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Heart of Midlothian v St. Johnstone, 02/08/2015

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How much back patting we expecting from the Jambo happy clappers?

Seems everytime they do something they demand praise.

I've not really seen that if I'm honest.

Quite looking forward to our first game back in the league where we belong, just a year after we saved our own club, 5 months after we announced our decision to adopt the living wage for everyone at the club and the chance to show off our new charity sponsored strips.


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Hearing Hearts will be selling pies to away fans at the game.

What an outstanding club, Ann Budge is going to save Scottish football IMO.


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Heard they've even stopped singing about ****** blood in the stadium, just save that for pubs these days. #bebetterbehearts

We didn't singlehandedly win WW1 so that we couldn't sing backwards sectarian filth in the Tynie Arms, squire.

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It is no coincidence that just days after Genero Zeefuik signs for a club in Turkey that there are clashes with ISIS on the Turkish border.

We bring it to the Deutsches Heer; we bring it to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, Abu Omar al-Shishani and co.

What a club we are.

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Heard Ann Budge bought a telescope from Tesco the other night and discovered an Earth like planet, but she let NASA pretend they found it as they reminded her of her grandchildren.


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Hearts dropping 2 points at home to a village team-and the manager will be happy :lol:

Well, just, you know.......can't even respond just now tbh.

I have an ouch in my heart.

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We were electing SNP MP's when the west of Scotland were still voting for donkeys in red rosettes, tbf.

The good thing about the championship is the nothing clubs know their place.

St Johstone. Deary me. Definition of a nothing club.

I could almost let the previous comment slide, but this is taking things to far imho, disgraceful.

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Heard Ann Budge bought a telescope from Tesco the other night and discovered an Earth like planet, but she let NASA pretend they found it as they reminded her of her grandchildren.


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In the aftermath of 9/11, Anne Budge worked tirelessly for free for the New York Fire Service for the best part of a fortnight.

At the end of her last shift, Mayor Rudy Giuliani asked her name.

‘If anyone asks,' said Queen Anne, ‘just say it was Steve Buscemi.’

That woman. :bairn

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Feared as much, Spoonies beforehand, victory pints in the Polwarth afterwards. Cheers.

Planning to celebrate this time? Place was like a morgue after your Scottish Cup win despite a coachload of Saints fans coming in.

Draw or narrow Hearts win for me.

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