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I've said this elsewhere on social media, while Djokovic (at least for now) has "won" his case, it is a textbook pyrrhic victory.

Either he, or the Serbian government, lied about him contracting covid, or he is a complete fucking shit for going maskless and in close proximity to young kids just days after his diagnosis.

I've not checked back to see if this has been mentioned but did anyone catch his father's rant? Lordy me, what an absolute moon unit that man is. Part nationalistic rant (always good to hear in the Balkans considering Serbia's history) and part canonising his son, with parallels to Jesus. It's an absolute doozy and shows there is something "not quite right" with his father.

I mean, of course, this is all classic anti-vaxx nonsense. Intensely selfish people assuming they are the main character, somehow abused and oppressed, when the simple fact is they are deluded and possibly mentally ill.


I would love people to get a load of drones and drop masks over the court he plays on.



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Emma Radacanu was routinely beaten 6-0 6-1 by Rybakina who is in exceptional form so far this year making the final last week and losing only to Ash Barty.  Difficult time for Emma recovering from COVID and having to deal with the pressures of being a Slam Champion when she hasn’t been a professional long.

I still think Australia will attempt to cancel the permit of Novak Djokovic one more time.  I would say the delay is occurring as they want to ensure that it meets the threshold of legality needed to stand up in court, and/or they are waiting just enough time to ensure he can’t play the Australian Open by failing to take court.

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Raducanu to get papped out in the 1st round of the AO is an absolute NAP

Novak playing, getting booed to f**k & losing in the 1st round would be the best result at this point - or him testing + the day before the tournament starts.

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4 hours ago, Ric said:

I've said this elsewhere on social media, while Djokovic (at least for now) has "won" his case, it is a textbook pyrrhic victory.

Either he, or the Serbian government, lied about him contracting covid, or he is a complete fucking shit for going maskless and in close proximity to young kids just days after his diagnosis.

I've not checked back to see if this has been mentioned but did anyone catch his father's rant? Lordy me, what an absolute moon unit that man is. Part nationalistic rant (always good to hear in the Balkans considering Serbia's history) and part canonising his son, with parallels to Jesus. It's an absolute doozy and shows there is something "not quite right" with his father.

I mean, of course, this is all classic anti-vaxx nonsense. Intensely selfish people assuming they are the main character, somehow abused and oppressed, when the simple fact is they are deluded and possibly mentally ill.


I would love people to get a load of drones and drop masks over the court he plays on.

It's really not a pyrrhic victory at all because the Australian government contrived to make a rip-roaring c**t of itself and Djokovic gets to play the tournament. If he wins it to break the GS record, then not one single f**k will be given in either Serbia or indeed the history books for all the current claptrap about being at an event in December while 'positive' and *gasp* not even wearing a mask! With children there too!

Personally I'd rather not have Djokovic being the one to demolish all this safety theatre as he's clearly an arsehole on principle. But it is turning into a pretty comprehensive W for him and a thumping L for both the public health psycho brigade and the grubby, incompetent racists running Australia. Which is nice. 

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Dad, can you just stfu for a minute, you're not helping!


“Autocracy has shown its true face today. Contrary to the decision of the independent court of Australia, dictator Scott ordered the arrest of my son, your world champion, Novak Djokovic, and deportation, banning him from entering the country for three long years,” Srđan Đoković said. “The court showed that law exists in Australia, but Scott dared to take justice into his own hands.

“I call on the Queen of Britain, Elizabeth, the leader of the Commonwealth, to intervene and protect the human rights of my son Novak Djokovic and to stop the political prosecution that has been carried out against him since he came to Australia,” Mr Djokovic said. “I call on all Australians and the whole world to raise their voice against terror, and the brutal human rights violations of the world’s best tennis player.

“Australia has become a dystopia, a mockery of the free world, they treat Novak Djokovic, my son, your world champion, as a political prisoner. As a terrorist in Guantanamo Bay. They deprive him of the right to play, to individuality, to freedom of opinion,” he said. “But I publicly claim: Political beasts will not break it! The whole world can now see a fake democracy led by one Scott.

“Novak is treated by the Australian government as an enemy of the state, not the best tennis player in the world who has always helped Australia with his donations in philanthropy. He is treated by ethnic racists as a lower-class citizen,” he said. “The truth has come to light, Australia is run by political criminals who do not respect individual rights or court decisions. They do not respect the decisions of their court, they do not respect their legal system.

“As of today, Australia is a banana republic and my son took the cross to go down in history as Spartacus standing on the last line of defence of freedom.

“I call on all non-governmental organisations around the world and all people of good will who believe in justice and democracy, as well as the Queen of Great Britain, to get involved and protect Novak Djokovic from the torture against him.



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11 hours ago, virginton said:

It's really not a pyrrhic victory at all because the Australian government contrived to make a rip-roaring c**t of itself and Djokovic gets to play the tournament.

It absolutely is, and It seems you are making a false dichotomy here in an attempt to support that position. The fact that the Aus government made a c**t of things isn't mutually exclusive to Djokovic being a c**t.

The victory is Djokovic's success in court, but doing so has opened himself to far greater scrutiny, scrutiny which has caused him to come out and admit he had lied on his form regarding his movements.

However, you just carry on dismissing the actions of a lying anti-vaxxer, one who intentionally put people's lives at risk. Your traditional cantankerous nature cannot paper over the cracks of your arrogance on this one.

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8 minutes ago, Ric said:

The victory is Djokovic's success in court, but doing so has opened himself to far greater scrutiny, scrutiny which has caused him to come out and admit he had lied on his form regarding his movements.

I see he is of course blaming his agent for that, and also dismissing the tweets of him attending various events post-positive test as misinformation.

He's a weapons-grade c**t, as is his nutjob father. Deportation and three year ban please and thank you. 

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26 minutes ago, Day of the Lords said:

I see he is of course blaming his agent for that, and also dismissing the tweets of him attending various events post-positive test as misinformation.

He's a weapons-grade c**t, as is his nutjob father. Deportation and three year ban please and thank you. 

You mean a lying anti-vaxxer is a lying anti-vaxxer.. :o ..?



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2 hours ago, Ric said:

It absolutely is, and It seems you are making a false dichotomy here in an attempt to support that position. The fact that the Aus government made a c**t of things isn't mutually exclusive to Djokovic being a c**t.

A pyrrhic victory considers only the outcome of the event champ, so your personal vitriol towards the player is irrelevant. Does Djokovic get what he wants? The answer is a highly likely 'yes', thanks to the bungling of a psycho government. 


The victory is Djokovic's success in court, but doing so has opened himself to far greater scrutiny, scrutiny which has caused him to come out and admit he had lied on his form regarding his movements.

Which is still not relevant to Djokovic getting what he wants - which is to play and win a GS tournament.

That he ultimately smashed through a barrage of safety theatre with (oh no!) lies about his movements is irrelevant to this. So your claim that this is a pyrrhic victory is nonsense, because the entire brood of Djokovics could not give a toss about your blubbering. 


However, you just carry on dismissing the actions of a lying anti-vaxxer, one who intentionally put people's lives at risk. Your traditional cantankerous nature cannot paper over the cracks of your arrogance on this one.

Whose lives were specifically put at risk by a shan cold that Djokovic has already caught before anyway? This is total, Helen Lovejoy nonsense. And of course, if a court of law agreed that Djokovic posed a threat to Australian public health, he wouldn't still be there now. But they didn't, and so he stayed. 

The reality is that the safety theatre of international travel restrictions is 1) utterly irrelevant in controlling an airborne virus 2) pointlessly draconian and 3) openly racist in the form of 'Fortress Australia' as well as the temporary travel ban slapped on southern Africa alone but no European countries at the end of 2021. The illiberal actions of multiple psycho governments in the West on this point are shameful. 

That it was Djokovic who drove a coach and horses through that nonsense is far from ideal but the outcome is still welcome. In a fight between the fiat of a systematically racist, illiberal and incompetent regime and the rights of an individual though, I'm on the side of the individual. Whether he takes a vaccine or not is irrelevant to this. 

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4 minutes ago, virginton said:

Whose lives were specifically put at risk by a shan cold that Djokovic has already caught before anyway?


Deary me.

A complete minter of a post. You have nailed your colours to the mast (or should that be mask) with that comment alone. With rhetoric like that I can only conclude you are also a lying anti-vaxxer, and one who probably picks up their information from some Facebook echo chamber.

I have no need to fall into some petty argument with someone who shows such scant regard for others.



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That'll be a 'you're right, it isn't a pyrrhic victory at all' climbdown, wrapped in your usual face-saving device of wild, swing and a miss personal assertions. Thanks for playing anyway. 

No doubt the regular tennis posters will be relieved to not have the utterly tenuous number of deaths Djokovic is single-handedly responsible for being laid out in future posts. 

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The WHO: "This is a global pandemic killing millions"
Some random unqualified anti-vaxxer buffoon on the Internet: "Nah, man, it's just a shan cold"



Now, as this is a tennis thread, and I have nothing to say about tennis, I'll leave other people to decide just who is right on that matter.

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