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Heads Gone (The 8MileBU Awards)

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1 minute ago, Bairnardo said:


Is Gav the first professional footballer to go into the stratosphere of pure seethingness and come on P&B offering folk out?? Give me some history here lads.


Happens all the time in the Juniors. Good practice for Gav to get him used to that level.

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The breaking news thread in the Amateur section really is golden, which has led to one of my favourite quotes of all time. Ayrshire loyal is going to be quite upset.

You don't have a clue so away and throw shit at the moon CLOWN

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Carlo Monti and a host of other ringer, lower league footballers have tried to 'defend their honour' on here over the years: only to be effortlessly sent packing. While P and B has its moments, the standard is normally far above what the vast majority of Scottish footballers can deal with. Imagine Mark McGhee, Willie Miller or Barry Ferguson having an account on here: it'd be the proverbial shooty-in.

ShandonPar's commentary has been a fairly laboured affair IMO but if it has landed a gormless loser like Gavin Reilly then it is worth much more than the random seethe of some jakey, shit-flinging, no-mark. 

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