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Granny Danger

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2 hours ago, MixuFixit said:

She just ruled out a pact with Corbyn, so I'd actually bet dosh on her losing seats everywhere in Scotland except Orkney & Shetland given the SNP are the only other group that make the arithmetic work.

It would be glorious to see the boot lose her seat but I think there'll be another Unionist circling of wagons there, if not a bit of downright dirtiness and cheating that the Lib Dems are quite good at.

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2 hours ago, MixuFixit said:

She was on GMS this morning with some belters:

Robertson: Will you go into coalition with the Tories?
Swinson: Not led by Boris Johnson
Robertson: But other Tories?
Swinson: *unquotable jabber*
Robertson: You're tainted by austerity and the Tories aren't you?
Swinson: That was 5 years ago. Ancient history.
Robertson: You want a people's vote.
Swinson: Yes.
Robertson: But you'll oppose a second indyref?
Swinson: Of course that was only 5 years ago.

Haha, that's superb. 

The Libs hypocrisy is fantastic and come any debate or election period where more people are paying attention then that'll show them up for the oddballs they are. 

Edited by Kejan
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2 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:

I used to think Libdems were just basically nice folk and ended up voting for them for a while after Iraq stopped me voting Labour but I wonder if that was ever true and they were total b*****ds all along?

Total b*****ds all along.

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1 hour ago, MixuFixit said:

I used to think Libdems were just basically nice folk and ended up voting for them for a while after Iraq stopped me voting Labour but I wonder if that was ever true and they were total b*****ds all along?

At a local campaigning level Lib Dems have been by far the nastiest most deceitful group I have come across. People say they're just Tories, which is probably true, but from my own experience when they get a whiff of power/victory they have went to far greater length's in the search of it. 

Edited by Londonwell
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7 hours ago, MixuFixit said:

I used to think Libdems were just basically nice folk and ended up voting for them for a while after Iraq stopped me voting Labour but I wonder if that was ever true and they were total b*****ds all along?

I used to regularly vote for them, till they slept with the Tories. Only then did I become aware of the phrase 'Orange Book'.  Basically , all those 'nice folk', the sandal wearers,

had been pushed aside by people you really couldn't differentiate from Tories.     Imo, huge number of their former voters still consider LD to be scumbags,  regardless of their

position on Brexit.

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Helen Grant (C, Maidstone) has just stood up on her hind legs in the House. Very impressive tan, which she definitely didn't have a fortnight or so ago. They knock off for six weeks this week, but she JUST COULDN'T FúCKING WAIT, could she?

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29 minutes ago, WhiteRoseKillie said:

Helen Grant (C, Maidstone) has just stood up on her hind legs in the House. Very impressive tan, which she definitely didn't have a fortnight or so ago. They knock off for six weeks this week, but she JUST COULDN'T FúCKING WAIT, could she?

Helen Grant was the first black woman of mixed heritage to be elected as a Conservative MP (Wikipedia)

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28 minutes ago, Blue-Toon said:

Helen Grant was the first black woman of mixed heritage to be elected as a Conservative MP (Wikipedia)

That's a massive OOOPS on my part, then. I can only claim mistaken identity. I had absolutely no idea of her ethnicity, and really do feel bad now. In my defence (although there really is none - I've made a horrifically wrong assumption), I would normally be aware, if only through the Tories desperation to push such minority representatives as they have to the fore. I honestly had no idea.

Top picture from her own twitter.




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8 minutes ago, YassinMoutaouakil said:

O'Mara clearly shouldn't be in the job, but the amount of people lining up to have a go at a disabled guy with well publicised substance abuse issues and suicide attempts is out of order.


The guy on the account calling him a "degenerate" as well is a hefty red flag. Even ignoring loads of the dodgy shite that's coming out of his (bizarrely not locked) Facebook he clearly wrote his own Wiki page. 😂 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gareth_Arnold

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11 minutes ago, NotThePars said:


The guy on the account calling him a "degenerate" as well is a hefty red flag. Even ignoring loads of the dodgy shite that's coming out of his (bizarrely not locked) Facebook he clearly wrote his own Wiki page. 😂 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gareth_Arnold

I’ve no idea who the c**t is but he looks like he needs a punch to the smug chops.



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