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Are school reunions a complete waste of time

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Might be handy for rounding them all up into one place, I suppose. Must remember to take Grimbo along as my +1 for advice.

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I only left school last year and I can think of very few people I haven't kept in contact with who I'd like to see again.


That may well change as a I get old and nostalgic. But for now I'll say yes, a complete waste of time.

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you didn't miss many school dinners, did you, ya fat cnut! In fact I heard your favourite musical instrument was the dinner bell :P

ma maw didnae need to shout is twice for tea neither 😂
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I don't keep in touch with a single person from school. I might think about heading to a reunion if it was on but it's not something I'd be gutted to miss out on.

As far as school crushes go, twice recently I've been out and girls who never gave me the time of day in school were all over me. Both were single mums who'd rather lost their looks. The desperation was palpable, was totally depressing to be honest.

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I've bumped a couple of invites to reunions in the past, I don't see the point. My group of close friends is the same group I was pally with at school, I haven't kept in touch with the rest of my former classmates for a reason. A couple have even tried to add me on social media but again, I don't see the point in being online 'friends' with someone I didn't have much to do with at school.

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I imagine most people will have kept in touch with the people from school they want to, so what's the point with getting together with the ones you didn't know, can't remember or perhaps actively disliked?


Reckon a good bit of the motivation for getting these things together is to see who's "made it" and who hasn't, along with an element of schadenfreude to see for example the best footballer in the school as a baldy borderline alky or the lassie everybody fancied looking like shit after having four kids.

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Benny kinda fell away from the group, which was sad as he was nae bad at pick pocketing.

Danny was a little strange, ended up in a Njord situation, although Njord survived sleeping in a car.

I've no regrets other than not eating enough chips.

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Got a ride after a school reunion, Gripper Stebson always was a bully.

Met Zammo and he was clean, which was nice.

May attend the next one.


Mark Savage (Gripper Stebson) went on to be a campaigner for the homeless as well as a regular on the theatre "luvvie" circuit. Michael Cronin (your avatar) still turns up on TV inbetween adapting books for screenplays & writing children's novels - he's probably best remembered now for playing the dodgy historian Geoffrey of Monmouth in "Merlin".


The greatest of them all however was the late Michael Sheard (Mr Bronson), who turned up in just about everything in the 70s & 80s on the silver screen or TV & wrote three brilliantly funny memoirs about his career & the nutcases he encountered on & off set. Top man.

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I dingied my school reunion a year or so ago because, well, f**k them. If I had interest in keeping in touch with them I would keep in touch (and I was in London)

One of the lassies who went txted my sister to get my number and phoned me up and passed the phone round everyone there so they could all drunkenly say hello and, obviously, they all asked the same questions and said the same shite over and over again. Then they started singing.

That was a good twenty minutes of hatred from my end. Imagine spending the night with these fucking loonballs.

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We had an unofficial one a few years ago. A Greenock DJ had an 80s night for folk who ever went to the (now demolished) Rankin Park Club. Through social media a number of us realised we were going and agreed to meet before it (and got a few more bodies interested).

The chat in the pub was pretty good, although it mainly centred around those who had died (mostly through misadventure, sadly). Once at the 80s do the chat died as we couldn't hear each other. The DJ had these nights more often, but it got to the point that they were so frequent that they ceased to be a novelty.

Next year will mark 30 years since the last of us left school - I'm hoping those of us still alive and in the country can arrange something.

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Mark Savage (Gripper Stebson) went on to be a campaigner for the homeless as well as a regular on the theatre "luvvie" circuit. Michael Cronin (your avatar) still turns up on TV inbetween adapting books for screenplays & writing children's novels - he's probably best remembered now for playing the dodgy historian Geoffrey of Monmouth in "Merlin".


The greatest of them all however was the late Michael Sheard (Mr Bronson), who turned up in just about everything in the 70s & 80s on the silver screen or TV & wrote three brilliantly funny memoirs about his career & the nutcases he encountered on & off set. Top man.

Cronin made a cameo as Jeff Baxter in that show where Noddy Holder played a PE teacher - both were at a course somewhere.

I'm sure Sheard played Hilter in the 3rd Indiana Jones film.

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