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Clyde vs Queen's Park

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Guess Clyde will be crapping themselves at the thought of playing Brora Rangers in the play-off's now.

there is thread for the you don't want to play Brora , but let that stop you coming long to a Clyde thread ????

slow day ?

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I think Brisbane's showed a few flashes of what he's capable of, but he's going to have to cut out the poor touches and sloppy passes if he's to hold down a place in the midfield. From the programme yesterday it would appear that Durie will be rehabilitating for 8 weeks after his operation, and there's not been any news on that front yet. Could yet be out for some time, which means we can't really afford to have Mitchell in the middle. He was at fault for both goals yesterday; maybe a less defensive role would suit him. Hopefully Marko's back for next week so we can get back to the 3-5-2 which has served us well whenever we've used it. Would give us some width, which we really lacked yesterday.

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And so it came to pass that on the eighth day Barry’s naivety was betrayed by his team-selection and tactics.

On his knees at home that evening he beseeched God: “Wha’s like us?”.

And Gus MacPherson replied: “A fair few, and they’ll no’ make the play-offs”.

But enough of this droll, home-spun humour…

A sound general principle to analyse football matches with is this: treat the evidence of the first half-hour with suspicion. There is no reason why that principle ought not to apply here. And so, if one is a Clyde man, one has much to rue.

Another sound general principle to analyse football matches with is this: treat the evidence of a season-opener with suspicion. The midfield diamond tried by Clyde was a repeated ploy of course. It enjoyed some success last week, though in different circumstances (a smaller pitch, a more highly-charged match, a match partially against ten men - and a match which Clyde were lucky to win). A wiser manager would’ve anticipated the failure of its repetition.

If the good-ship Scott McLaughlin is to stay afloat in midfield it’ll need a tug or two alongside it. The old boy has finesse: a good touch, sight and range of passing. But he drags like a tractor. He and Sean Higgins are very similar players – the latter being the sprightlier. Asking one to hold and the other to drive is fair enough in principle. But, from a tactical point-of-view, leaves an important question unanswered: who’s the ball winner? Neither player is used to or suitable for that job. Their partnership is therefore one which ought not to be retried.

Steven Brisbane. Deary me: there isn’t even the ghost of a player there. And Scott Ferguson warms the bench in his stead!? Like his flipside, David Marsh, he watched the ball way too much. And as a result became drawn into the middle of the park. The inefficacy of McLaughlin and Higgins lets him off the hook a wee bit on that charge, but he still gets the jail.

I’m sure Marsh could do a job on the wing if there was an anchoring midfielder inside of him, keeping Clyde high up the pitch. There wasn’t yesterday though. And with a defender like Mitchell behind him, on as big a pitch as Broadwood is, Clyde’s right-hand-side will be, and was yesterday, a red-carpet. The only defence one could make of Mitchell is that, before selling each goal, he was looking for a safe pass that didn’t present itself. Of course, an experienced full-back would’ve tidied up in the same circumstances no bother.

Campbell and Gormley don’t complement each other at all well: they duplicate each other’s runs, the make the same kind of run, and neither player much-fancies coming deep between the lines to link play up. Not a conducive pairing. They conspired, along with the silence of Brisbane, to confine our attacks to one side of the pitch.

Sean Higgins is wasted where he is. He’d be a better partner for Campbell with Gormley down one flank and Ferguson down the other. We’d be more likely to see genuine width in those circumstances. Hugh Murray must play. Brisbane must not. Scott McLaughlin’s a player on the way out, in my view. Whether we can carry him in the middle of the pitch, well. I take leave to doubt it. Mark McLaughlin’s obviously preferable to Smith alongside Michael Bolochoweckyj. In fact I’d have MacQueen or Marsh in there before him, notwithstanding the transformation those two have underwent. Smith kicks and heads with the best. But his movement and use of the ball is very poor. Bolochoweckyj and Linton would be the only two to ‘pass’ yesterday, if it were a test.

A gracious word for QP: they worked the space between our midfield and defence really well. Especially so between their number ten and their number seven.

Roll on another sermon.

Marvelously articulate and entertaining way to say that your team was gash *applauds*

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I think Brisbane's showed a few flashes of what he's capable of, but he's going to have to cut out the poor touches and sloppy passes if he's to hold down a place in the midfield. From the programme yesterday it would appear that Durie will be rehabilitating for 8 weeks after his operation, and there's not been any news on that front yet. Could yet be out for some time, which means we can't really afford to have Mitchell in the middle. He was at fault for both goals yesterday; maybe a less defensive role would suit him. Hopefully Marko's back for next week so we can get back to the 3-5-2 which has served us well whenever we've used it. Would give us some width, which we really lacked yesterday.

Agree with most of this, also think Gibson should have done much better at first goal, thought it at the time, highlights confirm. Vital goal to loose.

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Agree with most of this, also think Gibson should have done much better at first goal, thought it at the time, highlights confirm. Vital goal to loose.

looking at the highlights he could have done better , but harsh if the defeat was blamed on goalie

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poor goals to conceed but looked like ones that can be preventable ... Poor defensive clearance, shout for time could have helped out. Like the second goal, poor defending. Was not at game but looked like poor tracking back from midfielders. I think gk could maybe have done better with first goal also.

Hopefully Campbell(9)? starts putting those chances away like that volley he skied over the bar.

If we can score more goals we should be sound.

Mon The Bully

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not often I have to agree with you, but on this occasion I do........ nearly reaching the Premier League and knocking Celtic out the cup were fantastic achievements and deserve to be lauded..........likewise I do hope you'll have the good grace to acknowledge our day in the sun just a few years ago when we knocked Aberdeen out the League Cup (or are you going to use the "Aberdeen were mediocre shite" get-out clause?)
not often I have to agree with you, but on this occasion I do........ nearly reaching the Premier League and knocking Celtic out the cup were fantastic achievements and deserve to be lauded..........likewise I do hope you'll have the good grace to acknowledge our day in the sun just a few years ago when we knocked Aberdeen out the League Cup (or are you going to use the "Aberdeen were mediocre shite" get-out clause?)
Absolute shite. No one has to 'laud' anything.....why would one very rare ray of sunshine (until we came along) even require acknowledgement from anyone other than yourselves?? I'm.dissapointed in the Clyde fans who actually give a f**k what anyone thinks of us or our place in the game...let the babies have their bottle if all they cling to is one measly triumph.....until, as i say, we turned up.
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Absolute shite. No one has to 'laud' anything.....why would one very rare ray of sunshine (until we came along) even require acknowledgement from anyone other than yourselves?? I'm.dissapointed in the Clyde fans who actually give a f**k what anyone thinks of us or our place in the game...let the babies have their bottle if all they cling to is one measly triumph.....until, as i say, we turned up.

time you put another record on old chap......this "no-one likes us - we don't care" pish is tiresomely similar to the nonsense your big team has been spouting ad nauseum for longer than I care to remember

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Only room for one big team Daphne, and it's the only one that's ever been from Brigton...... Anyhoo, form is temporary......i expect when we eventually get our act together, then, you'll be among the first to congratulate us on a succesful turnaround.....will you bollocks. And neither should you.....i'd lose any shred of respect i had for anyone who suddenly changes their mind JUST because their object of ire acheived something. Seems a bit crawling, if you ask me, particularly when people of lower-league persuasion view success and ambition with suspicion. I couldn't give a f**k if you beat Real Madrid, let alone Aberdeen.....neither do i care whether or not you rated us when the statistics clearly had more to say than anyone about our performances. Do you doff your cap to the heroes of 2007 because of one not-completely-shite result?? Fair enough if you do, you'll already be a certified weirdo for being a KweePee anyway, but it takes more than a flash in the pan to impress myself and most Clyde supporters. Hated and rated. Roon ye.

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Only room for one big team Daphne, and it's the only one that's ever been from Brigton...... Anyhoo, form is temporary......i expect when we eventually get our act together, then, you'll be among the first to congratulate us on a succesful turnaround.....will you bollocks. And neither should you.....i'd lose any shred of respect i had for anyone who suddenly changes their mind JUST because their object of ire acheived something. Seems a bit crawling, if you ask me, particularly when people of lower-league persuasion view success and ambition with suspicion. I couldn't give a f**k if you beat Real Madrid, let alone Aberdeen.....neither do i care whether or not you rated us when the statistics clearly had more to say than anyone about our performances. Do you doff your cap to the heroes of 2007 because of one not-completely-shite result?? Fair enough if you do, you'll already be a certified weirdo for being a KweePee anyway, but it takes more than a flash in the pan to impress myself and most Clyde supporters. Hated and rated. Roon ye.

Heid's gone. ^^^

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when you know the world is round, why bother shouting from the rooftops that it's flat - in your world, seeing an opponent's point of view is a weakness to be stamped on from a great height, in mine it's evolutionary progress........I can see that your neanderthal security blanket continues to comfort you, but you really should have outgrown it by now

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