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Granny Danger

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I am sure a massive collection of Old Firm fans drinking is up there with Police Scotlands most nightmarish scenarios. No way should Rangers be allowed this.

I'm sure actually reading about the process and engaging with the community council is too hard when the invisible hand of Catholicism might (UNDOUBTEDLY) be to blame instead. The abuse hurled at an MSP who is or was TheRangers fan is a fine example of the genre.


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Interesting propaganda from the capitalist mouthpiece.  But if true, and Russians care more about pensions than resurrecting the Soviet Empire, could be a game changer.


P.S. If you're hit by the pay wall say so, and I'll C+P it later. Tea time.

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"I'm resigning becaue of rampant anti-semitism" - No, Frank, you're resigning because your CLP just gave you a massive Fúck Off, and because today's Merseyside voter is more likely to elect Sergio Ramos than a self-serving old cúnt who writes for the Sun, of all the right wing rags he could have chosen to whore himself to.

He could have kept his gob shut, quietly announced his retirement, and gone with some respect stil intact. Not much, but some-he hasn't acted like a total cúnt all his career. But no, he'd rather have one last front page, no matter the damage it may cause the Party he has turned his back on (and I don't mean just today - he's been a negative force for quite a while now).

I can't make my mind up who I want to see go next - Berger or Phillips. Either would do. Especially as egos like theirs might tempt them to stand as Independents in the next GE. How many columns for Murdoch to pay for a lost deposit, Jess?

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"I'm resigning becaue of rampant anti-semitism" - No, Frank, you're resigning because your CLP just gave you a massive Fúck Off, and because today's Merseyside voter is more likely to elect Sergio Ramos than a self-serving old cúnt who writes for the Sun, of all the right wing rags he could have chosen to whore himself to.
He could have kept his gob shut, quietly announced his retirement, and gone with some respect stil intact. Not much, but some-he hasn't acted like a total cúnt all his career. But no, he'd rather have one last front page, no matter the damage it may cause the Party he has turned his back on (and I don't mean just today - he's been a negative force for quite a while now).
I can't make my mind up who I want to see go next - Berger or Phillips. Either would do. Especially as egos like theirs might tempt them to stand as Independents in the next GE. How many columns for Murdoch to pay for a lost deposit, Jess?

I dont like the sun but im happy with anything that hurts the labour party.
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4 minutes ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

I dont like the sun but im happy with anything that hurts the labour party.

Like lancing a boil, Field's resignation may be a sharp pain in the short term, but in the end it means we've got rid of a useless lump filled with poison. I'll take that.

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6 minutes ago, pawpar said:

Any chance of taking John Mann and that publicity seeking whore Kate Hoey with him ?

Fairly sure hoey's away at the next opportunity - her CLP basically unanimously passed an "our MP's a cúnt" motion recently, and it looks like reselection might well get put in place following Conference.

Mann appears to be one of those Big Innes-style shits that simply won't flush - but he's not getting quite the platform he used to. Yesterday's Mann, I reckon. It's the likes of Phillips and Berger that are really boiling my piss at the moment - being female and less than totally ugly (physically at least) they'll be getting column inches and screen time for the forseeable, unfortunately.

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People like Fields are absolute scum.  They would rather see the Tories back in office than see Corbyn as PM.

The Labour Party will be a far better place when him, Hoey, Mann and the whole ‘Friends of Israel’ bunch are no longer MPs.


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