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Offensive Behaviour at Football Act cave in.


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I notice you didn't respond to any of my other points?

Probably because you can't quote properly.

I call people morons when I think they are morons. I've never pretended to be a normal person.

There was absolutely no chance of the Scottish Liberal Democrats winning East Renfrewshire in 2015, a historically Tory Labour marginal which no Liberal of any description had won in a century, in an election where the Liberal Democrats were nationally polling under half that of the previous election. If you think my approach as a candidate in that kind of seat would be the same as the approach either I or any other Lib Dem candidate would take in a winnable seat, you are an idiot.

Actually, no, moron sounds better. It obviously riles you more too. You're a moron.

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I don't think we'll be taking any advice from someone who can't even bring himself to type the name "Celtic".

Yet he would like to bask in the limelight or should I say Bluelight (or even just for the sake of it) if their actions lead to the repeal of this law. I have the impression that if Celtic or their supporters have an opinion or want to get something changed no matter what and on whatever topic it's not worth supporting. 

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Are you now against incest? U-turn?

I have never been "for" incest.

I said I didn't believe that it should be a freestanding criminal offence.

Much like being offensive at the football, really.

Edited by Ad Lib
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The 'Old Firm' has its problems no doubt (including our own Angels) but let's not pretend that's where it begins and ends.

Before finding ourselves in the 2nd Division, sectarian insults hurled at our support had become commonplace, from Paisley to Leith, from Dundee to Aberdeen, in and outside the ground.

Not so much as a whisper ever reported by the press/media, radio phone-ins etc..offensive behaviour just widely accepted, because it's Rangers it's fair game.

The vitriolic bile we will be served up again next season hasn't been missed, our time spent in Div 2 &1 in particular made a welcome change in that respect!

Victim FC.

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Probably because you can't quote properly.

I call people morons when I think they are morons. I've never pretended to be a normal person.

There was absolutely no chance of the Scottish Liberal Democrats winning East Renfrewshire in 2015, a historically Tory Labour marginal which no Liberal of any description had won in a century, in an election where the Liberal Democrats were nationally polling under half that of the previous election. If you think my approach as a candidate in that kind of seat would be the same as the approach either I or any other Lib Dem candidate would take in a winnable seat, you are an idiot.

Actually, no, moron sounds better. It obviously riles you more too. You're a moron.

You have singularly failed to address any points I raised, seems that unless it's a point of law that you can dress up in legalise, you are incapable of debate.

I love your ability to address other posters as morons, you know f**k all about me, yet you address me as a moron and a pleb!

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I never bother voting because they are all the same .... but I was going to vote Torie just because Murdo Frazer tweeted about our Queens 11. Choice was decided there and then for me. I never made it to vote though. I will next time. If this act gets repealled, it shows us voting does work and we can overthrow a dictator goverment hated acts of law.

Now, what the results have showen me is with an increase in the Tories and a minority SNP goverment, we can beat the SNP over crap rules and laws they have forced on us all. From now on, I will make a point of getting my vote in and voting for the Tories. I hope lbour, greens, lib dems and tories they all club together and fix all the bad laws the SNP have dictated to us all. Jeez, I might even vote Green next time as long as its not SNP.

I would NEVER vote for the SNP. I might have if Jim Sillars still had influence. He was the real SNP. What we got now are dictator marxists who want to leave UK then submit Scotland to the EU. British NEVER surrender to any foe. Look how the SNP MSPs all are told to vote as the party wants. None of them are allowed to make their own minds up. Thats no way to run a democracy. Should be ringing bells in the whole of Scotland that. Thats what dictators do with their political party in power. This is our SNP exactly. At least when the SNP fall, we can have a normal free western democratic country back. Not one who lies and sends out propaganda like Hitler, to its people.

Axe the act. Well done FAC and the activist celt*c supporters for pushing this. Not forgetting or underestimating Rangers involvement and the Scottish fans in total.

Have you ever heard of the term "having a Flange loose" because you read like you've got one. By the By please don't ever exercise your Vote the country does not need it. 

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Most normal people don't address others based on their mental health status.I did it because the local party asked me to, they were a nice bunch of people, they'd invited me to their Burns Supper a couple of times, and I thought it would be fun to campaign against Jim Murphy. I most certainly didn't do it "to raise my own profile".People are "gutted" when they lose seats they have an actual chance of winning. Tottenham were "gutted" when they lost the league. People who don't expect to win aren't gutted when they lose. St Johnstone fans were not crying onto the dashboard of their combine harvesters when they didn't win the Premier.The rest of your post just descended into outright lies. Desperate.

The moral of the tale folks is never go to a Lib Dem Burns Supper, your life can spiral quickly down hill if you do. :(

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Precisely this.


Criticism of the law seems to be getting filed under either pro-Old Firm pandering, or SNPbad. I don't believe anyone could actually read what the act says and argue that it is a proportionate and effective response to combat sectarian behaviour.


Here's how you stamp it out at games: The first time it happens, close a stand for the next game. The second time, close the ground for a match. I guarantee it wouldn't happen a third time.

Deduction of points ? anyone?

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I have never been "for" incest.

I said I didn't believe that it should be a freestanding criminal offence.

Much like being offensive at the football, really.

You have no moral objection to legalising incest.  Most reasonable people would take that as the same as being "for" incest.

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You have singularly failed to address any points I raised, seems that unless it's a point of law that you can dress up in legalise, you are incapable of debate.

I love your ability to address other posters as morons, you know f**k all about me, yet you address me as a moron and a pleb!

You didn't raise any points needing addressed.

I do know some things about you. You post on a football forum and you are a moron. I don't need to have met you to know that. I also know you have a seething discomfort at being spoken down to and really hate being called a pleb.

Meanwhile the pot sees fit to comment on the colour of the kettle, on this very thread calling me mentally unstable when I'm nothing of the sort. Stay classy

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You have no moral objection to legalising incest. Most reasonable people would take that as the same as being "for" incest.

No they wouldn't.

If you are tea total and discourage people from drinking alcohol but you wouldn't criminalise it are you "for" alcohol?

Are you "for" the Old Firm given you don't want to criminalise their existence?

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What the utter fcuk do you smoke in that office of yours? Seriously? What about incest makes it something that shouldnt be criminal?

Informed consenting adults should not be prevented from enagaging in sexual acts with each other.

Simple principle.

Your turn.

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