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The Partick Thistle thread

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Post AGM Announcement
The PTFC Trust became majority shareholders of the club two weeks ago. The current Trustees took the decision to use this position to promote stability and a smooth transition to greater fan engagement and a more appropriate fan ownership model.

This will mean a broader membership of the PTFC Trust, elections for Trustees and representation on the club board.

We recognise that some supporters are frustrated with the current situation, however, we do not believe it would be appropriate to use our position to make fundamental changes before consultation with the wider fan base. Our recent conversations with club employees and sponsors support this decision.

However, as the majority shareholders we will monitor the situation closely and have the power to act quickly should circumstances change.
Any questions or comments should be sent to contact@ptfctrust.com

A lot of words saying nothing.

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Hate is a strong word but I fucking hate these parasites. That statement :

Para 1-admiiting the current model isn't appropriate 

Para 2 - these should have been the starting points, not something for 5 years time when we'll have had save the jags 2 at this rate 

Para 3 - they were fine with accepting the shares before they consulted anyone. Also they're consulting club employees (wonder who? 🙄) and sponsors, good to see who they actually represent 

Para 4 - everyone knows they won't respond to anything remotely critical so they might as well have added a PO Box in Guatemala as a contact address. 

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Last paragraph at least suggests they acknowledge the current stitch-up isn't fan ownership but I have zero confidence they will move any further towards that.

Get the Trust in the sea. 

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4 hours ago, jagfox said:

Last paragraph at least suggests they acknowledge the current stitch-up isn't fan ownership but I have zero confidence they will move any further towards that.

Get the Trust in the sea. 

Along with the team ... excellent idea.

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Genuine question...surely the board cant legally bind every season ticket holder to have a share of ownership of the club without acceptance. Surely it isnt i  the Ts&Cs of the season ticket agreement and therefore not legal?

If i buy a season pass to Odeon, Odeon cant turn round and tell me I now own part of the company.


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5 hours ago, Jacky1990 said:

Genuine question...surely the board cant legally bind every season ticket holder to have a share of ownership of the club without acceptance. Surely it isnt i  the Ts&Cs of the season ticket agreement and therefore not legal?

If i buy a season pass to Odeon, Odeon cant turn round and tell me I now own part of the company.


I agree with you; it seems deeply dodgy and i am sure it has no legal weight if done in retrospect after the purchase of the ST.  Next season if nothing changes, they will probably find themselves with far fewer ST holders. 

What they are obviously desperate to do is to cobble together a fake organisation which they can claim is numerically bigger than the Jags Foundation, ignoring the fact that people made a conscious decision to sign up to the latter and specifically pay into it. 

The only positive I take from the nonsense spouted by the Trust is that they are acknowledging that "some supporters are frustrated".   Maybe that's a small first step to eventually realising that everyone knows this is a total sham and they have to f*ck off.

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"Hi there, me and my mate are trying to come up with a list of players who played for thistle and played in the world cup. A quick Google search wasn't any help. Any ideas of where we could find this info?"

This 'customer request' was received the other day and it's our great pleasure to answer with another fine reference page for everyone to enjoy...

'Jags at the World Cup' is mapped in our lists section under 'Achievements'. We've created three 'tabs' for the page; one for the 10 players, one for the 19 matches and one for the 28 appearances. Pictured at Zürich, 16th June 1954. is Scotland's first-ever World Cup finals match versus Austria. Johnny MacKenzie (5th in line) & Jimmy Davidson (8th in line) became the first of the 10 Jagsmen who would play in a World Cup.

Jags at the World Cup →



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Reading the third of their thread it's clear what the PTFC Trust's tactic is here. 

They are calling on The Jags Foundation to renounce the planned protest at tomorrow's game while being fairly certain that they'll do no such thing. They can then claim that the Jags Foundation are condoning action that will harm the Club. 

To be fair TJF did similar with their call for the PTFC Trust to vote for the removal of 4 directors at yesterday's AGM. They can't possibly have thought that they would do so. 

It's pretty much Civil War now. 

The PTFC Trust would be well advised to try to avoid going further down that route. 

TJF have the support of a large section of the Thistle support, have moral right behind them and are just a damn sight better at it. 

The PTFC Trust may, over the passage of time, become the fans' organisation that the current Trustees you imagine/hope aspire to become but those current Trustees won't be the winners of this civil war. 

I'm not entirely sure how this will end but it's going to be messy and damaging before it does that's for sure. 

Edited by John MacLean
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They just don't get it.

Every time the PTFC Trust make a statement, The Jags Foundation sees a bump in its membership. Every. Single. Time.

They fundamentally seem not to understand why it is that the fans feel the need to protest in the first place.

It's really pretty galling to see precisely the people who divided the support, by going behind everyone's backs, thwarting fan ownership, refusing to democratise, failing to engage with the fans for three months after being appointed, voting to re-appoint the Club directors en-masse, then turn around and tell other people that they have responsibility for uniting the fan base.

The most unifying thing two things that could happen at our football club right now would be Club Board resignations and a full set of Trustee elections.

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The blame for any harm which comes to the club because of this protest is entirely the fault of the PTFC Trust, and Jacqui Low. Their actions have made this inevitable.

I can’t make it through tomorrow, but totally stand with those protesting and hope everyone possible does join. 

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Dreadful interview by Britton on Sportsound pre-match where he wasn't challenged at all, albeit I guess whoever it was interviewing him isn't clued up on the goings on at Firhill.

No mention from him he was a trustee on the PTFC Trust at the time the trust board appointed the current trustees,  claimed the protest today was organised by a supporters' group, seemed to claim the pace of the share transfer is the main issue fans have with all of this and claimed the club board had no involvement in the discussions between 3BC and TJF or the Trust without mentioning the fact the club chairman is a director of 3BC.

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Took in today’s game with my son, as by the time Coaching duties were finished, I couldn’t get up to Inverness.

Really hope you can sort this out Jags fans. I’m not a fan of fan ownership and won’t pretend to know what is going on at your club, but for your sake, I hope you can sort it soon.



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3 hours ago, Hammer Jag said:

Britton can carry Low’s belongings to the car for her when she finally fucks off. It’s all he’s good for.


All he is at this point is Low’s PA, and consequently he’s as compliant in this horrible situation as she is. It’s such a disappointment seeing his legacy circling the drain like this because he chose to latch on to the despicable Jacqui Low rather than actually try to look out for the club’s best interests.

You can f**k off too, Gerry.

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