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5 hours ago, Thane of Cawdor said:

Leanne runs a shit removals firm. Very poor reviews in general, but the comment below may be a bit sarcastic (or maybe not).

We had a mixed experience with Leanne. She turned up on time and quoted us a very good price. I was really impressed with their Hugo Boss uniforms.

She was also out on licence, which is a problem for her 😂


There are goons popping up on various FB threads about them being remanded moaning that the people at Manchester got bail. The difference these Muppets fail to see is the folk like Leanne pled guilty.

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4 minutes ago, oldbitterandgrumpy said:

Like I said, it’s probably very naive of me, but why hasn’t it happened up here? (obviously glad it hasn’t by the way). 

I’d like to think it’s because we are, generally, sounder c***s but the fact is we have enough of those low-lifes up here that they could congregate round a hotel on a Saturday and try and torch it if they wanted to as well.

For me, one of the main reasons is that these people just seek conflict. Apart from 3pm on a Saturday in random shithole EFL towns, these nutters don’t have something to hate other than brown folk and Muslims. The folk up here that seek conflict already have one and have had one for years. It’s called the old firm. Scotland already has a well-established ‘us v them’ situation whereas England does not. Well, did not.

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20 minutes ago, dirty dingus said:

Sometimes the polis have to show they are the ones to be there to do the job of getting down and dirty and stopping these arseholes. All this we'll catch them after the fact is f**ked. Back in the day we were classed as "risk supporters" we had 2 cops that would follow us to games all over Scotland on the trains(transport unit, nicknamed the beard and the joker) 2 great cops always friendly but wi a dad attitude, never shy of going all PC Murdoch on you. A clip round the ear and I'll be telling your maw etc..etc..Hands on policing.

No money for that these days. Overnight in places like Clydebank you'll be very lucky if there's 6 officers available.

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20 minutes ago, AyrAtlanta said:

I’d like to think it’s because we are, generally, sounder c***s but the fact is we have enough of those low-lifes up here that they could congregate round a hotel on a Saturday and try and torch it if they wanted to as well.

For me, one of the main reasons is that these people just seek conflict. Apart from 3pm on a Saturday in random shithole EFL towns, these nutters don’t have something to hate other than brown folk and Muslims. The folk up here that seek conflict already have one and have had one for years. It’s called the old firm. Scotland already has a well-established ‘us v them’ situation whereas England does not. Well, did not.

Hmm, are you oversimplifying things here?

These riots down south are pure racism. Of course there’s racism in Scotland,  it’d be stupid to deny it, but why haven’t things tipped over the edge up here? I’m genuinely interested. 

Edited by oldbitterandgrumpy
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On 04/08/2024 at 17:19, tongue_tied_danny said:

That'll teach the Muslims...

The c**t who is backheeling the window looks like he has never used soap in his life. I'm not sure why he's so desperate to get in there.

The guy with green stool is barely more than 15/16. 

That'll show them vegetarian non animsl testing errrr

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10 minutes ago, vikingTON said:

You've posted that before and it's still really not relevant to the current situation tbh. 

You’re not relevant to the current situation.  All you do is criticise other posters and try to be contrarian as possible.

What’s your solution to what’s happening?

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3 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

You’re not relevant to the current situation.  All you do is criticise other posters and try to be contrarian as possible.

What’s your solution to what’s happening?

An ‘as’ between ‘be’ and ‘contrarian’ would have been nice. Just saying. 

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27 minutes ago, vikingTON said:

You've posted that before and it's still really not relevant to the current situation tbh. 

"British Jobs for British Workers" is  phrase long used by the far right.

Of course it's f**king relevant.



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46 minutes ago, AyrAtlanta said:

I’d like to think it’s because we are, generally, sounder c***s but the fact is we have enough of those low-lifes up here that they could congregate round a hotel on a Saturday and try and torch it if they wanted to as well.


Not necessarily personally but there are many people oblivious to the fact this kind of thing has been going on in Scotland.  

Far right activist posed as Home Office inspector to target Scots asylum hotel

Far right group aimed to recruit Erskine locals over asylum seekers

Erskine in particular they are outside a lot but seen off by a larger counter demo.  All it takes is for them to have the numbers one time though. 

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One of the mouthiest ones of Erskine protests daughters house has been raided twice. Second time by police and NCA and several black holdalls removed. He was cog in drug scene.  

It's shown itself as a horrible racist little town. Despite these being absolutely no increase in crime during time the asylum seekers were there. Hotels empty now. Left to rot until persimmon can bribe enough people to get their house application through and buy the land.


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1 minute ago, welshbairn said:

Musk going full "White Lives Matter" while people are trying to burn refugees alive. 


Musk is like Elliot Carver from Tomorrow Never Dies.

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