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Granny Danger

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7 hours ago, The_Kincardine said:

Scotland's welfare system is propped up, to the tune of about £6,000 per taxpayer per annum, by we Tories from London and the South East but the constantly pompous Jupe has a daft wee fit about it.  

Bless him.  He used to be a narcissist but now look at him.


6 hours ago, The_Kincardine said:

Alyn Smith hates the Natters' BAME community and the GRA activists and wants them removed from the Politburo.  Nothing, not even decency, can get in the way of independence.  I posted about this on Saturday:

You did, and i doubt anyone could be bothered debating the issue because you doubtless deliberately misinterpreted the article, in a desperate attempt to get some attention, as per usual.

The time where folk on here had enough respect for you to properly debate you has, I'm afraid long since passed. You have become nothing more than an angry, bigoted self-parody who lacks the courage to truly own his no doubt disgusting right wing views. I do however sincerely hope you manage to beat the alcohol dependency. 

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I kind of hope posting on the P&B politics forum is the most embarassing thing Kincy does when he's blootered at 1 in the morning. I'm imagining the Sash getting belted out on the village green and the parson finding a jobby on the church steps.

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8 hours ago, The_Kincardine said:


Alyn Smith hates the Natters' BAME community and the GRA activists and wants them removed from the Politburo.  Nothing, not even decency, can get in the way of independence.  I posted about this on Saturday:


This is just jockeying for the next leadership election from a very vain man.

He's placing himself as the compromise candidate between the Salmond and Sturgeon camps. 

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3 hours ago, NotThePars said:

Also makes such a boring party sound way cooler than it is


I would have greenied him if he'd went for Supreme Scottish Soviet.

Just sounds tremendous.

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‘Very promising’: UK’s first full heroin-prescribing scheme extended after reductions in crime and homelessness


So the drug therapy that IIRC Thatcher ended as "immoral" back in the eighties turns out to have been the most effective and would have spared us from years of rising crime drug deaths and misery. Surprise su-fucking-prise.

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29 minutes ago, Theroadlesstravelled said:

Haven’t they been giving addicts methadone for years?

Yes, which is in itself the greater part of the problem. 

Addicts get 'parked' on methadone for years, decades even, with absolutely no plan made whatsoever to get them off it, and no support at all for those who express their dissatisfaction with their treatment. I've lost count the number of times I've sat with an addict who has told their support worker or psychiatrist that they want to come off the stuff, only for that to be instantaneously shot down, laughed off in most cases, and the entire subject to be essentially rendered taboo from there on in.

When you are in the care of a doctor, aside from circumstances whereby there is a Compulsory Treatment Order in place, the ultimate decision on medication rests with the patient. Even for people with acute psychiatric conditions, excepting the aforementioned CTO, the choice to medicate, and which form that medication takes, rests with them. A good doctor listens to concerns and tries to reach a consensus with the patient regarding medication, and that includes offering support when a patient decides medication is no longer appropriate, or expresses a wish to try alternatives etc.

The problem with parking folk on Methadone is that you're just replacing one habit with an even more dependency-inducing one, not actually tackling the original addiction at all, and more often than not, the addict is still affected by the exact same life-limiting social and personal issues that they face while actively using heroin. I work with one guy who has been in the Methadone program for years and if I'm honest I think he's actually worse now than when I first started working with him when he was still a habitual user. He is usually off his nut on prescribed Benzodiazepines anyway, but because he doesn't do heroin anymore, he's replaced that with a combination of anti-psychotics, Methadone, cannabis, and extra Benzos that he buys from dealers. He's piled on a ton of weight, become much more lethargic, and still indulges in petty crimes despite not having a habit to feed. The difference is, when he was actively using he was actually much more lucid much more of the time, and he wasn't carrying around an extra 3 or 4 stones and dealing with the effects of that on his general health as well.

So yeah, you can argue that not being on the skag has benefited him in certain respects, but the shit they've replaced it with has totally screwed him up in others and created health problems he didn't have before. The galling thing for me is that there's seemingly no ideas, let alone a coherent plan, for getting him off the amount of shit that the doctors are plying him with, and they shoot it down the instant he complains about being zombified for half his life, and the fact he's ballooned in weight since he's gone on anti-psychotics. This is just one guy, I know of a handful more, and that's only the people that I work with person to person. God knows how many there are in similar circumstances across Scotland.

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22 minutes ago, Crùbag said:


Just when you think your searing hatred of The Sun can't burn any hotter, the Paedo's paper turns its guns on Scotland.


That bit's from 2016, sounds like a Kelvin Mackenzie guest column. England should be encouraged to think this way.


Edited by welshbairn
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