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15 hours ago, Busta Nut said:

I'm not long back from a decent break. Took me a few attempts and few hours to read through all the pages.

I can only really ask, how did we get to this point?

This should have been binned by the WS, I do understand their concerns about the fans who would have felt their right to vote was blocked and that McMahon and crew would have just pointed the finger at them cos the details would have had to remain confidential. 

The second this guy appeared on this website was the biggest red flag we could have had. He's been caught out talking shite about a number of things, he's using answers with loads of words that say absolutely nothing when asked direct questions and has changed the terms of his offer cos a couple of guys on a football forum called him out.

It's hard not to be insulted and hard not to reply with insults. But that's cos I am not as eloquent as most of you. 

It's frightening seeing some of the facebook and twitter replies. Even some of the comments on here "If the WS doesn't come up with a decent plan, I'm voting for the Netflix guy, just cos".  That's just wild.

The WS board members are treated by some of you with the same contempt that McMahon, Dickie and Weir treated them with. Cos they don't wear the same suit or blazers. Because of their age. Dare I say because of their backgrounds?

There were also many great posts in there. Kudos to them. I see many of you fighting the good fight.

For the first few days I couldn't believe folk were responding to an obvious wind up.

Then reality set in.

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I have broken my self imposed rule and responded on fb to a number of the more niave comments.

I know its a bit like howling at the moon but we need to be on there in a constructive way debunking some of the nonsense and changing the narrative.

Like it or not folk are like sheep, the more comments on fb in favour will lead some to follow that line, we need to balance it with good rational rebutal.

Debating on here is fine but we are all it seems on similar pages, we need to take the debate out to those in favour of the deal and change minds as much as possible

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2 hours ago, Dosser1886 said:

With some on this debate it is like Brexit all over again, "here is this magical nirvana promised land that doesn't exist and even if it did I'm not going to give you any evidence, plan or clue how it will happen or how we will get there and it could be a total disaster - but I'm still voting for it and it's your job to convince me otherwise" For people " allegedly" with brains taking that point of view is mind blowing and pathetic all at the same time.


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24 minutes ago, Randolphtops said:

I have broken my self imposed rule and responded on fb to a number of the more niave comments.

I know its a bit like howling at the moon but we need to be on there in a constructive way debunking some of the nonsense and changing the narrative.

Like it or not folk are like sheep, the more comments on fb in favour will lead some to follow that line, we need to balance it with good rational rebutal.

Debating on here is fine but we are all it seems on similar pages, we need to take the debate out to those in favour of the deal and change minds as much as possible

Fair play to you. I've responded a couple of times on twitter but dealing with (willful) ignorance is hard going.

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Serious question.

What would be the process to get rid of McMahon and the current Executive board?

Seems to me that the best way forward would be to clear the decks and allow the Well Society to deal directly with Wild Sheep. 

That way we could see if he he really was serious about becoming involved or whether he would run a mile once real terms were on the table.

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27 minutes ago, Randolphtops said:

I have broken my self imposed rule and responded on fb to a number of the more niave comments.

I know its a bit like howling at the moon but we need to be on there in a constructive way debunking some of the nonsense and changing the narrative.

Like it or not folk are like sheep, the more comments on fb in favour will lead some to follow that line, we need to balance it with good rational rebutal.

Debating on here is fine but we are all it seems on similar pages, we need to take the debate out to those in favour of the deal and change minds as much as possible

It's a long time since I've even engaged on that platform, even on my personal profile which I only really keep active because it's linked to various work accounts but the stuff on Facebook is kind of interesting in so much as a lot of it seems to come from folk who are either parroting the McMahon narrative or quite possibly have never been supportive of the Society in the first place it's the "too wee, too poor, too stupid mentality".

Fair play to the folk who are dropping into the comments and pushing back as it's pretty clear that as soon as they're challenged they tend not to have any sort of a comeback.

I mean, it's disheartening to see folk getting suckered in this way and doubly so as it's the Executive Board of the Football Club who are the bad actors in this situation.

As an aside, it has been a long time since I've seen this forum and Steelmen as aligned on a topic.

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22 minutes ago, joewarkfanclub said:

Serious question.

What would be the process to get rid of McMahon and the current Executive board?

Seems to me that the best way forward would be to clear the decks and allow the Well Society to deal directly with Wild Sheep. 

That way we could see if he he really was serious about becoming involved or whether he would run a mile once real terms were on the table.

I believe it can be done by ordinary resolution at an EGM. The Society could call one and the directors obliged to arrange it relatively quickly - around a month. Those outside the Society could also call the meeting in theory but need a threshold of shares (certainly more than the odds and ends kicking around) to do so.

This is pure speculation on my part but I would find it hard to believe this question wasn't broached as part of the legal advice the Society received and they either have a valid reason not to (beyond my uneducated ken) or feel confident enough they'll squeak home in the vote and can enact revenge and install suitable protections then.

Edit to add the Society rules are a bit clearer...you can request a Society EGM with 10% of the membership and direct the board to act (within some restrictions) in a certain way on the basis of a two-thirds majority. Which presumably would definitely include instructing them to call a club EGM but may or may not be able to stop a vote depending on what agreements have already been made.

Edited by Handsome_Devil
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18 minutes ago, capt_oats said:

As an aside, it has been a long time since I've seen this forum and Steelmen as aligned on a topic.

I've not dipped in there yet but that's encouraging to hear.

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McMahon was supposed to be gone at the "end of the season by the latest" but his attempts to get this terrible offer over the line means we've been stuck with him for a while longer. 

McMahon and his wee pals enjoy telling folk they've got experience and business acumen, but do very little to back that up. McMahon talked up the fan ownership as a model when he was appointed chair. Now, because him and his yes people have done the square root of f**k all to make the most of it during their time, the narrative has changed to 'we need investment and we need it now'. IMO this reeks of folk not doing the work they said they would and are now panicking and looking to blame the very model that put them into position in the first place. 

I'm not saying outside investment wouldn't be welcome in the right circumstances, but this is rushed, with very little information, no known strategy and risks the ownership and future of the club. Bin it. The new WS board appear to have fresh ideas and deserve the chance to try to make them work, particularly given they've had to take the flak for stuff that didn't happen on their watch. 

Even EB had a wee swipe at the current executive board in the conversations @Vietnam91 shared, and they are on his side! 

Edited by MurrayWell
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5 minutes ago, ropy said:

Why can’t Erik just become chairman with no investment, we are looking for a new one.  If he isn’t doing a good job after 2 years we can kick him out, The Well Society retain their shareholding and their cash.

I'm afraid the very obvious answer is the same as why doesn't he implement his ideas with a lower shareholding...he wants control and ownership of the club for a song with the Society sidelined.

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7 hours ago, eliphas said:

But, conversely, a no vote win does not mean I am 100% into the WS in it's current form either and it's shouldn't be perceived as such. It's just a no to the Barmacks. 

Despite the narrative some people are promoting, a 'no' vote means precisely what it indicates. It means you do not want the Erik Barmack/Wild Sheep Sports deal to be implemented.

This vote is not a vote on any Well Society proposal, either for or against.

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1 hour ago, Busta Nut said:

See one thing that has annoyed me since @Vietnam91 posted it. The husting video, Dickie is asked why hewants re-elected to the ws board. I'm paraphrasing but he said to "maintain the model of the WS".

The guy is a weasel. 

I remember, many decades ago now, a couple of us neighbourhood urchins stuffing dog shit up the exhaust pipe of his auld man's white Porsche (registration BD 24, if memory serves.) I wonder if the resulting smell somehow warped the developing character of young Douglas sitting in the back?.

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