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52 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

Sunderland, Hartlepool, Belfast, Rotherham, Portsmouth, Liverpool, Blackpool, Darlington and Plymouth all had riots but have similarly fewer people of BME origin.

It's simplistic pish by McWhirter.

...and as for his apostrophe use?

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Couple of orange walks.  A republican parade.  Pro Palestine March.  Rumoured left and right protests. And Rangers playing at Hampden.

Probably best to avoid Glasgow today…..

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2 minutes ago, doulikefish said:

2 of manky jackets mob getting absolutely embarrassed in George square and the cops escorting them away just now 

That happened about an hour ago but aye manky jacket and baldy turned up and the police huckled them after 5 mins of free speech. 


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12 hours ago, Cheese said:

Didn't know where to put this. I thought there was a political journalist thread but I can't find it. I would start another but the woke two tier moderating on this forum would probably merge it and rename it.

Anyway, Macwhirter's boiler is leaking again.



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3 hours ago, itzdrk said:

That happened about an hour ago but aye manky jacket and baldy turned up and the police huckled them after 5 mins of free speech. 


The BBC did the best misquote.  I.e. one that works perfectly while still wrong about this:



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15 hours ago, Cheese said:

Didn't know where to put this. I thought there was a political journalist thread but I can't find it. I would start another but the woke two tier moderating on this forum would probably merge it and rename it.

Anyway, Macwhirter's boiler is leaking again.



There is an air of muted self-congratulation in “civic” Scotland that the rioting in English city centres has not spread north of the border.

No, there isn't.

Consensus opinion is folk are no less racist at the interpersonal level in Scotland than anywhere else. However, that racism currently lacks the mainstream political expression it has in England and Northern Ireland. 



For example, Mike Small, editor of the Left-wing website Bella Caledonia, described last week’s rioting as “a particularly English phenomenon of ethnonationalism […] a specifically English psychosis”.

That's not an example of this Scottish smugness MacWhirter is imagining. It's simply just a Scottish writer giving an opinion on a major news event happening in his own nation state (UK). 

That line about "English psychosis" is not Small's words. Small is quoting Nicholas Boyle, a Cambridge professor. 



Others in the Scottish political class would tend to agree, suggesting that Scots are somehow culturally immune to racism and the politics of the nationalist Right. “We’re a’ Jock Tamson’s Bairns,” they like to say — champions of the common man. That’s why politicians such as Alex Salmond claim that Scotland just has “a different society” or, in a typical expression of Scottish racial exceptionalism, the former Lord Advocate Elish Angiolini has claimed that “immigrants don’t have the warmth and the friendship that happens in Scotland.”

Oh right, he's found one example. A former Lord Advocate who he's decided is a bellweather of Scottish opinion.



This is not the first time various politicians have claimed the mantle of Scottish exceptionalism. When 300 anti-racism protesters prevented UK Immigration Enforcement from apprehending two failed asylum seekers in Glasgow’s Southside in 2021, Nicola Sturgeon blamed the Home Office for the disturbances, not the protesters.

She was right and that wasn't an example of MacWhirter's imagined "Scottish exceptionalism". It was an example of working class folk defending their interests. That it took place in Scotland doesn't invalidate that.



Dig a little deeper, though, and it is not quite so clear that Scots are really relaxed about mass immigration. Recent opinion polls suggest nearly half think UK immigration is too high. Fully 7% of the population also backed Reform in last month’s general election — twice as many as backed the Scottish Green Party, which was in government until April.

The only person denying this is the straw man in MacWhirter's mind.



But it could be that one reason the riots in England didn’t spread is because immigration is just not as visible in Scotland as it is in many English cities.

Shite argument. The worst of the rioting in England happened in places like Middlesbrough and Sunderland. Those cities do not differ much to Glasgow. 

He's also ignored that there were riots outside England, in Belfast.



SNP politicians may want mass immigration, but are they prepared for what could come with it?

Rivers of Blood, you say, Iain?

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4 hours ago, Alan Twelve said:

FFS, I'm going to Bristol next weekend. They'd better be sorting this out.

Just need a Front Flip-ing Immigrant, High Kick-ing off at a peaceful vigil, Taking our country backfilp gymnastics.

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8 hours ago, Venti said:




Across history hundreds of thousands of people have fought and died to fight Fascism under the banner of Socialism.

Modern "Socialists" are just bored, middle class rebellious teenagers, with unknown gender alignment, who are scared of getting Covid in 2024.
If they had a 9-5 job that paid over the minimum wage they'd be in the house watching Corrie instead.




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