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The Terrible Journalism & Tom English Thread

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It does beggar belief the sheer volume of these very simple, very avoidable mistakes.


One or two you can forgive as human error, but the sheer number of them suggests to me just a total apathy towards Scottish football.  Either these don't get proof read before they go out or the proof reader has no knowledge of Scottish football and thus can't spot glaring errors.


Either way it's so amateurish it's embarrassing.

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I only get to read the papers on Thursday and Sunday when I go to my parents for tea.  Since Rangers were promoted to the Premiership the 'specials' the red tops do on them is boke inducing.  8 page souvenir pullouts on Mark Warburton, spreads on Kenny Miller's hairline, how much Catholic blood Andy Halliday is waddling in etc.

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My goodness, is that a team starting brightly?

Any critique, however barbed, polite or tongue in cheek, of Scottish football has to include tripe like that. It's lazy writing.

Accuracy, or lack of, is certainly part of a big problem.

An acquaintance of mine bemoans the fact that his work on a club website was often used by broadcasters but the website - and his work - was never credited or credited properly. That's public domain for you and them's the breaks, but it also shows that journalists and pundits lack a scintilla of class when they use someone else's work. This stuff doesn't materialise out of thin air.

You should get your mate to troll the life out of these broadcasters by making up an entirely fictional sensational story on the website then deleting it as soon as they have aired it.

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Evening Times has a poll running with the headline "Who will win the Scottish Premiership next season, Celtic or Rangers"

The funny thing is, the Daily Record will be raging they were beaten to it.

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Ayr because they were fine before that

Of course not.

I just used to read their sensationalist shite and laugh

I basically decided I was part of the problem buying it so stopped.

Worryingly I know people who still believe if it's on the news or in the red tops, it must be true.

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Evening Times has a poll running with the headline "Who will win the Scottish Premiership next season, Celtic or Rangers"

The funny thing is, the Daily Record will be raging they were beaten to it.

Really? What an arselicking rag.

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attachicon.gifImageUploadedByPie & Bovril1463007885.077897.jpg

This being a Dundee team that can't finish higher than 7th....


I'd bet good money that this wasn't really written by a journalist in the traditional sense.


Someone (probably not familiar with Scottish football) writes the intro, and the rest is done by the same (or similar) program which generates live commentary for the score apps, then choice paragraphs are added by an over-worked sub to make it seem like a real match report.

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Keith Jackson on Rodgers going to Celtic.

"Scottish football is back."

f**k off you dinosaur.


Scottish journo of the year? Dear God. A Rangers fan voted for by other Rangers fans = Scottish media awards.


He must surely just be saying this stuff to wind everyone up.

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These will be the same journos who were lauding Warburton being crowned manager of the year for emulating the likes of St Mirren, Falkirk and ICT by winning a league / challenge cup double with a budget of probably double all the other clubs in the league added together. Looking a bit embarrassing for the PFA who clearly had assumed Rangers would win the Scottish Cup. Scottish football in a nutshell I'm afraid.

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