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Edinburgh City

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Had really hoped City would see sense on this and as others have said they have completely underestimated how both home and away fans will react to this. Can see the atmosphere at City's games being nasty and not one you would want to expose kids to. Not a great thing for a club supposed to be trying to build a support base. I will now be heading elsewhere on Saturdays when I cannot make Dons games. 

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Great post from you Ally.

Unfortunately I don't share the boards view that the reaction in the SPFL will not be as bad as you think. Much much much bigger stage than Kelty. He'll be getting it bad every game from now until the end of his career rightly or wrongly.

I could only imagine the reaction if you were to play Hibs away for example..

Yes that's my argument as well, this is the city he committed the crimes in, people remember him and what he did.
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I agree top marks to Ally for a superb post like that. 
However I'm done. Can't bring myself to go back whilst he is there 

Yeah I don't blame you and I'm not sure what I'll do myself
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Arranged for season ticket money to be refunded for both my own and son's STs.  Stopped my direct debits. Over £1000 of income lost annually alone from my side of things. 
That's me done with over 20 years of involvement including one as chairman five or so years back. I have helped out on match days when required in the last few years but generally just gone along and supported the club I truly cared about, simply as a fan. This effectively clears out the old guard from the club the guys who have been going along for decades. The club's soul has been sold and all for a 1 year contract for a convicted child sex offender.
Ally thanks for meeting up with and passing on the details of your meeting with the board. You're a sound guy and whilst I have made my mind up, as you say we all have decisions to make, I'll judge no one if they carry on attending games.
One final moral dilemma? What to do with my £25 ew @ 25/1 on City to win the league. Answers on a postcard...

I think you'll be a huge loss to the club but I don't disagree with your decision. If I go again and I still don't know I'll be making a donation to Children 1st, a charity local to Edinburgh that spoke out when Hearts failed to sack him initially. That's my suggestion on a postcard for your winnings......
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Good post Ally and one which sums up the situation well.  Weirdly enough I just saw it on Twitter and come on here to read it all over again :lol:

Really poor signing from City.  I wouldn't want him anywhere near Cowden

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7 hours ago, CitizenSmith said:

Arranged for season ticket money to be refunded for both my own and son's STs.  Stopped my direct debits. Over £1000 of income lost annually alone from my side of things. 

That's me done with over 20 years of involvement including one as chairman five or so years back. I have helped out on match days when required in the last few years but generally just gone along and supported the club I truly cared about, simply as a fan. This effectively clears out the old guard from the club the guys who have been going along for decades. The club's soul has been sold and all for a 1 year contract for a convicted child sex offender.

Ally thanks for meeting up with and passing on the details of your meeting with the board. You're a sound guy and whilst I have made my mind up, as you say we all have decisions to make, I'll judge no one if they carry on attending games.

One final moral dilemma? What to do with my £25 ew @ 25/1 on City to win the league. Answers on a postcard...


Hi mate, 

Who do I contact in regards to a refund? I've rang football nation who I must say have been superb and on a couple of times tried to give the club a nudge to get in contact with me. The club promised they would. But nobody has at all 

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Just had a call from the chairman who was superb on the phone with me. I am being given a refund. He respects the fans stance who  don't want to come back and I tell you what I do have a lot of respect for the man. 

As I said before I have nothing against the board personally but I won't be going whilst thomsons there. 

Edited by ecfcnorthfield
Typing error
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Give the guy a chance, he's done his time and sounds like he's ready to try make up for his mistakes, as horrible as they were.

He's a beast, he shouldn't be anywhere near at football club.
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He's a beast, he shouldn't be anywhere near at football club.

No? What if doing what he loves (easy now!) helps him rehabilitate and make him a better person? Who are you to stop someone doing that?

PS, keep pushing [emoji1]
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Seen quite a few players tweet about it saying he deserves his second chance and he's a top guy.

Calling him a young lad when he made the mistake. He was a man, a 20 year old man. The crimes not severe as they weren't physical and just online... whit???

Everyone has different opinions but struggle to believe people actually think some of the things being said by folk are from people who haven't really thought about it properly.
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15 minutes ago, 1320Lichtie said:

Everyone has different opinions but struggle to believe people actually think some of the things being said by folk are from people who haven't really thought about it properly.

I totally agree, but for different reasons than what you mean I suspect!

Punishing a man for the rest of his life, and having the attitude that he doesn't deserve a second chance/ should rot/ doesn't deserve a job etc etc. for a crime which he was punished for (a crime that, although disgusting, wasn't even deemed at a level where a custodial sentence was given) is pretty poor in my opinion. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and I have no issue with any of the Edin City fans who've said they won't attend as that's entirely their choice and if they feel it is justified then no-one else should have any issue with that.

I think a lot of people on here are probably being extremely hypocritical in their views/ opinions they've put on here. As I asked before, where is everyone drawing their line on this one? Drug dealers sound to play SPFL football but sex offenders need not apply? What about those who have committed violent crimes? All of the posters who're very upset with Thomson signing didn't seem to have an issue with any of the half dozen plus violent exoffenders who play for SPFL clubs when their respective clubs signed them. Why not? Rehabilitation for drug dealers who serve 3/4/5 years but no rehabilitation for a sex offender whose crime was deemed not to require a custodial sentence? Are people just picking and choosing what criminals should be rehabilitated back into society and which one's shouldn't based on their acceptable/ non acceptance of the crime committed? That's perfectly fine when it comes to attending games or not, that's an individuals choice, but rehabilitation and the serving of sentences/ spent convictions etc and the rights and wrongs are entirely different.

I think a lot of people haven't thought about their comments properly, because they're either naive to rehabilitation, being very hypocritical in their opinions or simply haven't thought through the bigger picture in terms of society and how ex offenders should be treated.

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Big difference between an ex drug dealer and a child sex offender to be fair. There's also a difference between someone being done for serious assault and child sex offences too. Like it or not when it comes to children being the victims especially in a sexual way it is much worse.

Rather go to prison for murder than sexually abusing kids. You'd be treated much differently in there too. Rehab and a normal life can be achieved without having the privilege of playing football professionally surely...

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No? What if doing what he loves (easy now!) helps him rehabilitate and make him a better person? Who are you to stop someone doing that?

PS, keep pushing [emoji1]

Unfortunately I can't stop Edinburgh City from signing a beast, wish I could.

Big mistake by them, watch their crowds drop.
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10 minutes ago, 1320Lichtie said:

Big difference between an ex drug dealer and a child sex offender to be fair. There's also a difference between someone being done for serious assault and child sex offences too. Like it or not when it comes to children being the victims especially in a sexual way it is much worse.

Rather go to prison for murder than sexually abusing kids. You'd be treated much differently in there too. Rehab and a normal life can be achieved without having the privilege of playing football professionally surely...

Just on a wee a side, Craig Thomson was not convicted as a 'child sex offender'. He was convicted on two charges of 'indecent behaviour'. Believe me when I say there is a HUGE difference between those two offences on a charge sheet in the eyes of the law, both in terms of the conviction and in terms of the punishment. Do you think if he was convicted of 'child sex offences' he would have got away with a £4000 fine and 5 years on the sex offenders list!? :blink: I'm in no way standing up for him, or saying the offences he committed weren't utterly disgusting, but to argue your opinion on this surely you need to get the basic facts right?!

Playing football for a wage is a job. Working as a civil engineer is a job. Working as a plumber is a job etc. I know to us fans playing in the SPFL and playing for our supported teams should be viewed as a privilege by all the players involved but in reality it isn't. For a lot of them, it is simply viewed as a job a lot of the time. Craig Thomson is trained to be a football player, the same way a plumber is trained to be a plumber. That is their profession.

At things stand, Craig Thomson has spent his convictions. He is no longer on the sex offenders list. In the eyes of the law, he is a completely free man. There are plenty of players within the SPFL whose convictions aren't spent on crimes they committed. As I mentioned before, there are plenty of footballers within the SPFL who have committed crimes and were handed out harsher sentences than Craig Thomson. In the eyes of the law, their offences were viewed as being worse. Some of these players have not spent their convictions, and some of these convictions were very recent. Why is it that people don't seem to give a shit about violent offenders, whose crimes have been deemed worse than Thomson by a judge, yet are furious with Craig Thomson being signed by Edinburgh City? So much hypocrisy from so many people here.

Why should a completely free man, who has spent his conviction and fully paid the fine he was given, not be allowed to continue working in his chosen profession? The fact that his chosen profession, which he has been trained in from a young age, is football is irrelevant to this as a question.

I know you avoided all of my difficult questions when replying to my last post so try not to do that again please :P


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