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1 hour ago, Swami said:

I like him, makes me think we’re the featured game on Scotsport. He talks some pish, right enough. 

Jock Brown was Sportscene, IIRC. Gerry McNee was the Scotsport man of the 90s. 

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35 minutes ago, thisGRAEME said:

Are folk genuinely arguing that's excessive force or brutality? 

This is weirding me out as well. The pearl clutching about a fairly nothing incident, in a fairly nothing game, that had no discernible impact on the outcome or the player is just odd.

It's 100% not something that's worth revisiting after the fact.


Edited by capt_oats
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9 minutes ago, steelmen said:

Was it not jock brown and Ally McCoist that commentated on the 91 cup final?

That’ll be my favourite game he commentated on then.

Aye it was. Presumably that's why they sought him out. I'm probably just being bitter because I can't get in a stadium. 

Absolutely would not mind McCoist doing more of our games tbf.


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2 hours ago, Gallus Numpty said:

Actual contact is irrelevant, all that matters is what he was trying to do.

"Violent conduct is when a player uses or attempts to use excessive force or brutality against an opponent when not challenging for the ball".

How could you ever know what he was trying to do. It wasn't a kick and a miss. So you could only conclude he did exactly what he meant to do.

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It was never a red for devante. He wanted to grab the guys shirt to stop the break away, but couldn't because his hands were on the ground, so had to do it with his foot. It was also a wrestling move, and wrestling isn't real, so no big deal. 

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Updates on the john Hunter Stand renovation.


On-going Hunter Stand improvements:

• All steelwork & back wall repainted
• Guttering upgraded and leaks fixed
• Toilets removed & replaced
• Every seat removed and replaced
• New PA system installed
• All signage removed and replaced
• Fan mural & Hunter timeline added https://t.co/I1ss5FGWbR


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Season Ticket renewal emails will be out soon, I take it? 

Genuine question to all - what's your thoughts on purchasing one for 21/22? 

Will you buy one again, because you always do? 

Do you take the option of the free ST, considering MFC promised to honour 19 games at FP when buying the 20/21 ticket? 

Do you not claim your refund from 20/21 but decline to buy a 21/22 ticket? 

I appreciate not everyone will want to talk about it, its a very personal choice. I've always bought an ST in the years I've been going to FP (missed a couple of years in recent times) but having bought a 20/21 ticket, I really don't know. 

The money I spend on my ST is budgeted for every year. I know it's coming so that money is there. I've been very fortunate throughout Covid times that my work hasn't been effected and I've WFH throughout. I haven't lost any income. However, can I still justify writing off that cash to buy another ST to my wife and kids? Is that selfish? 

I heard the boys on AVFTT speaking about similar on their show and they are right, you know the media guys will pull out some big emotional advert on the socials, pulling at the heart strings. 

I'm really just thinking out loud here, but keen to hear others' thoughts. 

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I will be buying full price one like last season and the many before that. 

Hopefully most will as it is a much needed revenue stream for the club which we as the fans own. 

That said a lot of people will have to defer because circumstances dictate. But will still want to see their team and will probably opt for the lower cost or free option. That is their prerogative and fully understandable. Better that than walking away so it will be good that there are likely to be a few options. 


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I don't imagine the club anticipated having to offer a full 19 free games next season when they made the offer last year, but I think the decision to make that offer was entirely the right thing to do for a fan owned club. 

It will be down to personal choice and circumstance whether people accept the 'free' season ticket or choose to pay in full again, and no-one should be made to feel less or more of a supporter than anyone else depending on their decision. I'm sure the club will be hoping that those in the fortunate position to pay in full for their ST's this year will take that option to further support the club. 

Perhaps the club could encourage those who do opt to take up the 'free' ST offer to sign up to the Well Society at £5 per month, in effect making it a heavily discounted season ticket (£60) with the payment spread out over 12 months? That would at least guarantee some extra income for the club whilst still making it a fairly attractive offer for those that generously put their hands in their pockets last year when they had no idea if they'd get to see a game.   

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I will be paying for my season ticket once again. Tbh if it were up to me i would give the 19 games worth of tickets back to the club who could then give them out to kids/youths. It means they are still getting my season ticket money and enxouraging the crowds to come back who may otherwise would not.

In any case i am fortunate to be in a positoon where my job is mostly secure and i have been workig throughout the pandemic. The only real differemce for myself was working from home but that became boring by the end of May last year. I cant give as much as i like to the Well Society so hopefully putting a few hundred in a season ticket helps.


Also @welldaft, i posted that just before Alan sent out the second tweet. Still looks much better and maybe it wont be dull/dark druing midweek games!

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I do think the club perhaps did jump in too quickly to honour any games you missed. I reckon that was probably a decision that was made thinking that we would maybe at least be back in socially distanced by now. I would have been happy to buy my season ticket last year and just have the streams included.

I will buy one again next season, as fortunately like yourselves, my work hasn't been affected by COVID. There will be plenty people who bought one who are now unemployed, fearing unemployment or feeling the pinch of long-term furlough so for someone like me, who can afford it, I almost feel duty bound.

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It's a tough one for the club and fans alike, and dependent on each individuals situation due to covid, there is absolutely no right or wrong decision. 

The club's pledge to honour 19 games was as good an offer as they could make at the time, as nobody could have predicted the longevity of the virus and restrictions being in place, but it must now be a big concern to them that there is the potential for virtually no income at all from their largest regular revenue stream next season. 

There's no doubt other clubs will lay it on heavy to try and guilt trip folk into buying, but I have a little faith in our's that they will be more sensitive to the situation.

The regular output about assisting kids during the school holidays and the various community initiatives prove that the club really is all about the people who come through the turnstiles. Likewise the clubs work on mental health, which has taken a battering through all of this, would see them reluctant to add to anyone's financial issues. I don't think they would try to put undue pressure on people who would ordinarily buy, but simply don't have the resources at this time. 

Personally, I'm fortunate in my work and income having remained steady throughout this past shitshow of a year, and I will be happy to buy again to help the club. I have friends who have not been so fortunate though, whom I will heartily advise to take up the option of the games owed. Getting back into Fir Park is exactly the lift some/all of us need, the escapism and release of mixing with friends and watching your team, and it can't come quickly enough. If you can help the club out by buying again, all well and good. If you're situation dictates that your money is required elsewhere, then simply claim the games owed which are rightfully yours, and get your arse back in. We've all got a lot of booing to catch up on.!!! 

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