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3 minutes ago, RandomGuy. said:

It's not a small number though, there's been around 8 separate instances that I've seen so far, that's not just one group going around starting it all.

Same scenes happened when the title was sealed easier this year too.

There's clearly a decently sized scum element within the Rangers support, and I've no idea why any decent Rangers fans feels the need to talk down to folk who highlight that.

There's no doubt in my mind that some folk use Rangers and events surrounding Rangers for scrapping etc. I've met and seen plenty of those people. They're the same folk that buy the orange scarves from the street vendors despite not knowing the first thing about Northern Ireland. Those kinds of lads.

I still don't think eight separate instances of fighting is really enough to write off half a city.

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Just now, G51 said:

I still don't think eight separate instances of fighting is really enough to write off half a city.

I'm not saying the whole Rangers support is scum, just that there's a large group who are.

I've no idea if they go to games, tag along for moments like this just to scrap etc., all I know is its common for large groups of Rangers fans outwith the stadium to have groups within start fighting amongst themselves and acting scummy.

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Guest Peter LaFleur
5 minutes ago, Mr. Alli said:

Kent with - literally - the cigars oot. :lol:

He's just somebody you love to hate. 

Aye. To be fair, they are a lot like the current England national side. Rangers have lot of players that are very likeable and have an excellent style of play. Gerrard as well has been a class act throughout. Shame their fans are still c***s. 

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13 hours ago, Salt n Vinegar said:

I know what you mean, and obviously everyone is entitled to an opinion (even you and me!) but everyone I know has wanted to celebrate or mark a great many things in the past year and a bit, but the collective "we" didn't because it would have been against the law/guidelines or plain common sense. I haven't had "a good night out" since early March 2020 and haven't seen my sister (who lives in Scotland) since a family wedding in late 2019. 

Birthdays, engagements, weddings, births, 21sts, moving house, exam results, new jobs, retirements, and/or marking the death of loved ones. Some have lost far more than the opportunity to celebrate a title win. Even going to a pal's house for a can and a blether - all set aside in the interests of the country as a whole. I am struggling to see why anyone would criticise us for following the guidelines and doing what the Scottish Government says.  There appears to be a belief among some football fans that we are in some way special. We are not. For those ideologically opposed to anything the Scottish Government say or do, how about following this... 

"Please celebrate this historic day for our club in a safe and sensible manner, respecting public safety- adhering to the current government guidelines and restrictions which are still in place.

In particular, please be mindful of the government guidelines regarding gathering in large numbers. If possible, please celebrate within your own community. 

That's from Rangers.  That's good enough for me. It's a pity that so many appear to know better than the Scottish Government and the Club. I'd prefer tomorrow's papers and social media to be about the Club, the title, an undefeated league campaign and hopefully the gubbing of Aberdeen FC today, not full of stories about pished or sober idiots tarnishing the reputation of Rangers and the fans generally. 

Still, folk will do what they do. Here's to winning the title next season! 

If only your "loyal" supporters listened to your wise words. 

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Utterly hilarious scenes in Glasgow. Rangers 'supporters' yet again proving they are among the utter dregs of society. What should be a massive cause for celebration, they manage to turn into a street fight.

Statement bingo will see the snp/police/Glasgow City Council blamed for the fact that their fans couldn't just be happy about something for a change.

Utter mutants, and I do feel a smidgin sorry for the decent Rangers supporter, but these utter cretins need eliminated from your support rather than encouraged, which has been the case for way too long.

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2 minutes ago, RandomGuy. said:

I'm not saying the whole Rangers support is scum, just that there's a large group who are.

I've no idea if they go to games, tag along for moments like this just to scrap etc., all I know is its common for large groups of Rangers fans outwith the stadium to have groups within start fighting amongst themselves and acting scummy.


21 minutes ago, RandomGuy. said:

Yeah, it's kind of weird seeing Rangers fans on here trying to claim their fanbase is, in general, anything but scum when there's scenes all over Glasgow of them scrapping with each other celebrating a title.

There's clearly some normal folk amongst them, but my first thought when celebrating a Saints trophy isn't to start fighting Saints fans in the middle of Perth tbh.


I mean, I guess it depends on how you define a "large number" isn't it. I wouldn't have said eight instances of fighting involved a "large number" of the thousands of people that attended, and then used that to draw inferences about tens of thousands more that weren't even there, but I appreciate the term is subjective!

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Just a minority again.

It's always just a minority of course. There definitely isn't an issue with the cretins who constitute a majority of the Sevco support. Definitely not.

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Remember folks, Manchester wasn't their fault either. 
All those Chelsea fans must've been in Glasgow today trying to frame the Rangers fans again.
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4 minutes ago, G51 said:



I mean, I guess it depends on how you define a "large number" isn't it. I wouldn't have said eight instances of fighting involved a "large number" of the thousands of people that attended, and then used that to draw inferences about tens of thousands more that weren't even there, but I appreciate the term is subjective!

What about a Rangers supporters child being hit in the head by a Rangers supporter throwing a pyrotechnics? Scum ?

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23 minutes ago, G51 said:

There's no doubt in my mind that some folk use Rangers and events surrounding Rangers for scrapping etc. I've met and seen plenty of those people. They're the same folk that buy the orange scarves from the street vendors despite not knowing the first thing about Northern Ireland. Those kinds of lads.

I still don't think eight separate instances of fighting is really enough to write off half a city.

Your saying 8 instances as if there is some sort of official count of cunty behaviour that’s happening which I doubt. 

I will ofc stand corrected if you are running around Glasgow city centre keeping track which i both doubt and hope you aren’t.

I would imagine these 8 instances are just the ones people brave enough or felt inclined enough to capture and share, I imagine that real number to a little larger.

Your fans felt entitled to celebrate but they aren’t entitled to behave like this no matter how “little” you perceive the number to be. 

There is no other fanbase I’ve seen in Scotland that behaves like this or seems so desperate to knock f**k out of each other


Edited by Jinky67
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2 minutes ago, Salt n Vinegar said:

Cheers... the sad things are that the excuses and whataboutery were as predictable as the lunacy.

Tbh honest you didn't have to be Nostradamus to predict what was going to unfold,  but you had the foresight to talk up about it- fair play. 

Shortsightedness from some Rangers supporters in what should be a monumental day for their fans.


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