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17 minutes ago, AJF said:

Again, you are conflating the meanings of "want" and "need".

No matter how much you try and flog it, it won't stick.

No mate I’m not, in any scenario a company posting losses equivalent to half their turnover and reliant on borrowing to survive from investors, who will want to see a return on that and not more losses, have a need to generate more revenue not a want especially in a unique point in time where a recession is at its highest level in generations, Rangers costs to operate are going up significantly and fans have less money to spend.

Rangers have to win the league this year, have to…… majority of your sellable assets are in the last year or going into the last year of their contracts. The Europa League money helps however it’s only 1 stage further than last year and you still posted higher losses than the entire league combined. 

Generally you are the solitary sensible Rangers poster on here but for you to be firmly in the denial camp is surprising. You lot are asking the wrong questions of your board and when (not if) it goes tits up and your investors stop funnelling loans to cover losses because they are loosing millions then I highly doubt there will be another 5 way agreement to give you a backdoor back in, this time the lid on the coffin will be nailed shut.

However for us on the outside looking in, the denial to what the reality is is much more amusing so crack on. We laughed then, we will laugh again


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7 minutes ago, Dons_1988 said:

Investors don’t necessarily need a return.

Most serious investors wouldn’t be relying on a Scottish football club to make them money anyway. 

True but rich people don’t stay rich by continuing to throw millions down a black hole and there inevitably comes a point even for them that it becomes unsustainable. 

And a return for them doesn’t necessarily mean a return on the £ but they will want to see success, if Rangers don’t win the league and get entry to the Champions League and they lose many of their best players during the summer which is likely (Morelos, Kent and Goldson being the most likely) then these investors who are obviously smart people will start to question if it’s worth it. 


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11 minutes ago, Jinky67 said:

No mate I’m not, in any scenario a company posting losses equivalent to half their turnover and reliant on borrowing to survive from investors, who will want to see a return on that and not more losses, have a need to generate more revenue not a want especially in a unique point in time where a recession is at its highest level in generations, Rangers costs to operate are going up significantly and fans have less money to spend.

Rangers have to win the league this year, have to…… majority of your sellable assets are in the last year or going into the last year of their contracts. The Europa League money helps however it’s only 1 stage further than last year and you still posted higher losses than the entire league combined. 

Generally you are the solitary sensible Rangers poster on here but for you to be firmly in the denial camp is surprising. You lot are asking the wrong questions of your board and when (not if) it goes tits up and your investors stop funnelling loans to cover losses because they are loosing millions then I highly doubt there will be another 5 way agreement to give you a backdoor back in, this time the lid on the coffin will be nailed shut.


Our investment and borrowing is at a stage where it is levelling out. Last season we required the additional £24M (£11M of this was due to covid), this season we required an additional £7.5M (which was secured last year) and the current projections show that we will need only £0.4M next season. That was also predicted before we received significant sums for Gerrard and Patterson.

You always insist that investors require a return. That has been very rare in the case of our board. It is well documented that we have posted losses for 10 years, yet you feel next season is the one they will all call in any monies owed? Not to mention the usual course of action is to convert the loans into equity by way of shares.

So, you keep saying we need this money. We don't. It would certainly be extremely helpful, but if this friendly had never came to light, you wouldn't be running around saying "Rangers need an additional £3M in November or else".

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24 minutes ago, Jinky67 said:

True but rich people don’t stay rich by continuing to throw millions down a black hole and there inevitably comes a point even for them that it becomes unsustainable. 

And a return for them doesn’t necessarily mean a return on the £ but they will want to see success, if Rangers don’t win the league and get entry to the Champions League and they lose many of their best players during the summer which is likely (Morelos, Kent and Goldson being the most likely) then these investors who are obviously smart people will start to question if it’s worth it. 


This is all possible but there’s nothing to suggest they are in serious financial trouble. 

Plenty to suggest they’re badly run and incredibly wasteful but it doesn’t necessarily lead to an insolvency event. 

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12 minutes ago, Dons_1988 said:

This is all possible but there’s nothing to suggest they are in serious financial trouble. 

Plenty to suggest they’re badly run and incredibly wasteful but it doesn’t necessarily lead to an insolvency event. 

This is my view too. Celtic fans are wishful thinking Rangers will go bust again but in reality the worst thing is that they go into some form of  administration but I really doubt that will happen either. They went bust before due to money being owed to HMRC and the EBT's now all they owe is money to stakeholders. We've seen lost of clubs get into huge debt but it is rare they go out of business.

The stakeholders can't keep ploughing millions in though, they are not Saudi Sheikhs or Dodgy Oligarchs so this well will dry up soon. I also don't believe these guys will want their money back but may just write the losses off at some point. But Rangers fans thinking all is rosy is not reality either. Are the board/directors that are getting stick right now the same people who are covering Rangers losses? In football you are only liked while you are winning, fans are fickle as anything and one bad season or a few bad calls and they will throw dogs abuse at you despite you giving them millions to compete. These guys could decide to walk away which won't lead to Rangers going bust but may lead to some serious cost cuttings which will make them less competitive. Rangers can't match Celtics revenue right now unless they get in to the CL groups, I think that is what the board are gambling on then they may be able to achieve a break even model. If they don't make it this year do the same investors keep gambling?


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UEFA have announced that teams will need to have a wage to turnover ratio of 70%. I believe both the OF were just outside this the last time I seen at around 75% each give or take. That may only mean 1 cut of 1 player or 2-3 squad players.


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25 minutes ago, ahemps said:

UEFA have announced that teams will need to have a wage to turnover ratio of 70%. I believe both the OF were just outside this the last time I seen at around 75% each give or take. That may only mean 1 cut of 1 player or 2-3 squad players.


Celtic were 67% pre pandemic however that rose to 85% during the pandemic.

I imagine this should come down now fans are back and we have fat we can cut in the likes of Ajeti, Barkas, Bolingoli etc 

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3 hours ago, Jinky67 said:

Turns over 50 million a year but posts 24 millions losses a year but they don’t need the money in a league where payments for TV and winning the league is pittance 😂😂

Like i said head in the sand even your board have stated they need to raise capital to plug holes. In fact aren’t you due your new monthly share issue? 

The clubs good name? Where in the world apart from maybe NI do Rangers and their fans have a good name? Regularly fined and banned by UEFA for racist and anti- catholic singing, known for rioting away and amongst themselves and the club being financially mismanaged and avoiding paying their debts.

In what circles does this constitute Rangers having a good name? 😂



Rangers are welcomed all over the UK

Our support have been praised by our European opponents and in the media throughout our European exploits in recent years

As for UEFA fines. In recent years Celtic have been fined far more. UEFA fine clubs for the most trivial acts.

Rangers have already been brought into your clubs problems which was reported in the Aussie media as an ‘Old Firm’ scandal! This was always going to happen and was avoidable. 

Instead of fantasising about Rangers financial implosion (never going to happen) you should be more worried about your own club’s problems. 

You really don’t see it do you? 


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6 minutes ago, AB1872 said:

Rangers are welcomed all over the UK

Our support have been praised by our European opponents and in the media throughout our European exploits in recent years

As for UEFA fines. In recent years Celtic have been fined far more. UEFA fine clubs for the most trivial acts.

Rangers have already been brought into your clubs problems which was reported in the Aussie media as an ‘Old Firm’ scandal! This was always going to happen and was avoidable. 

Instead of fantasising about Rangers financial implosion (never going to happen) you should be more worried about your own club’s problems. 

You really don’t see it do you? 


Why would that be?

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13 minutes ago, AB1872 said:

Rangers are welcomed all over the UK

Our support have been praised by our European opponents and in the media throughout our European exploits in recent years

As for UEFA fines. In recent years Celtic have been fined far more. UEFA fine clubs for the most trivial acts.

Rangers have already been brought into your clubs problems which was reported in the Aussie media as an ‘Old Firm’ scandal! This was always going to happen and was avoidable. 

Instead of fantasising about Rangers financial implosion (never going to happen) you should be more worried about your own club’s problems. 

You really don’t see it do you? 



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12 hours ago, Squonk said:

My last words on the subject (for now).

Rightly or wrongly, personal experience has led me to pigeon-hole Rangers* fans into one of two broad groups. The first group consists of the knuckle-dragging neanderthals who are genuinely too thick to understand the reality of what happened to their old club. To my mind, they are exempt from criticism and there's little point in engaging in debate with this group because they can barely stand upright, far less understand the legal intricacies of an incorporated football club.

The second group comprises of everyone else in the support, and this group fully understands exactly what happened to their club, including the lengths the football authorities went to prop upright a corpse lying on the liquidator's mortuary slab, drape it in a blue 'born in 1872' t-shirt before concocting a fairy tale that would have had Hans Christian Andersen cringing with embarrassment.

I have a very good bluenose mate who is intelligent, honest and articulate. When I asked him whether he would consider that Celtic had died if every single thing that happened to Rangers back in 2012 had instead happened to Celtic, right down the finest minutiae, he candidly admitted that he and all right-thinking Rangers fans would have viewed Celtic as dead if they'd undergone the same liquidation process suffered by Rangers. He even acknowledged that there would have been rioting on the streets if the football authorities had tried to dupe people into believing that Celtic had survived liquidation or that any subsequent newco would be entitled to the titles and trophies of a defunct predecessor.

When I pressed him on his massive and glaringly obvious inconsistency, this normally eloquent and erudite individual changed into a bumbling shambles of a man, incapable of explaining why he thought it reasonable that there should be one rule and treatment for his club and different rules and treatment for everyone else. He is well aware that everyone who claims that Rangers survived liquidation as the same club (football authorities, media, new Rangers, their fans) all have a vested interest in that being the case, but chooses to ignore the facts by simply sticking his fingers in his ears while chanting la-la-la-la-la.

One final point; Rangers' death is often portrayed as simply hatred/jealousy by rival Celtic fans. Celtic fans obviously outnumber fans of other clubs by some distance, but in my experience, fans of all senior clubs are appalled by the special treatment afforded to whichever entity is playing out of Ibrox at any given moment, which is why those fans ensured that the new Rangers club started out in the fourth tier of Scottish football back in 2012, as all brand new clubs had to.



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1 hour ago, AB1872 said:

Rangers are welcomed all over the UK

Our support have been praised by our European opponents and in the media throughout our European exploits in recent years

As for UEFA fines. In recent years Celtic have been fined far more. UEFA fine clubs for the most trivial acts.

Rangers have already been brought into your clubs problems which was reported in the Aussie media as an ‘Old Firm’ scandal! This was always going to happen and was avoidable. 

Instead of fantasising about Rangers financial implosion (never going to happen) you should be more worried about your own club’s problems. 

You really don’t see it do you? 


Rangers welcomed all over the UK......... Newcastle, Birmingham, Chesterfield , George Square, Manchester..... et ad infanitum cetera....can you hear me , can you hear me ?????!!!


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1 hour ago, kennie makevin said:

Rangers welcomed all over the UK......... Newcastle, Birmingham, Chesterfield , George Square, Manchester..... et ad infanitum cetera....can you hear me , can you hear me ?????!!!


Yep. All of the above and many more. Sheffield , Derby , Portsmouth et ad infanitum 

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3 hours ago, AB1872 said:

Rangers are welcomed all over the UK

Our support have been praised by our European opponents and in the media throughout our European exploits in recent years

As for UEFA fines. In recent years Celtic have been fined far more. UEFA fine clubs for the most trivial acts.

Rangers have already been brought into your clubs problems which was reported in the Aussie media as an ‘Old Firm’ scandal! This was always going to happen and was avoidable. 

Instead of fantasising about Rangers financial implosion (never going to happen) you should be more worried about your own club’s problems. 

You really don’t see it do you? 


I don’t see Manchester rolling out the red carpet anytime soon do you? You aren’t even welcome in your own city centre after last seasons nonsense.

What about Celtic mate? Is it possible for you to reply to a point about your own club without going whit aboot Celtic? You claim you don’t want to be associated with us yet at the first opportunity you try make it about Celtic 😂 Don’t you see the irony in that? 

And what problems do we have that i should be worried about? You have dropped this a couple of times in this thread so feel free to spell it out for us as you are fucking itching for a nibble on it 

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1 hour ago, Jinky67 said:

I don’t see Manchester rolling out the red carpet anytime soon do you? You aren’t even welcome in your own city centre after last seasons nonsense.

Glad you agree it’s our city.

As for Manchester. I go down on a semi regular basis. First question you’re asked when they hear the accent is ‘are you Rangers or Celtic’ good luck in Mary Ds if you reply Celtic 

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37 minutes ago, AB1872 said:

Glad you agree it’s our city.

As for Manchester. I go down on a semi regular basis. First question you’re asked when they hear the accent is ‘are you Rangers or Celtic’ good luck in Mary Ds if you reply Celtic 

We have a site in Stockport so in Manchester a couple of times a year and I can’t recall ever being asked if you re Rangers or Celtic as the first question 😂 You have some talent for talking shite you.

Anyway back on point what is it I should be so worried about?


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