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Dundee to play Celtic in the US.

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Mental idea, pre-season friendlies are the opportunity play exhibition matches wherever you like, I get rewarding your fans abroad, I live in Australia. But do it on your own time, the local supporters are a clubs bread and butter. Scottish league matches should be played in Scotland.

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This is the sort of thing that I'd expect myself to be absolutely dead against, but actually I'm sort of warming to the idea. Folk are always going on about finding new ways to market our game and make it interesting, and while this isn't the route I'd go down, it would definitely spark interest. Regardless of what people think, it definitely will attract attention, and I'd say that a neutral supporter would probably be much more likely to watch Dundee v Celtic live from Boston than Dundee v Celtic live from Dens Park. That can't really be a bad thing for any of the parties involved.

It should never be imposed on any clubs who don't want to be involved, but in this case it seems as though Dundee have suggested it and Celtic are happy to go along with it. It doesn't seem to be an SPFL or SFA initiative, nor does it seem to have been imposed by TV companies. The only people really losing out are the fans of Dundee and Celtic. However, I reckon a Celtic game probably attracts fewer home fans than most other Dundee games, and Celtic fans are p***ks anyway so I don't care about them. Dundee will probably compensate their fans by reducing season ticket prices or giving them a free cup game or something anyway.

The SPFL should only give permission for it to go ahead on the condition that the vast majority of the money made from it is added to the prize pot to be shared amongst all the clubs.

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I think this is a terrible idea of the highest proportions and a very dangerous precedent would be set if it went ahead.

Furthermore, if I was a Dundee season ticket holder I would be furious.

Are you seeing a future of Saints vs Killie in Beijing and Thistle vs Hamilton in Moscow?

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This'll be more like a home game for Celtic than even a game at Parkhead, given that it'll be attended by loads of barely-functioning alcoholics with spurious notions of Irish ancestry and ties to the "old country".

A fucking ridiculous idea however.

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Everyone on here bangs on about the lack of promotion in our game.

Someone tries to promote the game abroad (good on Dundee BTW) everyone loses the plot says it's a bad idea.

This can only be good for the game in Scotland. If it meant me losing a home game on my season ticket I'd be okay with that and of course the Dundee fans could be compensated in some way.

Punters on here are total hypocrites .

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Everyone on here bangs on about the lack of promotion in our game.

Someone tries to promote the game abroad (good on Dundee BTW) everyone loses the plot says it's a bad idea.

This can only be good for the game in Scotland. If it meant me losing a home game on my season ticket I'd be okay with that and of course the Dundee fans could be compensated in some way.

Punters on here are total hypocrites .

Anyone who thinks it has to be one extreme or the other is thick as f**k.

That's a veiled insult at you btw. Felt the need to point that out. Since you're thick as f**k.

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