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The Force Awakens - Spoiler Thread!

Quentin Taranbino

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It isn't cool in the slightest. If they went down that road, they would destroy all the good work done in Episode VII.

The only thing that he/she hasn't actually added was that Rey is exactly what Ben Kenobi describes to Luke what his father was like.

With Episode VIII being pushed back to Xmas time after the success of Episode VII's opening in the same period, at least it gives them extra time to get this right.

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Snoke will be introduced in Rebels i think.

I don't think they'll give much background on a character that a lot of mainstream audience members want to know about in a TV show. I could be wrong and he may well be name dropped but they'll probably see it as alienation. Also, I've only seen a couple of episodes of Clone Wars and none of Rebels so I can't comment it they've done it before.
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'Balance' to the force means what exactly? That there are no Sith? Well there aren't any at the moment. Anakin Skywalker killed the last Sith when he chucked the Emperor down that well thing on the second Death Star.

Or by 'balance' do they mean an actual balance? Having no users of the dark side isn't exactly a 'balance'; the force would be completely weighted towards the light side of the force.

Oh and it was never actually officially confirmed that Anakin was the 'chosen one'. Maybe it's been Luke all along? Or maybe it'll be Rey? Or even Ben Solo?

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I've always assumed Anakin brought balance to the force when he (and the Empire) murdered almost all of the Jedi. The Jedi had just been reading the prophecy wrong.

There are a lot of folk on here who are much more into the Star Wars thing than me, though.

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Think it was more that he ultimately destroyed the Emperor and moved back to the light side becoming a force ghost along with Yoda and Obiwan Kenobi.

Disney bought the franchise, so there is no need for them to stick to what George Lucas originally had in mind for this sort of stuff with the extended universe that leads to the more obsessive hard core having strong opinions about how it should unfold.

The main hint at possible reincarnation revolved around some of the stuff the Maz Kanata character was saying about seeing the same eyes over and over or something along those lines.

Think JJ Abrahms deliberately set things up so it could go in multiple directions depending on which characters and plot themes worked well and which did a bit of a Jar Jar.

Maz Kanata not making it to the rebel base in the final version and having other scenes cut out might be bad news for the reincarnation possibility.

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Think it was more that he ultimately destroyed the Emperor and moved back to the light side becoming a force ghost along with Yoda and Obiwan Kenobi.

Disney bought the franchise, so there is no need for them to stick to what George Lucas originally had in mind for this sort of stuff with the extended universe that leads to the more obsessive hard core having strong opinions about how it should unfold.

The main hint at possible reincarnation revolved around some of the stuff the Maz Kanata character was saying about seeing the same eyes over and over or something along those lines.

Think JJ Abrahms deliberately set things up so it could go in multiple directions depending on which characters and plot themes worked well and which did a bit of a Jar Jar.

Maz Kanata not making it to the rebel base in the final version and having other scenes cut out might be bad news for the reincarnation possibility.

George Lucas said long before Disney bought Lucasfilm that the only thing 100% canon was the films. Disney also stated this when they announced Episodes VII-IX were getting made.

I think you're almost right there Dave, balance to the force was surely reached when there was two Sith and two Jedi. By killing the Emperor and dying himself, didn't leave the force balanced. It left one Jedi.

The reincarnation theory is utter drivel. Up there with Jar Jar as a sith lord.

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