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I'm calling you out on this one!

Unless by attractive, you mean black-eyed?


No, by all accounts both are 10s.  Think a Motherwell fan took one or the other on a date.  Can't remember if it was mother or daughter.

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No, by all accounts both are 10s. Think a Motherwell fan took one or the other on a date. Can't remember if it was mother or daughter.

10's? In the case of his missus, is this on the myopic scale?

I quite believe the daughter is a ten as she undoubtedly shares no genes with the pony-tailed phone catcher.

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No, by all accounts both are 10s. Think a Motherwell fan took one or the other on a date. Can't remember if it was mother or daughter.

Not quite.

Kind of went like this.

A poster on here who I wont name* to spare his blushes followed and friended me and wife on Twitter and Facebook, subsequently through that located my lassie on Facebook, he sent her a friend request which she accepted as most young kids do. He later sent her a message though asking to meet up for a drink or something and, when she asked me about it I informed her about how he knew me through this forum etc and, being a bit creeped out then blocked him. Not before he had lifted a photo of her doing one of those selfies which he posted here with a 'check out his daughter' type posts.

I requested the mods to remove it which they did, was about 2 years ago I think.

*Despite it being Philpy type behaviour it wasnt Philpy

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Sparing him from what?



Celebrities and politicians

Avoid prosecution for historic sex offences against children by dying or having senile dementia



I read your reply as a reply to the post above and I was very confused.

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Apart from 'Batman!'

Yeah, actually I got that wrong.

Apparently there is a myth that they do not say "Batman". The screen displays the word "Batman" at the same time that the horns go "er-ur" (sorry I don't know how to write horn sounds). This gives the subliminal idea that there are voices saying "Batman".

In truth, there are voices saying "Batman".

My new tip is this - ignore any tips from me!

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