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Explosion in Paris


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If you "know them to be true" but can't actually justify your conclusions on a fairly minor public forum, then safe to say that your bemusing Google-search scholarship will be filed in the bin where it belongs then.

Cute passive-aggressive side-act though.

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Really? Amazing the lengths some folk will go to jump to conclusions.

The post I quoted implied that atheism was the reason these crimes were committed. It wasn't.

That's all.

And I apologise for it. No conclusions jumped to, just picked up on your point completely wrong.

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I made some fact based comments in regards to verses in both the bible and the quran inciting violence and hatred. Which, by the way, if anyone would think about the fact that both religions have been responsible for millions of deaths, is not actually a controversial statement. Since I did that I'm getting accusations of bigot, thick, Britain First, mouth-breather etc etc by people who sound like they haven't even done the small amount of research I've done. So either people are ignorant in regards to stupid and ridiculous passages in both books, or they were quick to jump down my throat and make assumptions based on my team. Or both. Either way, I can't really bebothered convincing people of something I know to be true when their responses have just been aggressive. Enjoy your thread lads.

You were definitely playing a more islamophobic line than an anti religion one though. Christianity was thrown in to cover your back a bit.

Your post reeked of the 'britain first brigade' and that's why people responded in the way they did. If that's not your bag then think more carefully about your posts.

Religious extremism is undoubtedly a difficult problem for democratic societies to get to grips with. But there are highly intelligent folk on many sides of this debate (with a few even on this forum) - and googling 'controversial bits of the quran' or the bible just isn't going to cut it.

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Story coming out that one of the bombers had a ticket for the football but was refused entry after a security guard detected the suicide vest. The bomber took a few steps back and detonated his vest outside.

Imagine if he'd got in.

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Story coming out that one of the bombers had a ticket for the football but was refused entry after a security guard detected the suicide vest. The bomber took a few steps back and detonated his vest outside.

Imagine if he'd got in.

Leave the semmit here son, you can get it on the way out.
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Story coming out that one of the bombers had a ticket for the football but was refused entry after a security guard detected the suicide vest. The bomber took a few steps back and detonated his vest outside.

Imagine if he'd got in.

Terrifying to think of it

Can't help but think they'll try such a thing again. Potential loss of life would be on a potentially unprecedented scale

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Story coming out that one of the bombers had a ticket for the football but was refused entry after a security guard detected the suicide vest. The bomber took a few steps back and detonated his vest outside.

Imagine if he'd got in.

Surely if this was at kick off or just prior the game would have been called off? Did the guy show up spectacularly late which arose suspicion?

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Looks like this thread's going swimmingly.

I presume someone's already made the obvious 'Explosion in Paris' joke? Alrighty then.


(not even with yours, BTW)

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Story coming out that one of the bombers had a ticket for the football but was refused entry after a security guard detected the suicide vest. The bomber took a few steps back and detonated his vest outside.

Imagine if he'd got in.

It's the insidious brainwashing that worries me most - no doubt they believe that Allah will give them their rightful place in the next life.

They are, as moderate Muslims keep pointing out, a perversion of Islam.

The Muslim Youth League, as well as Iraqi clerics, have already called for a Jihad against ISIS and its allies.

The debate is not helped though by the Far Right trying to hijack it for their own agenda. Equally, the Jihadist apologists that populate the left just give succour to them.

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So those that happen to be near to the guys hiding in civilian areas, do they deserve to be killed?

And wrt Israelis, by your standards are they all innocent, or are the ones that vote in successive right-wing controlling parties, who have turned a blind eye to many illegal settlements, thus perpetuating the violence.... are they okay for Hamas to attack?

I just need to understand where the lines are. Thanks champ.

Would you hang around somewhere you know will get bombed not long after the rockets get sent off?

I would say yes most isreali people are innocent, they were put there in the 1940s by us and we ran away when things kicked off. Isreal have had to fight for survival since its creation. If Arabs want to keep attacking them they will hit back harder it's what they do.

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The Muslim Youth League, as well as Iraqi clerics, have already called for a Jihad against ISIS and its allies.

Jihad means struggle. Jihad in daily life is supposed to be ones struggle against the temptations of Shaitan, the deceiver tempting people into sin. Its gained its modern, notorious usage from takfiri's and Qutbists who go off on a self declared holy war against pretty much everyone and everything.

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You were definitely playing a more islamophobic line than an anti religion one though. Christianity was thrown in to cover your back a bit.

There's no such thing as islamaphobia. A phobia is an irrational fear of something. In light of recent events, people have every right to concerned about Islamic migration.

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