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Father and Son Relationships

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I would wildly celebrate Throbber's death. He's a fucking terrible poster. The worst thing to happen to this site since Granny Danger.

He has a long, long way to go if he is ever going to be as bad a poster as you though.

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I'd be disappointed if he didn't.

You're easily pleased.

I thought Throbber was "Chuckles" when he first started posting, it was exactly at the time he decided to leave the forum after Mr X outed him as talking to his own alias on the Internet dating thread.

Throbber held the same characteristics.

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I'm a GN lurker and I don't give a shit if Throbber is an alias, a character or just a Walter Mitty. The man is hilarious.

I'm sure he would be a lot funnier if he didn't masturbate so frequently. The poor man spurts all his vitality into his sock.

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I thought Throbber was "Chuckles" when he first started posting, it was exactly at the time he decided to leave the forum after Mr X outed him as talking to his own alias on the Internet dating thread.

This kind of behaviour is a bit worrying. It's a real glimpse into a psyche of melancholy sadness. The depths your self-esteem would have to trawl to talk to your own aliases on a forum is pretty grim. I'm not taking the piss actually, I genuinely feel quite sorry for the guy.

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I thought Throbber was "Chuckles" when he first started posting, it was exactly at the time he decided to leave the forum after Mr X outed him as talking to his own alias on the Internet dating thread.

Wait, what? Did this actually happen? :lol:

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Thats in April 2013, i started posting in June 2012 (almost 3 years to the day in fact) but yet earlier you said i started posting at that exact time :P

I never noticed you until you started putting on the needy act.

So I guess it works.

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Will always respect my Dad. Him and my Mum split up when I was 2 and my Mums following partner was a wifebeating scumbag, meaning I went to live with my old man for my safety. Stayed with him as a single parent for 8 years before moving back with my Mum at High School for a number of personal reasons.

Since then my Dads lost a lot of his family and effectively had lost custody of me which turned him onto alcoholism and unfortunately he's not in great nick these days despite still only being 42.

I'm 21 now with a daughter and house of my own meaning I'm kind of tied up with my own life. However, I am the only person he really has left meaning we speak almost daily on the phone and I visit usually once every week/fortnight. I sympathise for him but at times I see him as a hindrance because he relies on me so much for stuff. I feel guilty feeling that way but that's life I guess.

He's no angel and has a mixed past but he always done well for me, as did my Mother while I mention it. Only difference being she's a Tim and my old man introduced me to the glorious Heart of Midlothian, for which I am eternally grateful.

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