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9 hours ago, You Only Live Twice said:

Oh? And what exactly is that then.....

The post I responded to quite clearly stated "For it to never reach court, was and is the only factor in why i believe what i do. If one shred of evidence to the contrary were provided, i would have been the first to abandon the club."

Thus completely ignoring that since this time there was a civil case whereby the judge quite clearly relied on evidence when coming to the conclusion that the person was a rapist.

Of course this is nothing major (according to Officer Barbrady's matrix of sexual offences) and can be completely ignored.

As I have already posted, the players that clubs sign are not usually controlled by the supporters and I have no issue with Clyde supporters cheering on their team with or without a rapist playing for them.  I do take issue with supporters defending players who have been found to be a rapist by a judge.  Compounded by the very same defenders of their players attacking supporters of another team for the behaviour of their teams players.  Absolute hypocrites.

Edited by strichener
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12 hours ago, strichener said:

To ignore what has happened since then is very convenient for you.


1 hour ago, strichener said:

The post I responded to quite clearly stated "For it to never reach court, was and is the only factor in why i believe what i do. If one shred of evidence to the contrary were provided, i would have been the first to abandon the club."

Thus completely ignoring that since this time there was a civil case whereby the judge quite clearly relied on evidence when coming to the conclusion that the person was a rapist.

Of course this is nothing major (according to Officer Barbrady's matrix of sexual offences) and can be completely ignored.

As I have already posted, the players that clubs sign are not usually controlled by the supporters and I have no issue with Clyde supporters cheering on their team with or without a rapist playing for them.  I do take issue with supporters defending players who have been found to be a rapist by a judge.  Compounded by the very same defenders of their players attacking supporters of another team for the behaviour of their teams players.  Absolute hypocrites.

Fresh evidence, Strichener. FRESH EVIDENCE. Clearly the original evidence was insufficuent to mount a case in the first place, either you are incredibly thick not to read this or you simply don't like the individual, the club or its supporters for not taking the matter lying down, as it were, therefore an unproven allegation carries more weight for your venom, based on who is involved, than an admission from an individual that he instigated and prolonged his deeply sick predilictions for children, and has seeked no cure for his illness despite its availability, but nonetheless an individual you are happy enough to watch in peace and quiet. 


If it is the case you simply believe 'serving sentence' is the key to human indiscretion redemption, do you by any chance pop into the local gaol with Christmas presents for Thomson's ilk each year, presumably as i doubt many would visit their family members ending up in that particular nick? Following your logic, its YOU who'd be the hypocrite for judging after sentence served. 

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Blair Henderson, getting linked with Dundee Utd. Would he be able to make the step up?
Well he won't cost much in wages all the Edinburgh players simple play for the love of the game bit like their alter ego at hampden However if you can give the same job prospects as the city of Edinburgh (difficult I know on par with London and New York ) then he might just join Dundee Utd

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1 hour ago, Bring Your Own Socks said:

I could have swore I saw Edinburgh City at the top of this thread once..:whistle



That's awfully strange. 


I could have SWORN that the pyramid was introduced to challenge and ultimately to replace the allegedly badly-run, debt-ridden, unscrupulous senior clubs supposedly all-too-often amoral, reckless, win-at-any-cost mentality, with this new structure featuring clubs with a new, vibrant, community-inclusive manifesto, and to create transparency throughout the multiple administrations of the game in Scotland leading to us winning the 2030 World Cup in the process.


Maybe Edinburgh City and their well-wishers can reflect on this, having now clearly become beset by the very self-interest they no doubt previously keenly engaged in wishing to eradicate, and indeed emerged as unlikely poster-boys for the campaign itself. 


They wanted equality in football, well they're being treated as equals now alright. Get over yourself. 

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2 hours ago, Officer Barbrady said:


Fresh evidence, Strichener. FRESH EVIDENCE. Clearly the original evidence was insufficuent to mount a case in the first place, either you are incredibly thick not to read this or you simply don't like the individual, the club or its supporters for not taking the matter lying down, as it were, therefore an unproven allegation carries more weight for your venom, based on who is involved, than an admission from an individual that he instigated and prolonged his deeply sick predilictions for children, and has seeked no cure for his illness despite its availability, but nonetheless an individual you are happy enough to watch in peace and quiet. 


If it is the case you simply believe 'serving sentence' is the key to human indiscretion redemption, do you by any chance pop into the local gaol with Christmas presents for Thomson's ilk each year, presumably as i doubt many would visit their family members ending up in that particular nick? Following your logic, its YOU who'd be the hypocrite for judging after sentence served. 

So presumably you have followed the story closely and bowed out when there was no criminal case brought?  I haven't followed the case that closely but I am pretty sure that there was no "FRESH EVIDENCE" rather that the burden of proof in criminal cases is beyond reasonable doubt and in civil cases it is on the balance of probability.   Regardless, the case went before a judge, the judge ruled that the defendants were not reliable and were guilty of rape.  It is not unproven. The rest of your post is obviously random thoughts, supposition and downright fantasy and is certainly not based on anything I have posted.

You batter on with your condemnation of Edinburgh City but at least you can do so now from an informed position that a judge did find that one of your players did rape a women.  Alternatively you could acknowledge that you had as much influence in the employment of your players as EC have with theirs and that the phrase "the club is bigger than any one individual" is equally applicable to both. 

tldr; Support your team and drop the point scoring over who has the worst sexual predator playing for them. :thumbsdown

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Blair Henderson, getting linked with Dundee Utd. Would he be able to make the step up?

Not the only club from the Championship I hear ??
I said over a year ago that previous coaches didn’t do Blair any favours by merely having the ball humped up to him in the hope of a fortunate knock on due to his size. He is in fact, a good “sniffer” in the boxes with a knack of being in the right place at the right time . It is possible that he is actually a good football player.
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4 hours ago, strichener said:

So presumably you have followed the story closely and bowed out when there was no criminal case brought?  I haven't followed the case that closely but I am pretty sure that there was no "FRESH EVIDENCE" rather that the burden of proof in criminal cases is beyond reasonable doubt and in civil cases it is on the balance of probability.   Regardless, the case went before a judge, the judge ruled that the defendants were not reliable and were guilty of rape.  It is not unproven. The rest of your post is obviously random thoughts, supposition and downright fantasy and is certainly not based on anything I have posted.

You batter on with your condemnation of Edinburgh City but at least you can do so now from an informed position that a judge did find that one of your players did rape a women.  Alternatively you could acknowledge that you had as much influence in the employment of your players as EC have with theirs and that the phrase "the club is bigger than any one individual" is equally applicable to both. 

tldr; Support your team and drop the point scoring over who has the worst sexual predator playing for them. :thumbsdown

Only one club has a proven sexual predator playing for them, though. Only one has been on The Register, which is usually gas mark 1 for sex offenders. Thomson ranks around a 4/5. 

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4 hours ago, strichener said:

So presumably you have followed the story closely and bowed out when there was no criminal case brought?  I haven't followed the case that closely but I am pretty sure that there was no "FRESH EVIDENCE" rather that the burden of proof in criminal cases is beyond reasonable doubt and in civil cases it is on the balance of probability.   Regardless, the case went before a judge, the judge ruled that the defendants were not reliable and were guilty of rape.  It is not unproven. The rest of your post is obviously random thoughts, supposition and downright fantasy and is certainly not based on anything I have posted.

You batter on with your condemnation of Edinburgh City but at least you can do so now from an informed position that a judge did find that one of your players did rape a women.  Alternatively you could acknowledge that you had as much influence in the employment of your players as EC have with theirs and that the phrase "the club is bigger than any one individual" is equally applicable to both. 

tldr; Support your team and drop the point scoring over who has the worst sexual predator playing for them. :thumbsdown

If the rest of the post, regarding the HMP in your area, is rambling then i accept that charge fully. But it only is rambling because i struggle with the concept of apparent ignorance of Thomson's deeply sociopathic tendencies because he served any time over it. I mean genuinely struggle here, Strichener.


Society may pretend that in these hip, liberal times that the world is ready to forgive, and those who don't are the problem. Those types on here clearly only have faith in one side of the legal system, and make their own judgement anyway based most likely on sympathy for the severity of the allegations, coupled with some form of contagion trauma as a means of retribution. Nothing else. 

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2 hours ago, Emfaefifeyahoorsur said:

Not the only club from the Championship I hear ??
I said over a year ago that previous coaches didn’t do Blair any favours by merely having the ball humped up to him in the hope of a fortunate knock on due to his size. He is in fact, a good “sniffer” in the boxes with a knack of being in the right place at the right time . It is possible that he is actually a good football player.

Hiya Blair, just popping in to say that that was a brilliant header you scored on Saturday. 

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Doesnt anyone ever get bored of this pish? Its meant to be a football forum and this has been done to death now.

Can we get a pinned thread where all this crap can continue separate from anything else that might discuss football even remotely, with better banter.

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1 hour ago, You Only Live Twice said:

So in a nutshell, a civil judge only ruled that it was likely he raped someone? My mistake then, case closed. Where’s my pitch fork at.....

Of course if you’d done any manner of homework to support your own opinion, you’d realise what a tit you sound.

No, being a tit would be disregarding a member of the judiciary who stated in a judgement that the women was taped.  Failing to understand that there is no such thing as a civil judge makes you out to be completely ignorant of the process that you are posting about.  Maybe follow your own advise and do some homework. 

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On 21/01/2019 at 18:15, Clyde01 said:


So he freely admitted to being a nonce rather than having to be found so by a jury. That hardly detracts from the point does it?


I was just trying to clarify the facts. 

And as an expert on the case you would know that no jury was involved as it was a summary prosecution. 


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3 hours ago, Officer Barbrady said:

If the rest of the post, regarding the HMP in your area, is rambling then i accept that charge fully. But it only is rambling because i struggle with the concept of apparent ignorance of Thomson's deeply sociopathic tendencies because he served any time over it. I mean genuinely struggle here, Strichener.


Society may pretend that in these hip, liberal times that the world is ready to forgive, and those who don't are the problem. Those types on here clearly only have faith in one side of the legal system, and make their own judgement anyway based most likely on sympathy for the severity of the allegations, coupled with some form of contagion trauma as a means of retribution. Nothing else. 

What are your qualifications to make such a judgement? Please enlighten me. 

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4 hours ago, Officer Barbrady said:

Only one club has a proven sexual predator playing for them, though. Only one has been on The Register, which is usually gas mark 1 for sex offenders. Thomson ranks around a 4/5. 

What is the difference between being fined as he was and being placed on a Communty Payback Order as happens in other sexual cases in terms of registration? 

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6 hours ago, Clyde01 said:

We don’t have club officials threatening to throw out any individual that dares to mention our players past actions.

You don't have to come to Ainslie Park you know. Your logic is baffling anyway- complaining about a club employing a player and then directly contributing to his wages by paying to get in.  


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You don't have to come to Ainslie Park you know. Your logic is baffling anyway- complaining about a club employing a player and then directly contributing to his wages by paying to get in.  

I certainly won’t be hurrying back. Crap stadium, hefty trek from city centre, stewards are arseholes and club officials desperately shushing criticism of a filthy beast.
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