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When will indyref2 happen?



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Positively my last word on these particular issues (seriously, and yes, I know..)before @lichtgilphead spouts his utter dung again. Honestly, if the SNP came round and burned his house down, he would be on saying 'at least they used the right matches'

Let's see what the election result actually is.

Attainment Gap..has it widened?..Yes..here are a heck of a lot of folk telling lies though:








Convener of the Education, Children and Young People Committee, (of the Scottish Parliament) said:

'However, in our report, we have noted Audit Scotland’s conclusion that there has been limited progress on closing the poverty-related attainment gap and that inequalities have been worsened by Covid-19.'



There are already quotes from both Yousaf and Robertson above celebrating doing business with both regimes in the past few months..both have been cited as we know for genocide and the point remains that's its pot and Kettle for the SNP to criticise Labour over Israel while doing this.

Police Scotland

I'm not clear if it's considered a 'lie' (I assume it is) given its 'disinformation' that the former Chief Exec has been charged, and that investigations remain ongoing against other figures. I don't think we need an Internet trawl to find that. It's a heck of a Conspiracy to accuse the National Police force of 'lying' though.

Private Provision of Healthcare


'SNP health minister Neil Gray stated as part of an interview on ITV’s Representing Border that he would not rule out and “would be happy to consider” more private provision in a fully devolved Scottish NHS'


Of course, you can continue to dismiss any source which doesn't cheerlead the SNP as lies, but again, that's an awful lot of folk who are simply making things up.


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Attainment Gap

Jedi's original piece of nonsense was that the attainment gap has gone up.

I responded, stating that the December 2023 figures stated that the gap has reduced since the previous figures from 2018/19 (pre-pandemic). These were the latest figures I could find

His latest set of links relate to:

  • attainment gaps in 2022
  • attainment gaps in 2017
  • The main focus of the article is the Pisa primary school figures from 2023 . The only mention of the attainment gap (relating to primary education only)confirms my figures above. 20.5% in 2022/23 is less than 20.7% in 2018/19
  • attainment gaps in 2021
  • attainment gaps in 2021. Complaint is that they are not falling quickly enough!
  • 2023 attainment gap figures quoted (hurrah!) but first line of report is "The attainment gap between pupils from the most and least deprived areas of Scotland remains considerable, despite some narrowing post-pandemic." (my emphasis)., To be fair, however, it does provide one statistic that shows an increase in the numeracy gap for secondary pupils, but this is more than made up for by drops in the gap elsewhere
  • 2023 figures used, but "these results show that the gap in attainment levels between the least and most deprived areas remains narrower than it was in 2019.” - just like I said
  • attainment gaps in 2022

Historical papers from 2017-2022 cannot confirm the attainment gap today. The three links from 2023 all confirm that the gap has reduced.

Thanks for comprehensively confirming my original point, Jedi.

Police Scotland

Ah, so Jedi was referring to the report currently with the Procurator Fiscal against Peter Murrell. How in f*ck was anyone meant to guess that from the two words "Police Scotland"?

I would point out that if Murrell is guilty, it's my money he's embezzled, not Jedi's. However, as the matter is sub judice, and no-one has been found guilty of anything to date, it's not a matter for debate on a public forum (yet!)

Other matters

As far as I can see, there's nothing new in the rest of his rant. I stand by my previous criticisms.


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5 hours ago, BFTD said:

We have to take one for the team here. They'd be doing this to their families otherwise.

Good point. Linda can relax tonight knowing she won't have to provide sources for any statements/opinions she may come out with. 

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Just to pipe in, education in Scotland is outstanding.

I used to moan and groan but, having worked in other countries, Scottish education is light years ahead of anywhere else I’ve seen. That’s in terms of subject choice and the options open to kids from poorer backgrounds.

In Australia, for example, if you’re going to a public school then many of them won’t even offer a Maths course that studies Calculus of any kind (because, as a poor person, you’re too thick to understand it). Also, if you want to study maths in your last 2 years at school to a level beyond changing from 12 to 24 hour time, you need to fork our $400 on a graphics calculator (60-70% of senior kids in Australian school will be doing work that is primary level in Scotland).

Not that I’m particularly praising the SNP for this. I think it’s down to the teachers and the political party in charge makes almost no difference (besides keeping university education free, which the SNP definitely deserve praise for).

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There's a lot of simplistic pish posted about the attainment gap.

The reality is that what happens in schools scratches the surface - that other factors, such as deprivation, the Covid lockdown, the cost of living crisis etc, have had a much greater impact on attainment. 

That's not to say schools don't have responsibility - but that the issue is far more complex than politicians make out.

You are right in one sense regards the effect of politicians on education policy - it doesn't matter who is elected, the people driving the policy are the unelected educational "experts" - and they won't change no matter who is elected. Othrr parties might claim their policies are significantly different from the SNP - but the reality is that they are all pretty much singing off the same hymn sheet.


Edited by DeeTillEhDeh
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  • 4 weeks later...
On 01/07/2015 at 22:57, Lex said:


My page one prediction over nine years ago looking solid. 
Every other prediction in the early pages has already been proven wrong 😂

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Posted (edited)
6 minutes ago, Stellaboz said:

It won't even come close to happening again until there is a popular figurehead at the front of the campaign. Sadly, nowadays without one its going nowhere.

Pretty much this .I like John Swinney in an approachable assistant head teacher sort of way ,however,revolutionary/charisma heavy figure head he ain't.

Edited by I Clavdivs
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