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Granny Danger

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If Trump has any strategy whatsoever it's replacing Nixon's China card with a Russia card. Might be scary to China but also unnerving to the Baltic States that divide the Motherland from its naval base in Kaliningrad. Having the two powers capable of destroying the Earth as buddies might seem safer, but it means there is no balance of power to stop them doing whatever they like to the rest of us.

Edited by welshbairn
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5 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

If Trump has any strategy whatsoever it's replacing Nixon's China card with a Russia card. Might be scary to China but also unnerving to the Baltic States that divide the Motherland from its naval base in Kaliningrad. Having the two powers capable of destroying the Earth as buddies might seem safer, but it means there is no balance of power to stop them doing whatever they like to the rest of us.

But we've got Trident!

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I just read the comments. Fucking hell man, the sooner we get out the better. Those lunatics could put some of our dear P&B roasters to shame

I'd expect that kind of vitriol in the Mail/Express. When it's taking over the independent it's time tae skoosh.
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I find it bewildering that no matter what the SNP do, even if it is for the benefit of some, people just can't help but criticize. Surely even the most wrapped in the Union Flag unionist can give credit where it's due.Obviously not.

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6 hours ago, doulikefish said:

One of those it's such a good idea, no one else is doing it. Until now.

The Äitiyspakkaus has been on the go since 1938 (since 1948 to all regardless of income). Their infant mortality rate tanked as a result (an important factor in a nation with such a small population), & as it went to the rich as well as to the poor it broke the mindset of the "nanny state" being a bad thing amongst the well to do.

I'm glad to see that we're doing it, esp. considering the atrocious way some kids are brought into this world up here or their parents/parent getting duped into spending money they can't afford on expensive shyte they don't really need.

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I don't really see the problem with it. I get the argument asking why bother sending them to the middle classes, why not just target them towards those who struggle to afford these things, on the other hand history tells us that when things like this aren't universal they suffer in quality and social acceptability. Apart from anything else it's good politics as those who don't receive them will soon forget about them, and those that do will be happy about it, even if they don't necessarily need it themselves. Something straight out the New Labour playbook.

I guess I'll be receiving one once baby number 2 arrives and whilst I don't exactly need it, having all the stuff already, it will be a visual reminder of a caring state, meanwhile it costs the government basically nothing. Every other party should be kicking themselves for not thinking of it first.

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I don't really see the problem with it. I get the argument asking why bother sending them to the middle classes, why not just target them towards those who struggle to afford these things, on the other hand history tells us that when things like this aren't universal they suffer in quality and social acceptability. Apart from anything else it's good politics as those who don't receive them will soon forget about them, and those that do will be happy about it, even if they don't necessarily need it themselves. Something straight out the New Labour playbook.

I guess I'll be receiving one once baby number 2 arrives and whilst I don't exactly need it, having all the stuff already, it will be a visual reminder of a caring state, meanwhile it costs the government basically nothing. Every other party should be kicking themselves for not thinking of it first.

The Tories did think of it! Decided that helping babies it's not ideologically sound / no money in it for me so they can f**k off, hopefully starve while they're doing it!
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3 minutes ago, DublinMagyar said:

The Tories did think of it! Decided that helping babies it's not ideologically sound / no money in it for me so they can f**k off, hopefully starve while they're doing it!

I don't get that.  Surely it's better to help the indigenous underclass than rely on bloody immigrants.

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This is what I don't get about the immigration thing. From a right-wing point of view: good for economic reasons. From a left-wing point of view: good for humanitarian and equality reasons. From a liberal point of view: good for freedom of individuals.

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1 hour ago, jmothecat said:

I don't really see the problem with it. I get the argument asking why bother sending them to the middle classes, why not just target them towards those who struggle to afford these things, on the other hand history tells us that when things like this aren't universal they suffer in quality and social acceptability. Apart from anything else it's good politics as those who don't receive them will soon forget about them, and those that do will be happy about it, even if they don't necessarily need it themselves. Something straight out the New Labour playbook.

I guess I'll be receiving one once baby number 2 arrives and whilst I don't exactly need it, having all the stuff already, it will be a visual reminder of a caring state, meanwhile it costs the government basically nothing. Every other party should be kicking themselves for not thinking of it first.

The problem is that if you only send it to those who struggle to afford these things, it becomes a badge of poverty & you will get the morons who put pride before practicality.
Never underestimate the wilful stupidity of the working classes - for all of the Sun/Daily Mail headlines about "scroungers", I knew of whole generations that proudly boasted about never claiming dole or income support, no matter how many times it was pointed out to them that their taxes & national insurance stamps from doing every dirty shitty job available around before being thrown on the scrapheap at 50 had paid for them.

It was the same carry on when the NHS started & you had muppets in mining communities hell bent on dying from lung conditions ("I'll not take 'andouts, like my father & his before him!") until they saw the boss happily collecting free prescriptions for ailments as a result of his self inflicted fatcuntitus. You only have to look at the fiasco of the Queen & Prince Charles claiming old age pensions they promptly donate by DD to charity anyway, all because they've been privately warned by Whitehall if they don't thousands of pensioners will merrily starve or freeze to death than take "charity". If the "posh" people are getting it as well (esp. Her Majesty & All Her Family - "Gawd bless 'em!") they no longer consider it "beneath" them to take it. Crazy, but there you have it.

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The problem is that if you only send it to those who struggle to afford these things, it becomes a badge of poverty & you will get the morons who put pride before practicality.
Never underestimate the wilful stupidity of the working classes - for all of the Sun/Daily Mail headlines about "scroungers", I knew of whole generations that proudly boasted about never claiming dole or income support, no matter how many times it was pointed out to them that their taxes & national insurance stamps from doing every dirty shitty job available around before being thrown on the scrapheap at 50 had paid for them.
It was the same carry on when the NHS started & you had muppets in mining communities hell bent on dying from lung conditions ("I'll not take 'andouts, like my father & his before him!") until they saw the boss happily collecting free prescriptions for ailments as a result of his self inflicted fatcuntitus. You only have to look at the fiasco of the Queen & Prince Charles claiming old age pensions they promptly donate by DD to charity anyway, all because they've been privately warned by Whitehall if they don't thousands of pensioners will merrily starve or freeze to death than take "charity". If the "posh" people are getting it as well (esp. Her Majesty & All Her Family - "Gawd bless 'em!") they no longer consider it "beneath" them to take it. Crazy, but there you have it.

Yeo, completely agree.
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