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2 minutes ago, Busta Nut said:

f**k that Mika guy.

Can we develop youngsters for some foreign team? Real? Milan? PSG?


I'm going full FM editor mode. 

I’d happily take FM regens ATM, TBH.

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On 29/01/2024 at 12:26, camer0n_mcd said:

Losing Spittal would be pretty brutal, already on 9 goal contributions in the league this season, he's such an important player for us. Hopefully we can convince him to sign a new deal.

Too late for that I’m afraid.

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4 hours ago, eliphas said:

Have I completely missed the club telling us about Montgomery being out? Or is this one of these weird scenarios in modern fitba now where we don't communicate injuries and time out if the agent/player don't want it to be?

Even the update for the Killie fails to mention Monty:


Callum Slattery and Jon Obika remain missing for this match.

Shane Blaney returned to the bench against St Johnstone on Saturday and could feature. Dan Casey and Barry Maguire will be assessed this week going into the match.

It's weird how nothing's been said. Everyone knows he's injured, why won't they say what's going on?

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2 minutes ago, Busta Nut said:

It's weird how nothing's been said. Everyone knows he's injured, why won't they say what's going on?

I think it was @MurrayWell who suggested it but it he's been away for scans then there's probably going to be dialogue between us and Celtic as to how it's handled moving forward eg: is the loan just getting scrapped and he goes back to Celtic for his rehab in the same way Shaw went back to Barnsley.

I wouldn't expect us to make any announcements until it's established what the extent of the damage is.

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Whilst Celtic would want whomever pays the biggest wage..it may be best to loan us Turnbull who could do some damage to Rangers in remaining  games. I now how stupid that sounds as if we had the Argentinian national side we would still not beat Rangers. 

Do we really need to leave signings until the last minute ? We need at least 2 strikers and a LB. Maybe one more if Ketts was to be taken at face value saying we needed 2 in before the window opened.

It is quite depressing to see buoyant and cocky Dundee and St Mirren fans. The only thing that would cheer me up if we brought in the Israeli striker, KVV, Shaun Rooney and David Turnbull. But as has been mentioned I suspect it will be a couple of loan signings no-one knows anything about. Did we really make a bid for Nouble at Livi. At one point it was between us and Exeter if you believed the Livi fans / press. Since then nothing. All very exciting……………NOT.

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Just now, welldaft said:

Do we really need to leave signings until the last minute ? We need at least 2 strikers and a LB. Maybe one more if Ketts was to be taken at face value saying we needed 2 in before the window opened.

Maybe just my impression but the January window is two separate windows - the early business that has been lined up, a quiet-ish middle, then the frantic wheeling and dealing late on.

I still think we'll get two forwards in, possibly another full back too. The quality is a much bigger concern than the numbers though.

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24 minutes ago, Handsome_Devil said:

Maybe just my impression but the January window is two separate windows - the early business that has been lined up, a quiet-ish middle, then the frantic wheeling and dealing late on.

I still think we'll get two forwards in, possibly another full back too. The quality is a much bigger concern than the numbers though.

Definitely this.

Also, you can call it naivety on our part if you want but if we've taken the Biereth situation as good faith that he wasn't being recalled then it presumably becomes a much more problematic situation if you're having to replace both Biereth and Wilkinson than just Wilkinson himself.

Getting a Biereth replacement through the door at a fortnight's notice if going to be pretty fucking hard or at the very least it will take a bit of time.

Edited by capt_oats
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I think we've gone about our business pretty well in this window as far as we would have been able to plan. If Mika was still here as expected, I think we would be pretty relaxed and looking forward to seeing what we could pull out the hat in the late night madness this week.

As it stands, we've had an injury to one of the signings and Arsenal fucked us around - so it is legitimately difficult for the club to deal with that quickly given that we are not many players' first choice destination (and never have been).

The biggest worry is that we get a Wilkinson level replacement forward instead of a Biereth level one (or close to it).

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1 hour ago, capt_oats said:

I think it was @MurrayWell who suggested it but it he's been away for scans then there's probably going to be dialogue between us and Celtic as to how it's handled moving forward eg: is the loan just getting scrapped and he goes back to Celtic for his rehab in the same way Shaw went back to Barnsley.

I wouldn't expect us to make any announcements until it's established what the extent of the damage is.

It's on the webpage now, no timescales or detail yet. So an oversight perhaps.

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3 hours ago, MP_MFC said:

In other news....



Another handsome pay-off incoming for him after only a couple of months in post. Got to hand it to the guy, he's making an absolute fortune out of being utterly shite at his job.

Thing is, he'll just trot off somewhere nice and sun himself, stress free for a couple of months then some other mugs will take a punt on him, he'll f**k it again and absolutely rinse them like all the ones before. An absolute master of his art. Or p***k. Whichever you prefer..

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10 minutes ago, 'WellDel said:

Thing is, he'll just trot off somewhere nice and sun himself, stress free for a couple of months then some other mugs will take a punt on him, he'll f**k it again and absolutely rinse them like all the ones before. An absolute master of his art. Or p***k. Whichever you prefer..

Bizarrely I still reckon Alexander could be a really good manager if he wasn't, you know, so much himself.

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2 hours ago, capt_oats said:

Always said that Celtic was the wrong move for Turnbull from a development point of view but, at the same time, can just about understand why he went. 

I wonder what he must think when he sees someone like Lewis Ferguson who, IMO, Turnbull was a better player than he was with us and Ferguson was at Aberdeen. As it is, Ferguson is in Serie A captaining a Bologna side who are challenging for Europe whereas Turnbull is staring down the barrel of a move to some mid table Championship jobbers. 

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Turnbull very much came across as a wee guy who, charitably, I'll say would enjoy his home comforts and being in his wee bubble in Scotland and picking up a decent wage rather than challenge himself and go out of his comfort zone like Ferguson, Doig et al and moving to a much better league that is probably more suited to his style than either here or the meat grinder down South.

The kind of guy who goes on holiday to Benidorm to eat chips rather than go backpacking through eastern europe eating borscht. 

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15 minutes ago, MP_MFC said:

Turnbull very much came across as a wee guy who, charitably, I'll say would enjoy his home comforts and being in his wee bubble in Scotland and picking up a decent wage rather than challenge himself and go out of his comfort zone like Ferguson, Doig et al and moving to a much better league that is probably more suited to his style than either here or the meat grinder down South.

The kind of guy who goes on holiday to Benidorm to eat chips rather than go backpacking through eastern europe eating borscht. 

I always thought borscht was sausages, but it's actually soup. Weird.

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12 minutes ago, Ron Aldo said:

Always said that Celtic was the wrong move for Turnbull from a development point of view but, at the same time, can just about understand why he went. 

I wonder what he must think when he sees someone like Lewis Ferguson who, IMO, Turnbull was a better player than he was with us and Ferguson was at Aberdeen. As it is, Ferguson is in Serie A captaining a Bologna side who are challenging for Europe whereas Turnbull is staring down the barrel of a move to some mid table Championship jobbers. 

They are totally different players and Ferguson probably suits the modern style of game which Turnbull tbh doesn't really. He's a talented player but lacks the energy that is now expected of a modern day midfielder in the top leagues. We have helped developed plenty of players past decade or so I don't think it's a case of him going to the wrong club it's just that his ceiling level really is that of the an EPL yo yo club looking to get back up. He's still relatively young so can develop further but when  you get the likes of Christie, Ajer, McGregor etc who seemed to develop year on year at the club Turnbull is much the same player he arrived as. This is despite working under some decent coaches, decent game time, with better players and at a higher level. Sometimes players just hit a ceiling very quickly, could still be a cracking playing player for a hi end championship club though.

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