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The 56 in Westminster!

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That's bollox Fidey, I don't recall any of your contributions on the Indy thread last year, the No vote wasn't based on supporting Rangers, it was an argument won on remaining within a strong and stable Union. Now stop pestering ya creepy wee f*ckpig

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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Really intrigued to see if this is bizarre as the image of it in my head. Apparently it's been a thing for years as well in the NUS. Has someone ever recorded it?

Not that I can find. What I do know is that both clapping and jazz hands are offensive to those of us without hands, so please check your hands privilege people. I am typing this with my feet.

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Interesting graphic, I suppose it makes some sense, but am surprised at how many stuck around the area they went to university. Also note that only three of the 45 or so that went to uni gained (part) of that education outside of Scotland.

Any similar data on MPs throughout the UK now and historically? Would be interesting to see how rest of the country matches up on the geographical parochiality index.

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Can we assume that the "refused to comment" guy went to Caley or UWS? :lol:

No idea why he wouldn't comment, because a quick Google gives his FB page where he informs everyone that he is, yet another, Glasgow Uni graduate.
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Wednesday is the state opening of Parliament by the Queen. We will get to know just what Bills the Tories are going to introduce. The next few days will see general debates on the main topics (including implementing the Smith Commission proposals, or a version of them). However, there is also likely to be a bit of Westminster games courtesy of the Labour Party. It works like this.

The debating chamber at Westminster was built deliberately too small to seat every MP. The idea was to make it more intimate so that rational men and women of good faith could actually exchange ideas in debate and perhaps reach a sensible conclusion. I respect that ideal even if it sometimes falls short in the practice. The problem is that if the chamber is full roughly a third of MPs cannot take part and so are excluded from representing their constituents in discussion. This is not necessarily a problem if all the parties are sensible and let representatives of each group have space on the benches. Unfortunately, Labour is in a bad mood after its defeat and is deliberately trying to exclude the SNP from getting enough seats in the chamber.

We have tried to put a compromise to the Labour interim leadership but they are either refusing to play ball or actually not returning calls. It could be that they have lost control of their backbenchers. The SNP is only asking to have space for 26 of our 56 members - a handsome compromise - provided we get front bench space. We are more than willing to let Denis Skinner sit on our front bench! However, it seems Labour wants to crowd us to the back and, if they can, actually deny us as few seats as possible. So much for democracy.

So if you read in the media that there has been a dispute over Commons seating, do not think this is trivial or that the SNP members are being childish. Given the system at Westminster, if we do not claim seats we will be EXCLUDED from participation, even though we were elected by our constituents. Thank God the system at Holyrood is more modern.

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Apologies if posted before, but a certain right wing newspaper that rhymes with fail was obviously in full meltdown mode yesterday.

Of all of the bullshit that comes out of that rag this is very close to the top of the bullshit stakes.

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Wednesday is the state opening of Parliament by the Queen. We will get to know just what Bills the Tories are going to introduce. The next few days will see general debates on the main topics (including implementing the Smith Commission proposals, or a version of them). However, there is also likely to be a bit of Westminster games courtesy of the Labour Party. It works like this.

The debating chamber at Westminster was built deliberately too small to seat every MP. The idea was to make it more intimate so that rational men and women of good faith could actually exchange ideas in debate and perhaps reach a sensible conclusion. I respect that ideal even if it sometimes falls short in the practice. The problem is that if the chamber is full roughly a third of MPs cannot take part and so are excluded from representing their constituents in discussion. This is not necessarily a problem if all the parties are sensible and let representatives of each group have space on the benches. Unfortunately, Labour is in a bad mood after its defeat and is deliberately trying to exclude the SNP from getting enough seats in the chamber.

We have tried to put a compromise to the Labour interim leadership but they are either refusing to play ball or actually not returning calls. It could be that they have lost control of their backbenchers. The SNP is only asking to have space for 26 of our 56 members - a handsome compromise - provided we get front bench space. We are more than willing to let Denis Skinner sit on our front bench! However, it seems Labour wants to crowd us to the back and, if they can, actually deny us as few seats as possible. So much for democracy.

So if you read in the media that there has been a dispute over Commons seating, do not think this is trivial or that the SNP members are being childish. Given the system at Westminster, if we do not claim seats we will be EXCLUDED from participation, even though we were elected by our constituents. Thank God the system at Holyrood is more modern.

Time for a new chamber. The need to facilitate sensible democratic debate trumps century old tradition every time.

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Apologies if posted before, but a certain right wing newspaper that rhymes with fail was obviously in full meltdown mode yesterday.

Of all of the bullshit that comes out of that rag this is very close to the top of the bullshit stakes.


Who do the SNP think they are? Coming down here, voting to retain a piece of legislation guaranteeing our fundamental individual rights both here and across Europe which is heavily based on English Law and which we largely drafted in the first place.

The b*stards.

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Dennis Skinner has revealed he failed to heckle during the Queen’s Speech ceremony because he is “preoccupied” with battling the SNP over Commons seats.

The veteran Labour MP did not have time to think of a jibe in recent days because all his attention is going into winning a battle with the Scottish Nationalists.

The 83-year-old said he is having to get up at 6am every day to ensure the new intake of SNP MPs do not take his seat at the front of an opposition bench.

Talking to The Telegraph, Mr Skinner hit out at the SNP’s belief it can “run the show” and “do as they like” after winning most of the seats in Scotland and warned of their “frightening” discipline.

However he vowed to win the fight for his long-held Commons seat, declaring: “We are not going to be beaten.“


Deary me, get a life! :lol:

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