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The People vs OJ Simpson

Musketeer Gripweed

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Seen some cracking reviews of this and was wondering if it was going to shown over here at some point.

I remember the real trial so very well. I was addicted to it to be honest. It made me realise I was be absolutely rubbish at jury duty as I actively willed the prosecution to muck it up at times, because I wanted him to be found not guilty for some strange reason.

If the glove doesn't fit.

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I can't quite remember watching the case nor do I remember following it when I was younger. So although I know what exactly happens, I find this quite gripping TV. Cuba Gooding Jr. has been immense thus far. I have seen the three episodes that have aired in the States so far. David Schwimmer plays Robert Kardashian very well also.

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I enjoyed it despite John Travolta hamming things up and the unnecessary time spent with Kardashian children, the guy who played Johnnie Cochran was really well done this far and Cuba Gooding Jr Is one of my favourite actors.

Ross Gellar as Kim Ks da was quite funny, he was pretty good even if he's the guy that's been portrayed the most positively so far outside of the prosecution woman. At least he's working.

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Watched the first episode and liked it but it seemed like an advert for the Kardashians at times. I think they all managed to get a mention.

Was before my time so I'll probably watch it through. Unless anyone knows of any documentaries that might tell the story better?

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Just watched the first episode and I thought it was fantastic to be honest.

I was 8 when the OJ murder trial was on so only really remember it being on the news and don't know too much more around the detail, other than the infamous car chase.

I know we went through similar with Pistorious in the modern day but imagine this had happened now. Facebook would be unbearable.

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Watched the first two episodes last night, and have episode three to watch later. Very 'Americanised', almost to a flaw, but it's understandable given the show is titled "American Crime Story". Really entertaining watch though, even with the artistic license throughout - the crowbarring in of the Kardashian kids is awful.

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