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When will indyref2 happen?



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Just now, Snafu said:

Britain is the landmass you are on, the island, that is before you stick political boundaries on it.

Scotland is a country on this landmass called Britain.

No, Scotland is on the landmass of Great Britain.  This isn’t difficult. 

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6 hours ago, The_Kincardine said:

Why?  Given that Great Britain was the new nation created by the AoU and given that 'British' is our demonym why would you have an issue with this?

The political boundaries of the British Isles have changed over the years, but Great Britain is, and always has been and (barring any Atlantis style submersion or dinasour grade asteroid strike) always will be the largest of the British Isles. That may be pedantic, but, whatever, that's the way it is. It's not a country in iself, it's just the biggest of the British Isles. It's a fairly easy concept to grasp. I can't be bothered to check exactly how many islands make up the British Isles but Great Britain is the biggest. 

 'The United Kingdom of Great Britain' (to which you refer in your AoU) just has, well, too many words. The words 'Great Britain' are in there, I'll admit, but by default it excludes every other island in the British Isles. 

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4 minutes ago, oldbitterandgrumpy said:

The political boundaries of the British Isles have changed over the years, but Great Britain is, and always has been and (barring any Atlantis style submersion or dinasour grade asteroid strike) always will be the largest of the British Isles. That may be pedantic, but, whatever, that's the way it is. It's not a country in iself, it's just the biggest of the British Isles. It's a fairly easy concept to grasp. I can't be bothered to check exactly how many islands make up the British Isles but Great Britain is the biggest. 

 'The United Kingdom of Great Britain' (to which you refer in your AoU) just has, well, too many words. The words 'Great Britain' are in there, I'll admit, but by default it excludes every other island in the British Isles. 

Shit. Spelled dinosaur wrong. And 'itself'. 

Edited by oldbitterandgrumpy
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7 hours ago, Big Rider said:

He doesn't stray into the toxic orange swamp like his fellow bears (looking at you DAFty).

I see I've been mentioned.  The toxic orange swamp only interests me to the extent that it poisons the reputation of the club to nobody's benefit, except perhaps to give a rather sad sense of identity to folk that I wouldn't send for a loaf. I could very happily live without both the swamp and its idiotic dwellers.  They add nothing to the game and only damage the club's reputation when they get out volume 1 of the "Bygone Days of Yore Songbook" . 

So, yes, I'm still content, even after the shitshow against Hibs,  to confirm that I happily remain a member of small but select band of nationalist, republican and atheist fans of Rangers. 

(What is it with Morelos, btw?  When he's playing well, he has a coupon on him like a bulldog chewing a wasp.  When he gets sent off, he's grinning like a mad thing. Arse. I don't care how good he thinks he is; he's eff all use sitting in the stand.)

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26 minutes ago, Salt n Vinegar said:

I see I've been mentioned.  The toxic orange swamp only interests me to the extent that it poisons the reputation of the club to nobody's benefit, except perhaps to give a rather sad sense of identity to folk that I wouldn't send for a loaf. I could very happily live without both the swamp and its idiotic dwellers.  They add nothing to the game and only damage the club's reputation when they get out volume 1 of the "Bygone Days of Yore Songbook" . 

So, yes, I'm still content, even after the shitshow against Hibs,  to confirm that I happily remain a member of small but select band of nationalist, republican and atheist fans of Rangers. 

(What is it with Morelos, btw?  When he's playing well, he has a coupon on him like a bulldog chewing a wasp.  When he gets sent off, he's grinning like a mad thing. Arse. I don't care how good he thinks he is; he's eff all use sitting in the stand.)


I remember a time when the Ranger support provided the bulk of the tartan army and was fervently Scottish. How times change eh.

I admire you sticking with it......but it may well be a losing battle against a very vocal bunch of bigots who have hijacked and politicized a large segment of the support.

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1 hour ago, Snafu said:

Wow! are you alright?

I think you missed out the bit about your dotting aliases and how you use them to up vote yourself up and downvote other posters.

I don't have a problem with aliases as far as I'm concerned you can have as many as you like, its how you use them. Its down to the forum to deal with misuse in that way.

My view on dotting aliases is more of a moral thing. I see up voting yourself as being dishonest, having a lack of personal integrity, you are not owning or taking responsibility for your own posts, your own points of view and it reflects negatively on everything else you say. If someone expresses their dislike for a post by red dotting it then it is what it is, not everyone has to agree with you its up to you to make that point convincing, stand by what you say and do it with honesty and integrity. When you dot yourself up, you ruin it for yourself no one else. When you use dotting aliases to down vote other posters then that is scumbag behaviour.

Your performance yesterday was quite telling, seriously stop greeting about my retaliation and move on ffs. Its jarring on the other posters who read it.

We all want to be better people today than yesterday.

I do not have more than one alias, and it was you who abused the dotting system, choosing to log in at ridiculous times to red dot my posts, as well as roping in others to do the same.

Truly bizarre behaviour, but it’s entirely up to you how you conduct yourself.

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9 hours ago, git-intae-thum said:


I remember a time when the Ranger support provided the bulk of the tartan army and was fervently Scottish. How times change eh.

I admire you sticking with it......but it may well be a losing battle against a very vocal bunch of bigots who have hijacked and politicized a large segment of the support.

Without wishing to come across as the old git in the corner, mumbling about the days when everything cost a penny and was made of wood, the old covered terracing at Hampden was THE place to be for internationals. The dust and piss cloud that poured out after a goal was a sight to behold.  😁

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I’m kinda disappointed we are not hearing a deal positive case for remaining within the union

I just don’t think, “Scotland isn’t a real country and know your place jocks” is much of a vote winner up here

Bootlickers and English gammons love it mind you 

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12 minutes ago, Clown Job said:

I’m kinda disappointed we are not hearing a deal positive case for remaining within the union

I just don’t think, “Scotland isn’t a real country and know your place jocks” is much of a vote winner up here

Bootlickers and English gammons love it mind you 

C’mon now, be serious.  There is no argument for Scotland remaining part of this shit show.  In 2014 there was a good case for Independence, that’s why the YES vote shot up from about 26% to 45% despite the scare stories, lies and false promises.

The case now is indisputable that’s why the NO side are left with nothing but smears, put downs and, yeah, more scare stories.


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15 minutes ago, Clown Job said:

I’m kinda disappointed we are not hearing a deal positive case for remaining within the union

I just don’t think, “Scotland isn’t a real country and know your place jocks” is much of a vote winner up here

Bootlickers and English gammons love it mind you 

No need to.

Perfectly happy within our country of UK, GB, call it what you will. with the status quo.

Any case that has to be made has to come from the separatists.

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I’m kinda disappointed we are not hearing a deal positive case for remaining within the union
I just don’t think, “Scotland isn’t a real country and know your place jocks” is much of a vote winner up here
Bootlickers and English gammons love it mind you 
That and the Lord Frost take that us walking would be an embarrassment for rUK. All very compelling stuff.
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