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When will indyref2 happen?



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8 hours ago, sophia said:

The question was on EU voting rights, not the Euro.


Scotland, like Sweden will be accepted.

Scotland, like Croatia won't be required to adopt the Euro.

Anyone arguing to the contrary is doing so from a novel position.

Is DPB J.K. Rowling?

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4 minutes ago, SouthLanarkshireWhite said:

You are quite right.

I was always told as a child, stay away from the fire, don't cross the main road and never, ever engage with a Nationalist (of any kind). They are small-minded, inward-looking and xenophobic. 

Have a good day 

A shame they’re running the UK and you can’t get enough of them. Given you apparently didn’t pay any attention to that childhood lesson, I’m assuming by now you’ve also become an arsonist and spend your time playing chicken with HGVs.








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So just a matter of degree then? We have the same number of MPs as our population suggests - did you want more? Or do you just want to live in a country where Scots are a majority? What happens when the Highlands, Islands or Borders starts to complain Edinburgh and the Central belt have too much influence & get too much?
Replies not necessary as I do realise some of you are not interested in the risks involved in breaking up the union - you just want it broken!
If you can pretend that the EU has the same power over it's members as Westminster has over Scotland, you can make any old shit up. I'm assuming you're not arguing in good faith.
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9 hours ago, Dawson Park Boy said:

I don’t really agree with that.

The EU and the euro is controlled by Germany and France to the detriment of the southern nations.

The euro exchange rate is low enough to help German and French exports but too high for Greece, Italy, Spain and Portugal.

I think I’d do some checking up into the workings of the EU before you commit Scotland to becoming involved, if indeed they accepted you.

These smaller countries have benefitted greatly from the richer larger EU members, membership has seen their economies grow considering where it was before, being of the largest trading bloc in the world has seen them attract  foreign investment, I witnessed generator testing in Tallin for a  Singapore shipyard and was impressed by how modern and efficient the factory was, on a  par with any western European establishment and in some I've visited it was in far better condition. All due to EU and  foreign investment.

Edited by SandyCromarty
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5 hours ago, GordonS said:

Yes, that was exactly what my second scenario is - the Scottish Parliament legislates for a referendum, the UK government challenges it and the Supreme Court decides. That's why is said it's inside the legislative process. 

Number 3 would be something like the SNP organising it themselves using marked-up registers. There's nothing to stop you or I holding a referendum on anything any time we like. That's what Brian Souter did 21 years ago with his "do you hate gays?" campaign.

As for simplistic - no. Just no. Ok?

I simply don't accept your reading of the difference between the two scenarios nor the way you suggest it may play out.

At the core of your point you suggested that if Johnson doesn't accept it, nobody else will. I'm not sure if Trump was accepting of recent events elsewhere so I'm not sure that the constructs of anti democratic demagogues will be seen as anything other than what it is.

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31 minutes ago, Baxter Parp said:
10 hours ago, SouthLanarkshireWhite said:
So just a matter of degree then? We have the same number of MPs as our population suggests - did you want more? Or do you just want to live in a country where Scots are a majority? What happens when the Highlands, Islands or Borders starts to complain Edinburgh and the Central belt have too much influence & get too much?
Replies not necessary as I do realise some of you are not interested in the risks involved in breaking up the union - you just want it broken!

If you can pretend that the EU has the same power over it's members as Westminster has over Scotland, you can make any old shit up. I'm assuming you're not arguing in good faith.

You need to read my post again. I said a matter of degree, not the same.  Good faith indeed.

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40 minutes ago, Antlion said:

A shame they’re running the UK and you can’t get enough of them. Given you apparently didn’t pay any attention to that childhood lesson, I’m assuming by now you’ve also become an arsonist and spend your time playing chicken with HGVs.








As an Irish Nationalist I simply cannot engage with you. We know what you do next if you can't get your own way.

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1 hour ago, SouthLanarkshireWhite said:

You are quite right.

I was always told as a child, stay away from the fire, don't cross the main road and never, ever engage with a Nationalist (of any kind). They are small-minded, inward-looking and xenophobic. 

Have a good day 


13 minutes ago, SouthLanarkshireWhite said:

As an Irish Nationalist I simply cannot engage with you.

Ah, so at some point you rejected your childhood teaching and decided to become small-minded, inward-looking, and xenophobic. Makes sense and certainly explains a lot about your constant engagement despite a repeatedly professed inability to engage.

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18 minutes ago, SouthLanarkshireWhite said:

As an Irish Nationalist I simply cannot engage with you. We know what you do next if you can't get your own way.

He'll not do anything, he spends most of the day watching cartoons, he may stalk your account to red dot all your posts to release some dopamine but that's about it. 

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4 minutes ago, Antlion said:


Ah, so at some point you rejected your childhood teaching and decided to become small-minded, inward-looking, and xenophobic. Makes sense and certainly explains a lot about your constant engagement despite a repeatedly professed inability to engage.

You are a psychologists wet dream. 

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19 minutes ago, SouthLanarkshireWhite said:

As an Irish Nationalist I simply cannot engage with you. We know what you do next if you can't get your own way.

Well now there's a leap eh? For all the aggravation on here, it's rare for anyone to imply that another poster is a terrorist. Going to be a long day. 

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1 minute ago, HTG said:

Well now there's a leap eh? For all the aggravation on here, it's rare for anyone to imply that another poster is a terrorist. Going to be a long day. 

More bizarre is that his sentence literally means that he is an Irish nationalist. I suppose, when he was a child, his parents were too busy teaching him to be a bigot (who should stop playing with matches) that there wasn’t time to teach him how to construct sentences. 

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11 minutes ago, Stormzy said:

He'll not do anything, he spends most of the day watching cartoons, he may stalk your account to red dot all your posts to release some dopamine but that's about it. 

The sooner we are all back at the football the better then. He can spend his day designing flags for the Green Brigade and researching yet more similarly downtrodden groups to attach to their cause. The Basques, Catalans and Palestinians are so out of vogue...

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4 hours ago, SouthLanarkshireWhite said:

You are quite right.

I was always told as a child, stay away from the fire, don't cross the main road and never, ever engage with a Nationalist (of any kind). They are small-minded, inward-looking and xenophobic. 

Have a good day 

Why did you come in here if you had no intention of engaging with anyone?

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4 hours ago, SouthLanarkshireWhite said:

You are quite right.

I was always told as a child, stay away from the fire, don't cross the main road and never, ever engage with a Nationalist (of any kind). They are small-minded, inward-looking and xenophobic. 

Have a good day 


Doesn't realise they are a British Nationalist type post.

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