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The Mattydfc Awards 2015


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...says Cardinal Richelieu ?!

C'est moi.

Heh, I can't really remember most of the roaster posters on this forum. My top 5 (potential names tantalisingly withheld) are probably going to be the 5 people who post on this thread the most often.

So you're safe for now :)

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My five:

1. 8Mile - I wasn't even going to bother nominating him, as he hasn't been as dreadful lately. Or so I thought. However, the work of fantasy re Rugster and MUSTREPLYTOEVERYTHING sees the toley-throwing buffoon straight in at the top. Being a junior thicko with Rangers as his big team is simply the icing on a frankly terrible cake.

2. WaffenThinMint - I haven't seen as much of his work this year, so he must be confining himself to the Juniors (thankfully). However, he's undoubtedly the creepiest poster on the forum and posts in the style of a greasy, middle-aged man in a bit of a rush to get back down to the basement and torture his trussed-up victim. Also, has a tragic habit of posting made up "inside info" on virtually any given subject.

3. The Kincardine - Clearly a barely-functioning alcoholic who spends his life checking how many people are laughing at Rangers at any given moment (hint - usually a lot). Seems to see himself as some sort of spokesman for P&B's Sevconian support on the basis that he's one of the few that can string a fucking sentence together. Loses further credibility for laughable previous defences of the Orange Order and use of 1950s "weegie" banter such as "Haw!"

4. H_B - An utterly dismal troll, who seems to have been really badly affected by Supras's banning and now goes through spells of spamming the political threads absolutely desperate for an argument with someone, ANYONE. His trolling of Eric Joyce remains his only worthwhile contribution on here, and the bait of the last few months just reeks of desperation. A dreadful poster who wasn't always so.

5. RedRob72 - If you were to sit down and create the archetypal Rangers fan on here, you'd create RedRob - an utterly deferential loser, white van man-type who doesn't like people with Irishy-sound names. There are few more cringeworthy things in life than thick c***s who call you "mate". Terrible.

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He's losing interest in the Politics forum as hardly anyone takes him seriously now. Probably using all his bandwidth looking for Supras's home address.

Or been arrested under operation Yewtree

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1. 8mile - no explanation really needed.

2. Quitongo's Left Peg - a faux-intellectual fantasist.

3. The_Kincardine - a man enraged by asterisks is no man at all.

4. Weeperdee - perennial attention seeker.

5. lithgyjambo - thinks children are sexy. Avoid.

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I reckon I'm a bit of a dark horse & whilst Milesy has been proving more popular with the outies, I reckon I'm getting more of the deserving clandestine votes. I'm looking for a podium finish. Utter seethe if not & I will be demanding a recount with a total heads gone rant.


Eta would it be cheating to throw in a vote for myself?

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