argument about staying in a progressive union for good. It'd be as good as a UDI.

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f**k you Nick Clegg you sell out c**t. Get it up you. He's paid the price for it now. Very pleasing.

UKIP revealed to be the utter irrelevance they are.

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Not depressing at all. It is perfect. This is exactly the "circumstance" that leads to the 2nd referendum that we will win.

Glorious, if true.

It still means at least another 5 years of the less fortunate getting shafted by that horrible, dish-faced c**t.

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Vote Labour get Conservatives anyway. You really don't get it do you?

This over and over and over

Voting labours helped us in the past eh

These labour zombies are worse than Sevco fans and that's saying something

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