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Pish Adverts

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Every current advert is leaving me a seething mess. What is with every company trying to deliver churchillian speeches via adverts? The nationwide one with two roasters doing a poem about there cancelled wedding has me muting the tele

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30 minutes ago, Tartan Dave said:

Every current advert is leaving me a seething mess. What is with every company trying to deliver churchillian speeches via adverts? The nationwide one with two roasters doing a poem about there cancelled wedding has me muting the tele

Yep. Every c**t is currently out to make sales. Finding life hard because of the lockdown? We relate to your hardship! We absolutely don't, but your wallet looks positively mouthwatering, so give us your fucking money. Yay, we love the NHS too! We don't give a f**k, but we'll say anything if it gets us your fucking money. Give it to us. Now.

Cold, dead-eyed, rapacious sharks who'll use anything in the pursuit of currency.

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The St John Ambulance guy looking for charitable donations. A worthy cause, I suppose, but nowhere does it say that they don't operate in Scotland (we have the St Andrews Ambulances) so shouldn't be syphoning off our money. I remember the RSPCA getting into trouble for the same thing and having to put a caption on their adverts pointing Scots people to the SSPCA.

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The St John Ambulance guy looking for charitable donations. A worthy cause, I suppose, but nowhere does it say that they don't operate in Scotland (we have the St Andrews Ambulances) so shouldn't be syphoning off our money. I remember the RSPCA getting into trouble for the same thing and having to put a caption on their adverts pointing Scots people to the SSPCA.
The RSPCA did get some publicity about it but they still ask for (and get) donations in Scotland and until the lockdown I'm sure there were still "chuggers" in the high street trying to get folk to sign up for monthly donations. There were a few folk trying to get the law changed so that folk in Scotland who left money to the RSPCA in their will had the money go to the SSPCA instead but I don't think that worked in the end as the RSPCA argued that people who legitimately wanted them to get the money rather than the SSPCA for whatever reason would have their will changed without their permission and so on. The RSPCA adverts on TV certainly don't mention anything about it being in England and Wales only (although no doubt it'll be in the small print at the bottom of the ad). Local radio stations were playing SSPCA adverts at one point but they'll not have the same reach obviously.
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1 hour ago, Salvo Montalbano said:

The RSPCA adverts on TV certainly don't mention anything about it being in England and Wales only (although no doubt it'll be in the small print at the bottom of the ad).

Yes, that's how I understood it. I think it was the Advertising Standards people who made them do it.

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I witnessed an advert yesterday evening for Tampax which describes how a lady apply a tampon to her vagina, all done in a talk show style. I had to go scrub my eyes after it.
I saw that last night and my wife said it was far too much detail.

Anyway the adverts for Jan Stewart Pram Shop are so amateur they make me angry watching them.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Every single fcuking advert that has been made with coronavirus front and centre in it. Every last goddam one of them. It’s so bad, I’m pining for that series of utterly shite pre-coronavirus adverts that featured faux-comedy club standup comedians. Were they for Nationwide building society? 


Edited by pozbaird
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 28/04/2020 at 13:27, GordonD said:

The St John Ambulance guy looking for charitable donations. A worthy cause, I suppose, but nowhere does it say that they don't operate in Scotland (we have the St Andrews Ambulances) so shouldn't be syphoning off our money. I remember the RSPCA getting into trouble for the same thing and having to put a caption on their adverts pointing Scots people to the SSPCA.

I wouldn't give the RSPCA the steam off my dug's shite. Officious cúnts with very little legal standing* - couldn't getinto the Police, even as a PCSO or Special? Join the RSPCA and we'll give you just the costume to suit your holier than thou, officious attitude.

The organisation is more concerned with punishing people (which is actually the Police's job) than making the lives of animals better. You don't see them protesting battery farms or hunts, though. Self-important cúnts.

Sure, there's cruelty to animals out there, because - hold the front page - a lot of folks are stupid, ignorant, or cruel. Thing is, there's a fair bit of abuse handed out to our own kind too, be it kids, women or even men. Let's fix that shit first, eh?

*If you check those Ch5 style documentaries like "On the Furry Front Line" or "Doggy Liberation", there's always a copper somewhere in the background - who actually has the right to access private property - to legitimise the moral crusaders in brown an their strident demands.

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