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Thom Watt from STV has some weird system for deciding what's an assist and what's not. Lawless has more assists than Higgy according to SLJ unless you go by his. He counts shots saved and then someone knocks in the rebound as an assist but passing to someone who scores from 30 yards isn't an assist.

Edited by Pie Of The Month
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For absolutely no reason whatsoever, I think O'Donnell's going to re-sign for us. He was in my work on Sunday and I asked him to stay at Thistle and his missus/wife/whoever was with him shouted to me that he's not staying on, but I've somehow managed to convince myself he's staying. I'm deluded.

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I read Fox in the papers spouting about leaving Jags as he wants a Scotland career. I have a feeling he may have been tapped by Rangers...or am I off base on this? He says in January he knew he needed a fresh challenge but he is still 'looking' for that right and fresh challenge. Well if Rangers beat Well and are back in the SPFL maybe Rangers could be that challenge? It is not that far fetched and they'd be able to pay him more.

I was listening to Radio Scotland this past weekend and all the pundits said none of the Rangers current GKs are good enough for the top league. McCall is planning on dumping Bell and Simonsen. Fox has had a good two years in Premiership, is young and has developed well. His stats are good. I can't see him getting a shot at the Scotland setup unless he gets a contract at one of the Old Firm or moves to English Championship or Premiership. I am doubtful of the latter...as I am not convinced he is good enough for that as of yet.

Any ideas where he could land?

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Even if we bring in some random dodgy keeper like Samson or Letheren, we sort of have the luxury of Paul Gallacher. I'd like to see what Scully is capeable off maybe half a season in the championship for him to be ready.

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I asked on the dundee thread. Not too encouraging overall.

The most worrying comment was great shot stopper :(

However if he's or someone is similar is brought in I'm fine with that if it means we are looking to give Prince Scully a shot at the role long term, or even Waters for that matter.

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Pinch of salt re: Letheren anyway, but I'd still give Scully the first half of next season with PG as backup and if it's going disastrously for both of them then get a keeper in on loan in January. Scully's 23 before the end of the year, how long can we keep him protected for?

Since we've come up, how many times has one of our keepers rescued a point or more for us? Gallacher away to Hibs after the split last year and him saving the penalties vs Aberdeen and Dundee are about the only ones I can think of. It's not as if we've been relying on outrageous goalkeeping to keep us up.

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I won't be able to handle it if we sign Kyle Letheren. He's appalling. Really, really appalling. Think I'd take almost any other keeper in the top flight ahead of him.

ETA: think the season coming could be the perfect time to get Scully involved anyway, the defence should be as strong as it's been in years and if they can give him the same sort of protection fox got for the last wee while it'll be a great way to get him settled into the top flight.

Edited by oneteaminglasgow
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I don't think Letheren is any better or worse than Fox. They are both average at best at this level.

It's not as if we're losing a great keeper to replace with an absolute diddy so I can't say I particularly care if we sign Letheren. If he's as bad as is being made out then Gallacher can step in like he had to do on numerous occasions when Fox lost the plot.

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I'd also like to start with Scully this season and bring in another goalkeeper in January if it's not working out. Scully had a couple of decent games with us in the First Division then let in 4 against Queen's Park which wasn't too impressive. Since then though he's spent two seasons as a number one at Dunfermline, and I think he's picked up their Player of the Year on both occasions. He's untried at this level but he deserves his chance, in my opinion.

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Fox was 23 (?) when he made his debut for us and going by wikipedia he has played a lot less games than Scully.

Surely it's getting to the stage where he's either good enough for us or not. Unless he's costing us goals then I'd be happy to let him settle into it.

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We'd be as well playing Scully for pre-season and see how we go. If he looks like he's not ready then no harm done as we can see about getting someone else in plus Gallacher and see about loaning Scully out. You'd think after 2 years apparently playing well at League 1 level we might be able to get him a Championship club if he's not good enough to be our number 1 yet.

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The jump from League 1 to Premiership would be a bit much imo. If Letheren is coming in, best use him as a stop-gap for a season whilst Scully goes on loan to a Championship club, then he can challenge for the gloves the season after that.

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Surely we can get a better keeper than Kyle Letheren?

If not, stick with Gallacher as first choice, Scully as back-up/competition and Waters as U20/3rd keeper.

ETA - What about the Jamie McDonald rumour? Has he knocked us back or can't we afford him?

Edited by Bishop Briggs
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