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Good auld Dennis

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Brilliant kids can't play football on streets actually heard a woman on Clyde super score board other night that the council closed down a 4g football pitch where all the young kids trained because residents were complaining of the noise kids were making no wonder Scotland can't get to euros and world cups if our future of our teams can't play the game !!

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Its a noble gesture, but I fear its too late, kids nowadays just want to f**k around on computers/games consoles.

Same old excuse trotted out all the time, it used to be watching tv.

Germans spend more than the UK on video games yet they have a decent standard of footballer, we need to stop being lazy and blaming TV/Video Games/Lazy kids etc. and start providing opportunities for kids to get out and play football, so good on Aberdeen council for making a start, hopefully other organisations will do something similar, and then take it further .

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Same old excuse trotted out all the time, it used to be watching tv.

Germans spend more than the UK on video games yet they have a decent standard of footballer, we need to stop being lazy and blaming TV/Video Games/Lazy kids etc. and start providing opportunities for kids to get out and play football, so good on Aberdeen council for making a start, hopefully other organisations will do something similar, and then take it further .

What a load of shite.

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ah reasoned debate, care to explain?

So what you're saying is games consoles/pc's have nothing to do with kids not wanting to go outside and kick a ball around? I don't remember 'watching the tv' excuse either, plenty of tv when I was a kid, and everyone was out playing football.

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so not utter shite then, just difference of opinion, only I backed mine up with a fact that germans spend more than the UK on video games,

http://www.newzoo.com/free/rankings/top-100-countries-by-game-revenues/ , albeit with a larger population but still UK spend is 55.34 per capita and Germany is 44.27 with France spending 37.85 per capita, all three spend similar amounts but we are the only ones struggling to produce young footballers. Where are the facts saying that video games prevent kids from becoming good footballers, aside from lazy journalists suggesting it because they can't be arsed investigating the cause

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so not utter shite then, just difference of opinion, only I backed mine up with a fact that germans spend more than the UK on video games,

http://www.newzoo.com/free/rankings/top-100-countries-by-game-revenues/ , albeit with a larger population but still UK spend is 55.34 per capita and Germany is 44.27 with France spending 37.85 per capita, all three spend similar amounts but we are the only ones struggling to produce young footballers. Where are the facts saying that video games prevent kids from becoming good footballers, aside from lazy journalists suggesting it because they can't be arsed investigating the cause

Probably a combination of too much sitting around on computers and the crap coaches in kids football in this country. IMO.

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