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EXIT Polls.

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The one thing we can take from the Sunderland seat is that Labour increased their share of their vote. Perhaps things are not as bad as the exit polls suggests.

Labour vote was always going to increase in the North East.
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Assuming the exit poll is correct, why are they throwing the Lib Dems in with the Tories to form a majority. Surely for the health of their party they'd stay well clear and try and start again. They'd have even less say than before and take as much blame.

They'd fellate livestock if it helped their chances of acquiring cushy directorships once their political careers are over.

Naebdy's interested in taking on opposition backbenchers.

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Electoral Calculus - closest at the 2010 election - predict

CON = 280

LAB = 274

LIB DEM = 21

SNP = 52

I'm clutching at those figures like a comfort blanket - if the exit poll is anything like accurate the tories will finally kill the public sector in the UK.

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Good man fuzzy. Sick of people saying north east... meaning north east of England

It occurred to me yesterday why is The Sun in Scotland The 'Scottish'Sun but in England its just The Sun? Surely it should be The English Sun

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