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The Partick Thistle thread

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Did the club have to pay any accomadation costs or travel expenses as was he and his family not living in Liverpool at the time?

Probably put him up in a flat they already rent.

He was staying at the Kelvin Lorne hotel on Sauchiehall Street near Kelvingrove Park

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Ian Maxwell announced that at the fans trust meeting last night, stressing that it's not a begging bowl but a means to an end - to let supporters contribute directly to the playing budget.

There were no details of how this is constructed or how it might affect the club's financial affairs - if at all.

Fans who are interested in the constitution of the new trust - and I suspect they are few - can ask to see it. There was some debate over that document being made available to the public and director Greig Brown got a little heated about that.

There are plans afoot for a survey of fans. Perhaps a little behind the ball there as a survey could have been set up at the very least for supporters renewing season tickets. Anyhoo.

I hope this works and breaks the mould of adversarial relationships between the people running the club and an organised fanbase. That Mr Brown raised 'splinter groups' and 'agendas' is not, I hope, indicative of board thinking. As he also pointed out, putting those behind can only be good for the club.

There were about two dozen folk there including the trust's panel of five.


After being heated about the constitution being available to fans and talking about splinter groups and agendas did Greig Brown take any time to explain exactly why this version of fan engagement was going to work when the supporters federation and TAG were both a complete shambles?


The fact there were only two dozen folk there is down to the club rather than the fans. There's no point in turning up to be told about the club's great ideas until they actually do something to show the support they are actually serious about implementing them. The fact it was on a Wednesday night after the season had ended when the initial announcement of the Trust's formation was back on the 24th February and there's been numerous matchdays they could have held such an event on when it could have been better attended speaks volumes about their genuine concern about actually getting fans involved.

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iirc the martin hardie 1 month loan in the first division was funded by something like this? Had a look at the article -its quite a neat idea; am i right in thinking that in practice it will be a case of trying to get £x amount committed to a monthly direct debit over the next few weeks with the corresponding amount added to the wage budget? May be reading too much into it but i suspect the club are frustrated at narrowly missing out on some targets and are rolling this out to be a bit more competitive.

I'm quite keen to give a bit but tbh thats perhaps largely down to me working weekends indefinitely. Wonder whether it would work better "in lieu" ie start collecting payments from say the 31/05/2016 to 01/06/2017, which then is added to the budget for the 2017/18 season. A harder sell, and if the club really want the money as soon as possible to maintain our top flight status fair enough, but if its a top-up for the club as maxi says, it'd a) give a fairer idea of the core who will sign up and stick through the year, and at what amounts, without taking a risk of committing to addutional wages through dorect debits that might be cancelled weeks/months down the line (a question: can/would the club have a minimum committment if you sign up -£5 a month from the article, aye, but for how many months?) b) give a bit more flexibility since the pot collected over the year before can be used for transfer fees/agents fees, as well as using collected money to balance out cancellations or missed payments and c) even if the scheme is cancelled by the end of a future season the club still benefits over the next season.

Just a thought...

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After being heated about the constitution being available to fans and talking about splinter groups and agendas did Greig Brown take any time to explain exactly why this version of fan engagement was going to work when the supporters federation and TAG were both a complete shambles?

The fact there were only two dozen folk there is down to the club rather than the fans. There's no point in turning up to be told about the club's great ideas until they actually do something to show the support they are actually serious about implementing them. The fact it was on a Wednesday night after the season had ended when the initial announcement of the Trust's formation was back on the 24th February and there's been numerous matchdays they could have held such an event on when it could have been better attended speaks volumes about their genuine concern about actually getting fans involved.

Spot on.

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It's only pointless if not enough people buy into it and only a small amount is raised. Different if you've got 500 people donating an average of £10 a month. That's a player or two's wages.


Tried doing back-of-a-fag-packet calculations for this and found it fairly tricky - best I've got so far is:


PTFC Average Attendance Season 2015/16: 3,800 (including season ticket holders and away fans; source http://www.european-football-statistics.co.uk/attn/avesco.htmno idea how reliable it is!)


away fans can be totally discounted, so that then can be broken down into 2 main groups;


PTFC Season Ticket Holders: 1,400 (source is http://ptfc.co.uk/news/2015-2016/june_2015/season_ticket_sales_updatebut its outdated, just rounded it up slightly as i cba looking for more recent figures)


Pay at the Gate Fans: (2,000 - 1,400) = 600 (source: pulled out of my arse - no idea what the breakdown in average away attendance vs. average home attendance is, it's doubtless on here somewhere. Just took the average core home attendance to be 2000 going by attendances for cup games against diddy sides that I *think* tend to hover around that mark.)


And then non-matchgoers willing to donate - absolutely no clue, would assume it would be <100 but it'd take canvassing the supporters groups and the nomads etc. to be (at least somewhat) reliable. Will take my assumed maximum of 100 for this.


So from season ticket holders, assuming 25% of season ticket holders donate, that'd be 350 monthly donations from season ticket holders; 10% of PATG fans would be about 60 monthly donations; 100 non-matchgoing monthly donators. Total donations per month would be about 510 (very close to your assumption as well, coincidentally - bear with me though...)


What I do find interesting, though, is that assuming the minimum donation is £5, that then means that the minimum monthly amount raised is £2,550, or £30,600 yearly, or £588.46 weekly, nearly an extra £600 a week in the budget, admittedly before employer NI contributions.


So if the club can get 1 in 4 season ticket holders, 1 in 10 pay at the gate fans and 100 non-matchgoers to commit to £5 a month (properly promoted that should be doable imo), then the minimum raised alone (assuming my figures for this season hold up - I'm aware attendances are likely, for example, to rise next season owing to Rangers* promotion, but I think this sort of scheme is more attractive to the "core" support we have just now anyway edit: plus my PATG and season ticket numbers even for this season are most likely incorrect!) makes the scheme look pretty good in my opinion. I'd guess the majority of donations would range between £5 - £20 or so, so if my estimates are too generous then the variances will still probably balance out to about £600 a week, probably more, and if they're conservative then it's even better for the club. Absolutely no idea what sort of expenses would be associated, but I'd assume they would be carried out by existing admin staff anyway = a sunk cost.


Last edit, need to stop being a sad VL about this - if I were involved I'd be busting a gut to get the Weir's to commit to matching every donation made, if they were interested and the scheme goes ahead; would get some column inches and it'd be a good incentive to donate.

Edited by Thistle_do_nicely
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Pity they isolated 25% of our home gate by sticking two fingers up at the jags trust.

Regardless of anyone's opinion of the jags trust board, they represented 600 (?) Thistle fans.

It takes a brave club to tell a good whack of your fans, their shareholding means f**k all and all the efforts you made during Save The Jags don't mean a thing...

Then ask the same folk to contribute to a player fund.

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Pity they isolated 25% of our home gate by sticking two fingers up at the jags trust.

Regardless of anyone's opinion of the jags trust board, they represented 600 (?) Thistle fans.

It takes a brave club to tell a good whack of your fans, their shareholding means f**k all and all the efforts you made during Save The Jags don't mean a thing...

Then ask the same folk to contribute to a player fund.

Anyone who is disgruntled with the Jagstrust can always stand for election. As I recall there was something close to a clean sweep there about a decade ago.

I think just about all Thistle fan organisations miss a trick because there is no regular social element in their activities. I think that's one of the reasons they never remain cohesive and the energy and goodwill people put into them gets lost.

Last night I am sure I heard that the new body was formed to hold shares and represent the interests of the fans and take those to the board. I am pretty sure I heard that years ago when someone asked me to join the Jagstrust.

I'm sure it was Albert Einstein who spoke about the futility of repeating the same actions and expecting different results.

I have no idea how the player fund will work. Will it be exposed to tax? Will it have a legal status - I assume so - and can I chuck a tenner in a bucket safe in the knowledge that if 500 other fans do that it will end up improving the team?

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Anyone who is disgruntled with the Jagstrust can always stand for election. As I recall there was something close to a clean sweep there about a decade ago.

I think just about all Thistle fan organisations miss a trick because there is no regular social element in their activities. I think that's one of the reasons they never remain cohesive and the energy and goodwill people put into them gets lost.

Last night I am sure I heard that the new body was formed to hold shares and represent the interests of the fans and take those to the board. I am pretty sure I heard that years ago when someone asked me to join the Jagstrust.

I'm sure it was Albert Einstein who spoke about the futility of repeating the same actions and expecting different results.

I have no idea how the player fund will work. Will it be exposed to tax? Will it have a legal status - I assume so - and can I chuck a tenner in a bucket safe in the knowledge that if 500 other fans do that it will end up improving the team?

There was, I was part of the group who called for the clear out. Stood for election and served as membership secretary for 18 months I think.

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I've just seen that Antwerp aren't in the top flight in Belgium. Surely we'll be keeping Frans? Unless Archie's gave him a shite offer.

Lierse's rivals too...

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If Killie go down then I wouldn't be against Dicker and Addison signing for us.

Id like Dicker too

If we paired Addison with Lindsay then the defence line would need to be really deep due to their lack of pace wihich wouldn't be ideal..

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