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Granny Danger

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Surely with Scottish elections looming, Ad Lib could be spending his time more wisely. I could understand why wee Willie and his minions wouldn't want him interacting with voters on the doorsteps, but surely there are envelopes needing stuffed or leaflets needing delivered. It would give us all a wee rest.

I think even the Libbers recognise how useless he is.

How can a budding Scottish politician hate his country so much.

He doesn't care how Scottish MP's vote and wants tae travel half way round the world to bomb a country.

He hates his Capital city and thinks that Scottish voters (me & probably youz)) talk drivel.

He takes great delight in sticking the boot in if there is any report denigrating Scotland or our economy.

He is terrified of reading anything written in his native tongue in case it makes him blind.

A wee, sleekit, cow'rin, tim'rous beastie springs tae mind. :lol:

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I think even the Libbers recognise how useless he is.

How can a budding Scottish politician hate his country so much.

He doesn't care how Scottish MP's vote and wants tae travel half way round the world to bomb a country.

He hates his Capital city and thinks that Scottish voters (me & probably youz)) talk drivel.

He takes great delight in sticking the boot in if there is any report denigrating Scotland or our economy.

He is terrified of reading anything written in his native tongue in case it makes him blind.

A wee, sleekit, cow'rin, tim'rous beastie springs tae mind. :lol:

My native tongue is English.

For the sake of completeness on your list though, Burns was a mediocre poet, was an absolute shitebag of a human being as you can tell from the way he treated women and shirked his responsibilities as a father, and gets far more recognition in Scottish public life than he deserves.

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My native tongue is English.For the sake of completeness on your list though, Burns was a mediocre poet, was an absolute shitebag of a human being as you can tell from the way he treated women and shirked his responsibilities as a father, and gets far more recognition in Scottish public life than he deserves.

Was he a worse human being than Nick Clegg?

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I would say that Robert Burns was a worse human being than Nick Clegg.

That's interesting - I wonder how many people's lives Burns' actions negatively affected in comparison to Clegg's.

Edited by Antlion
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For the sake of completeness on your list though, Burns was a mediocre poet, was an absolute shitebag of a human being as you can tell from the way he treated women and shirked his responsibilities as a father, and gets far more recognition in Scottish public life than he deserves.

Amen. Relieved to discover that I'm not the only person in Scotland who thinks this. 

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Gordon Brown and I both have a lot in common. We were born in Glasgow but grew up in the Lang Toun. Also sons of the manse...


My native tongue is English.

For the sake of completeness on your list though, Burns was a mediocre poet, was an absolute shitebag of a human being as you can tell from the way he treated women and shirked his responsibilities as a father, and gets far more recognition in Scottish public life than he deserves.


O wad some Power the giftie gie us, to see oursels as ithers see us!

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When we need it to be growing about three times as fast to pay the bills, yeah, it kind of is mate.

What rate is the rest of the UK growing at? Given the increasing population, per head would be an appropriate measurement. Edited by strichener
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What rate is the rest of the UK growing at? Given the increasing population, per head would be an appropriate measurement.

Scotland would need to grow its economy at about 6% per year and see similar levels of growth in its tax base. To close the fiscal gap within a decade without any relative spending cuts or overt tax rises. The UK growing at about 2%.

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O wad some Power the giftie gie us, to see oursels as ithers see us!

That's English with a Scots dialect. Next you'll be telling me that when a Quebecer says "mom chum est un canard" they aren't speaking French.

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That's English with a Scots dialect. Next you'll be telling me that when a Quebecer says "mom chum est un canard" they aren't speaking French.


Scots is the Anglic language variety spoken in Lowland Scotland and parts of Ulster (where the local dialect is known as Ulster Scots). It is sometimes called Lowland Scots to distinguish it from Scottish Gaelic

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Scots Doric is/was a recognised language, which had the same origins as English language but developed differently. It isn't a b*****dised or dialectical form of English language. Prior to the unification of England and Scotland, Scottish speakers were not speaking and writing in a slang or regional form of English - they were speaking a distinct language similar to English because it had the same roots.

English (or Scottish English) may have largely replaced it as Scotland became more Anglicised, but you can't rewrite history to pretend that Scots wasn't and isn't a recognised language rather than a quirky dialect that's to be discouraged for its informality.

Edited by Antlion
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Scots Doric is/was a recognised language, which had the same origins as English language but developed differently. It isn't a b*****dised or dialectical form of English language. Prior to the unification of England and Scotland, Scottish speakers were not speaking and writing in a slang or regional form of English - they were speaking a distinct language similar to English because it had the same roots.

English (or Scottish English) may have largely replaced it as Scotland became more Anglicised, but you can't rewrite history to pretend that Scots wasn't and isn't a recognised language rather than a quirky dialect that's to be discouraged for its informality.

Not having been a hermit in my near 25 years on this planet I do in fact know that Scots is and was a language.

What I dispute is that it is my "native tongue" or that calling Kirkcaldy "the Lang Toun" means I am speaking Scots rather than a Scottish dialect of English.

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I thocht ye were talkin' aboot me :wub:

Speak English you backwards peasant. #flashman


I wrote that in Scots and your retort was that I should write in English.

But now you are saying that it is English wi' a Scottish dialect.


I clicked on your link.

Scottish Standard English may be defined as "the characteristic speech of the professional class [in Scotland] and the accepted norm in schools"

There is bugger all there regarding speech outside school.

When I was at Primary school I used tae get a rap oan the knuckles or a skelp oan the lug if I spoke in Scots.

Proper English was what we had to use.

When you were a bairn out in the streets in Glasgow or Kirkcaldy did ye use proper English or broad Scots?


If you are disgusted with Scotland and the Scots why dae ye bide here?

Why dae ye no gang doon tae England whaur ye micht be appreciated.

Tell them how horrid the Scots are and how horrid the country is.

See whaur that gets ye.

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Not having been a hermit in my near 25 years on this planet I do in fact know that Scots is and was a language.

What I dispute is that it is my "native tongue" or that calling Kirkcaldy "the Lang Toun" means I am speaking Scots rather than a Scottish dialect of English.

Unfortunately for you you are. Just as if you say say you "want to keep something entrez nous", you're speaking French, albeit briefly and selectively. The UK government itself recognises that Scots is a regional language, not "English with a Scots dialect". You might desperately want it to be just a twee, parochial use of English, but it isn't. Whether it's your native tongue, I don't care; I have absolutely no interest in what your family and peers predominantly spoke. If I had to guess, I'd imagine the kind of petit bourgeois English favoured by people in the west end of Glasgow.

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Or maybe they want to "hang onto" us for the same reason they want to hang-on to the sinkholes of society Northern Ireland and Wales: because they're British and they believe in solidarity between our nations and are happy to share the risk for bigger ends?

Our exports are not classified as English on the basis that they transit through English ports. Don't be silly. That's not how exports are measured.

Keep thinking that you are always correct Libby because that statement is a load of bollocks. And a stunningly short reply too.

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