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When will indyref2 happen?



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8 minutes ago, Fletcher23 said:

Which would be worse if we were independent.

So on one hand you say we are financially better off as part of the UK.  Then you say that we have a massive deficit as part of the UK. Then you say that our UK generated deficit will be worse when we achieve independence.

C'mon man, you're all over the place here.

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The UK is one of the richest nations on earth but also one of the most unequal. We have Trillions being laundered through The City of London and less than a mile away children hungry and suffering from poverty diseases like rickets and malnutrition.

Our statutory sick pay and state pension is a fucking disgrace, while we are enormously resource rich, educated and ideally geographical located.

The UKs infrastructure is a total embarrassment from transport to water and sewerage to power production and storage, largely as a result of privatisation that in a non joke country, would be correctly labelled as grift and corruption. 

What passes for democracy in this daft archipelago is almost entirely unrepresentative, contains actual fucking Barons enobled for life for wee favours to pass actual fucking legislation and the key electoral system is such a nonsense the only other place in Europe that uses it is that bastion of progressiveness Belarus. 

The UK is a fucking midden. A shambles. A disgusting, rank, sordid place where kids go hungry and the old and infirm die alone and in pain. When there would be oceans of cash available to solve these awful things were the wealth of these Glorious Sceptred Isles not continually emptied into the pockets of c***s. c***s who have the depleted uranium tungsten coated brass alloy neck to call the British people lazy. 

I say this with the zeal and fervour of a convert. I've toasted the Queen many times, had a union Jack phone cover and honestly believed that a collection of different peoples and nations could be more than the just the sum of its parts.

In theory perhaps this is possible but not in practice. In practice the UK is a shitehouse, governed exclusively by and for the benefit of c***s. And it can get itself directly and firmly to f**k as soon as fucking possible please. 

Edited by williemillersmoustache
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14 minutes ago, Big Rider said:

So on one hand you say we are financially better off as part of the UK.  Then you say that we have a massive deficit as part of the UK. Then you say that our UK generated deficit will be worse when we achieve independence.

C'mon man, you're all over the place here.

Not at all. Yea, Scotland has a big deficit just now but if we were independent it would be a lot worse. 

We also have the backing of the Union which we wouldn't have if independent.

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3 minutes ago, Fletcher23 said:

Not at all. Yea, Scotland has a big deficit just now but if we were independent it would be a lot worse. 

We also have the backing of the Union which we wouldn't have if independent.

Sorry, you are all over the place here. I've summarised your previous statements to demonstrate this.

Have you done any research on the Scottish (Welsh and NI) supposed deficit ? Its been well covered on here before.

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4 minutes ago, Big Rider said:

Sorry, you are all over the place here. I've summarised your previous statements to demonstrate this.

Have you done any research on the Scottish (Welsh and NI) supposed deficit ? Its been well covered on here before.

If you disagree with what he says, then could you not just counter it with facts?

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20 minutes ago, Fletcher23 said:

We do our research Snafu that's why we know being independent would cause years of austerity, worse than it is just now. 

Um - Brexit Britain’s independent future is not, was not, and will never be based on “research”. Choosing to be part of it is choosing to believe in a blank cheque promised by spivs - not basing anything on “our research”.

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54 minutes ago, Duries Air Freshener said:

If you disagree with what he says, then could you not just counter it with facts?

Wow. Is that how it works?

Like all the facts that Fletcher23 has provided to back up his claims?

All the facts in the world could be presented to Fletcher23 countering his claims only for him to say he disagrees coz he loves being British or something.

I think we all know how this pans out.

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4 minutes ago, Big Rider said:

Wow. Is that how it works?

Like all the facts that Fletcher23 has provided to back up his claims?

All the facts in the world could be presented to Fletcher23 countering his claims only for him to say he disagrees coz he loves being British or something.

I think we all know how this pans out.

There was a Tory in the Scottish Parliament who used to preface his opinion with "the fact of the matter is..."  That was then followed by what was, at best, an assertion.  Maybe he's now on P&B? 

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2 hours ago, Big Rider said:

You've just said "Scotland has a deficit of 23.8%, 36.3 billion pounds". 🤣


According to GERS he's almost correct.  It's slightly worse than that at £36.9bn.

https://www.gov.scot/news/government-expenditure-revenue-scotland-2020-21/#:~:text=Net Fiscal Balance 2020-21&text=Including an illustrative geographic share,GDP (£36.9 billion).

Looking at the date there must be an updated report due soon I would imagine.

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27 minutes ago, Big Rider said:

Wow. Is that how it works?

Like all the facts that Fletcher23 has provided to back up his claims?

All the facts in the world could be presented to Fletcher23 countering his claims only for him to say he disagrees coz he loves being British or something.

I think we all know how this pans out.

It’s entirely up to you mate.  It was just a suggestion.

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2 hours ago, Fletcher23 said:

Do you think the time is right for another referendum with all that is happening just now?

I've either heard and read that comment so many times from the tory media and print press.

Obviously you don't think the time is right, fair enough that's your opinion.

So from that, when do you think is the right time??

Could your answer be never?

Since 2010 the tories, (and Lib Dem's) have cut council and social benefit budgets and created an austerity akin to war rationing, meanwhile taxes were cut which only really benefitted the rich plus Companies began to make massive profits, nothing of this was ever passed down to the general working population, and now you have strikes all over the place due to tory wage restarints over the years, even Barristers are striking. All this and the forthcoming recession lie with the Tories and yet hardly a newspaper mentions the cause preferring to belittle and villainise the trade union leaders, imagine if this was a Labour Government the media would be up in arms.

And Liz Truss has the fuckin audicity to say that it is our fault as we don't work hard enough and she wants to cut the legal rights of Trade Unions, guess who that will benefit.

So for me it is YES this is the right time for a referendum so we can rid ourselves of this corrupt and fraudulent living in the past Westminster and all of the shite we have endured under the scum tories.

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2 hours ago, Fletcher23 said:

Which would be worse if we were independent.

So fuckin what, Ireland had nothing when they fecked them off, no oil or natural resources, but wanted their freedom, or do you prefer being chained to westminster and all the shite that that brings.

Your great grandchildren will be asking what happened to our oil billions and asking why Norway is so very rich.

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Someone mentioned the Gers report I believe there is one due this week that will show Scotland and Wales are El skinto as per usual.The failed statelet might also show they are also El skinto since the shinners are in power now 

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1 hour ago, Fletcher23 said:

Not at all. Yea, Scotland has a big deficit just now but if we were independent it would be a lot worse. 

We also have the backing of the Union which we wouldn't have if independent.

We never ever had the backing of the Union.

Not that long ago Genocide was carried out here in the Highlands in the name of the westminster government and king, houses were burned to the ground, men women and children were murdered and many starved as their crops were burned and livestock stolen of slaughtered.

It's only in recent times that the Highlands have recovered from scraping an existence.

Thats the 'fuckin backing of the union' the Highlanders endured.

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