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Double Winning St Johnstone FC Thread

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5 hours ago, Kyle said:

Absolutely fair enough if that’s the reasoning for Cleary leaving. Quite disappointed as he looked like he was growing into towards the end of last season but the club have done the right thing here I think. 

At least gives an explanation for why we’ve signed Mitchell too, although maybe an argument we could’ve got by with 1 less cb and took our timing sourcing Cleary’s replacement. 

Been thinking on this for quite a wee while, and playing devils advocate, perhaps we’re taking the boy on loan to look at as a long term option? He’s young and if Transfermarkt is correct he is out of contract at the end of the season. 

From Callum’s comments he seems to have been aware of the laddie for a while and Maybe it’s been a case of McGowan for Experience & Mitchell for youth. Or maybe I’m barking up the wrong tree and he’s just panik loaned a youngster from a pal for cover temporarily.

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I think you can be both understanding of the players want and need to be closer to family and also from a fans perspective, be frustrated that we are letting a player who we signed not long ago walk away from a 2 year deal and by the sounds of it sign for another club within 24 hours.

I don't really want to know whatever the family situation that it is, that has meant he needs to be at home, its none of my business and I hope he and his family are all well.

On the pitch, I don't think he will be a massive loss. Off the pitch, I cannot speak to his influence in the dressing room, but I'd by lying if I said I was totally comfortable with some of his views on twitter.

On folk laying into posters and getting personal, it's not on. You can criticise a view someone takes and you can not like them for whatever reason, but there is a line. For journalists in particular, that line should be more evident than for most.

As a general point, I'm growing increasingly frustrated at the siloing of information about Saints. Between the club sticking interviews with players behind a pay wall, articles being trailed by papers and then stuck behind a subscription and the multiple TV subscriptions you'd need to actually watch a Scottish game on TV, it feels like fans are being pushed further and further away from what is going on at Saints and other clubs. Clubs like Saints especially, should be ramming as much free content down our throats as possible. Smug 'in the know' journalists screaming look at me and what I know and won't tell you at other fans is not a good look for them or the club. 

Edited by Theyellowbox
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5 hours ago, RandomGuy. said:

Yeah im done. Evident a lot of folk have desperate for this chance for a while and i cannot be arsed with a pile on.

Best for everyone for me to f**k off tbh. Its been a hell of a ride 🤟


5 hours ago, PSJ.84 said:

Shamrock fans seem to think he’s going there

Shamrock have poached RG? 🤯

1 hour ago, tree house tam said:

How the f**k does a sane individual get worked up by a faceless twat on the internet?

I've mentioned Randoms garden on here but it's all in jest (apart from his gardening skills, they're shite). If he'd sent a simple PM saying not to I'd have probably stopped. His melodramatic shite is just him, if you don't like it tell him then move on, don't hound the laddie over several forums and social media and certainly don't bring his new kid into things. You may not like his stat side of things( I think they can be misleading) but surely most can accept it has a role to play in the modern game?

Random, love him or loath him, is a welcome addition to the Saints support on here and is certainly no where near the worst. I'll leave that open goal there for anyone that wants it...

Well said. Not just a welcome addition for your support but for the whole of pnb. 

Hopefully he doesn't chuck it on here. 


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I've only read the Twitter thread rather than the comments on here as of yet but felt the need to comment before I read on.

@RandomGuy.I don't know why, because you always are up for arguing until the bitter end on a random, shitty topic on here but you seem to continually shit the bed when it comes to Robert Thomson and you've ended up deactivating your account on Twitter. The last time round you threw a big strop and people rallied round you. 

Thomson's problem is that he's made a career from being a know it all arsehole and you're just simply better at being a know it all arsehole. Stop letting him get to you, you're knowledgeable about your club if a bit overdramatic at times and the first person I look at when Dundee have signed an ex -St J player or want to know a bit of info about a former Dee or whatever. Who gives a shit what Thomson's suck ups on Twitter think? Get back to doing what you do best and ignore dinosaurs like him and block the people giving you personal grief.

Edited by Ludo*1
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2 hours ago, Theyellowbox said:

I think you can be both understanding of the players want and need to be closer to family and also from a fans perspective, be frustrated that we are letting a player who we signed not long ago walk away from a 2 year deal and by the sounds of it sign for another club within 24 hours.

I don't really want to know whatever the family situation that it is, that has meant he needs to be at home, its none of my business and I hope he and his family are all well.

I think that's the key point: it's none of your business. However, his business has become the club's business. 

As far as how I conduct myself, I don't expect business associates to care about or burden the consequences of my personal problems, irrespective how severe they are. They hired me to do a job and that's as far as our relationship goes. None of us show up to work out of kindness, we do it purely for self-serving reasons (money), yet we all expect employers or clients to show kindness to us.

It's a different world nowadays though, one which expects me to make all of my personal problems the problems of my workplace, employer or client. It definitely isn't a reciprocal relationship (ie, the avg. modern footballer has no loyalty to their club). 

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41 minutes ago, Ludo*1 said:

I've only read the Twitter thread rather than the comments on here as of yet but felt the need to comment before I read on.

@RandomGuy.I don't know why, because you always are up for arguing until the bitter end on a random, shitty topic on here but you seem to continually shit the bed when it comes to Robert Thomson and you've ended up deactivating your account on Twitter. The last time round you threw a big strop and people rallied round you. 

Thomson's problem is that he's made a career from being a know it all arsehole and you're just simply better at being a know it all arsehole. Stop letting him get to you, your knowledgeable about your club if a bit overdramatic at times, who gives a shit what Thomson's suck ups on Twitter think? Get back to doing what you do best and ignore dinosaurs like him.

In my opinion Saints have an element of the support who think/behave like think they're better than the other fans. They see themselves as "better" more loyal fans etc. They're special because they get a bit ITK info etc. 

Because of that they show a bit of snobbery and because rightfully or wrongfully RG has criticised the the club in a manner they didn't like they've all jumped to its defence. It's a bit like a mean girls clique 😂😂

I'm sure all clubs have it but RG has felt the brunt of it.

He probably would have been best served to not even comment on the subject due to the inevitable response but we all live and learn. They wouldn't say a single thing of it to his face. 


Edited by SJFCtheTeamForMe
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I agree with the majority here. I’d bring back the account too RG, as long as you’re enjoying it and want to share the information for the many fans who are interested. If people aren’t interested or they want to have a go at you, just it let them or block them if it’s too much. Why they’re following you when it’s clear they aren’t particularly interested I’ve no idea, seemed like some were just waiting for an excuse to pile on. 

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4 hours ago, The Real Saints said:

Is Robert Thomson maybe feeling overwhelmingly bitter because Random has had more access to the club than he's had during the past year? Should I ask him on Twitter? It might clarify his strange behaviour.

I think you could take him TRS, just need to stand on something for the height difference. 

Bring Malcolm.

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Regards media coverage...

I think there is an argument to be had about what should and shouldn't be available on Saints TV. Of course, if the clubs (for they are the SPFL) and broadcasters realised that PPV isn't the devil once feared, I'm sure it would pay for itself and then some of the other stuff could be free-to-air, whilst also giving you the opportunities to create premium content (don't laugh) and attract subscriptions. 

But with The Courier in particular, I think it's unreasonable to expect them to give everything away for free. Personally I'm happy to pay for journalism, just as all of us would expect to be paid for our work. 

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31 minutes ago, Radford said:

Regards media coverage...

I think there is an argument to be had about what should and shouldn't be available on Saints TV. Of course, if the clubs (for they are the SPFL) and broadcasters realised that PPV isn't the devil once feared, I'm sure it would pay for itself and then some of the other stuff could be free-to-air, whilst also giving you the opportunities to create premium content (don't laugh) and attract subscriptions. 

But with The Courier in particular, I think it's unreasonable to expect them to give everything away for free. Personally I'm happy to pay for journalism, just as all of us would expect to be paid for our work. 

I agree. The Courier's job is to make the content attractive enough to either generate advertising or other revenue (eg data sales) or for people to pay for it. That might be in-depth analysis or interviews. 

I also see the other side, which is that Saints have to generate interest in the club and keep existing fans happy. Putting news about the club behind paywalls seems counter-productive in that regard, particularly when it knows who season ticket holders are and presumably wants to retain their loyalty. 

I guess there's content that will only be of interest to Saints fans, or occasional supporters, and stuff that's of more general Scottish football news. 

Seems to me what what's being said is that Saints and the press haven't quite got the balance right on what's worth paying for and what should be free. 

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42 minutes ago, Radford said:

But with The Courier in particular, I think it's unreasonable to expect them to give everything away for free. Personally I'm happy to pay for journalism, just as all of us would expect to be paid for our work. 

This a thousand times this! Every time the courier posts on social media, the majority of comments are “can’t read it” etc and it does my head in.

You’d be as well standing outside a shoe shop shouting that they won’t let you wear their shoes without buying them.

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The problem with paid journalism though is you have to be mindful of what else your money goes to.

Yes there is no obligation on the Courier to give away their work product from which they seek to derive profit for free.

But there is no obligation for me to give money to yet another Tory rag just to get some shitey column brownnosing CD. 

I value the second point as more important to me than the first one - even if it means the death of local (Tory) print media.


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1 hour ago, Radford said:

But with The Courier in particular, I think it's unreasonable to expect them to give everything away for free. Personally I'm happy to pay for journalism, just as all of us would expect to be paid for our work. 

I think we've found Erics runner.

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2 hours ago, Radford said:

Regards media coverage...

I think there is an argument to be had about what should and shouldn't be available on Saints TV. Of course, if the clubs (for they are the SPFL) and broadcasters realised that PPV isn't the devil once feared, I'm sure it would pay for itself and then some of the other stuff could be free-to-air, whilst also giving you the opportunities to create premium content (don't laugh) and attract subscriptions. 

But with The Courier in particular, I think it's unreasonable to expect them to give everything away for free. Personally I'm happy to pay for journalism, just as all of us would expect to be paid for our work. 

What annoys me most and its a very small point 

I buy the actual paper every day but its annoying  and a bit frustrating when something you will read the next day pops up on line and you just want to see what it says 

I'm nor buying the paper and subscribing online 

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46 minutes ago, THE FAT MAN said:

What annoys me most and its a very small point 

I buy the actual paper every day but its annoying  and a bit frustrating when something you will read the next day pops up on line and you just want to see what it says 

I'm nor buying the paper and subscribing online 

£5.99 for a month’s subscription online seems better than buying the actual paper everyday,just a thought 

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6 minutes ago, glenrothes 1884 saint said:

£5.99 for a month’s subscription online seems better than buying the actual paper everyday,just a thought 

For me and its probably an age thing  but I prefer to sit and read the paper on my break at work, not really supposed to have phone out of locker during working hours but I usually find a way of getting on my phone too

But for me I just enjoy reading the paper on my break

I'm an odd bread when it comes to that start reading the paper backwards, looking for Saints stuff first ,very rarely get past scanned the rest of the paper for Perth news before I go back to work 

I'm a dinosaur though and not keen and not great at on line stuff,I survive and probably better that some 60+Year olds..don't even get me started on self service tills in Supermarkets though lol

I hate them !

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Just to turn back the football for a second, I'm guessing that if we don't announce we've signed a striker in the next few hours we're stuck with a non-scoring and recently ill Stevie May and a recently injured and (being generous) 'unproven at this level' Thelonius Bair as our options up front on Saturday, for a season opener at home against what seems to be a pretty beatable Hibs side. 

What. A. Fucking. Mess. 

Edit - forgot which day the game was on. 

Edited by Valentino Bolognese
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