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Can club sponsorship be written off against tax?

I think the video would be fine to encourage existing and potential Well Society members to restart their £5/£10 a month subscription.  I’m not sure it works at the corporate level.


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33 minutes ago, Busta Nut said:

I know a few of the Well Society board would like to make it known the Well Society had nothing to do with the video. 

Urge them to speak out publicly for a change. They are completely voiceless and have the power to do something about that.

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58 minutes ago, Swello said:

a) Her hating it instinctively makes me want to defend the video for some reason

b) Glad to see that she thinks we don't investment - great that she's added accountancy to all the other things she's an expert on.

c) Honestly can't believe an actual advertising agency would want this on their showreel.

This 100% on a) and b).

Her comment “we don’t need investment”. I mean WTAF. Alright Laura if you say so. 

Is she privy to our bank accounts that actually show we have £20m in the bank and this is all a ruse. 

She has a view on almost everything- fair play. But she is often so wide of the mark. 

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We should be hammered with a points deduction for that ‘initiative’ and video. Just get relegated and keep the heid doon in the Championship for a few seasons then try and get back up when this has all blown over.

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4 hours ago, thisGRAEME said:

There seems to be a growing suggestion from the Dundee that Tony will be returning to ourselves as well, fwiw.

Which if it's 'good' Tony I'm into. Particularly if United are paying a good chunk of his wage, that would be very funny, tbh.

Bring him home...


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13 minutes ago, Busta Nut said:

He is on the Society board.

I know that, but not everyone follows the board members, and clarifications like this would be useful coming from the official account of the ownership group.

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2 hours ago, capt_oats said:

Wait. Haud the bus, this was done by an external company? And we signed off on it?

Fuuuuuuuucking Hell.

@Busta Nut it's in my post - I muted her ages ago but she's right tbf.

It was by Leith, and as such presumably cost quite a lot of money to make.

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35 minutes ago, rowsdower said:

Would be better if that came from the society itself.

Agreed. In an ideal world that wee video and all the text from his personal account comes from WS directly.

But it's a start.

Derek obviously likes getting his opinions out there on various matters but fair fucks to him on this one. It does show some backing/alignment from Society to Club. Better than the others who as far as I can tell are silent other than Dickie. Although he's obviously spoken a few times on the clubs behalf.

Edited by eliphas
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