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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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1 minute ago, Sooky said:

"To be clear, what I am proposing cannot mean membership of the single market"

Obviously been hinted at for a while, but there's the first official confirmation.

It's kind of surreal in that we're all supposed to have forgotten this was once touted as an outlandish, scaremongering threat.

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2 hours ago, Michael W said:

May's speech is pretty much available if you want to read it. Maybe just me, but doesn't look like there's anything new in there. Hints at not being in the Single Market without actually saying it and a sprinkling of meaningless soundbites. 

I don't know what the point in this speech is, other than to sink the Pound further as seems to happen every time May opens her mouth. It's almost starting to look deliberate. 

So again, nothing of substance to see. I suspect the reason she still won't say anything about the Single Market is because protecting The UK's place in it was a Tory manifesto commitment and the small majority she enjoys will knife her for it - there are more than enough Tories who support the Single Market who could defeat her over it if the opposition fall in line. May is only trying to pull the wool over her own party's eyes with her non-commitments, and it's tiresome. 

On the Single Market note - if May wants to leave it, fine. However, the Conservatives would be in breach of a manifesto commitment in doing so, and therefore a general election should be called.  


Westminster and holyrood goveenments break manifesto commitments all the time.

Edited by sparky88
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"To be clear, what I am proposing cannot mean membership of the single market"

Obviously been hinted at for a while, but there's the first official confirmation.

Not sure how she can say that followed by 'what I am looking for is the best deal for Britain'!? Difficult to see how the two are symbiotic.
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1 minute ago, Michael W said:

Where in the treaties does it say leaving the EU means leaving the Single Market? In particular, EEA status is ambiguous following the UK leaving. 

The Conservatives pledged, with no caveat, that they would protect the UK's place in the Single Market. 

Cameron did as he promised, renegotiated Britain's EU relationship and got as much as the EU were prepared to give him. That his efforts were in vain isn't really here nor there. 


The consolidated Treaties (there is a pdf on the EU website) state that only countries who are Members of the EU or the EEA are in the Single Market. If a country leaves the EU or EEA, it ceases to be a member of the Single Market. So after Brexit, Britain must apply to join the EEA via a new agreement with the EU. That agreement will be negotiated after Article 50 is invoked.

The Conservative manifesto commitment assumed that Britain would in the EU. Here are the sections on the referendum and Single Market.

Page 72

"We are clear about what we want from Europe. We say: yes to the Single Market. Yes to turbo- charging free trade. Yes to working together where we are stronger together than alone. Yes to a family of nation states, all part of a European Union – but whose interests, crucially, are guaranteed whether inside the Euro or out. No to ‘ever closer union.’ No to a constant ow of power to Brussels. No to unnecessary interference. And no, of course, to the Euro, to participation in Eurozone bail-outs or notions like a European Army."

"It will be a fundamental principle of a future Conservative Government that membership of the European Union depends on the consent of the British people – and in recent years that consent has worn wafer-thin. That’s why, after the election, we will negotiate a new settlement for Britain in Europe, and then ask the British people whether they want to stay in the EU on this reformed basis or leave. David Cameron has committed that he will only lead a government that offers an in-out referendum. We will hold that in-out referendum before the end of 2017 and respect the outcome."

Page 73

"We will legislate in the first session of the next Parliament for an in-out referendum to be held on Britain’s membership of the EU before the end of 2017. We will negotiate a new settlement for Britain in the EU. And then we will ask the British people whether they want to stay in on this basis, or leave. We will honour the result of the referendum, whatever the outcome."

"We will protect our economy from any further integration of the Eurozone. The integration of the Eurozone has raised acute questions for non-Eurozone countries like the United Kingdom. We bene t from the Single Market and do not want to stand in the way of the Eurozone resolving its di culties. Indeed, given the trade between Britain and the Eurozone countries we want to see these economies returning to growth. But we will not let the integration of the Eurozone jeopardise the integrity of the Single Market or in any way disadvantage the UK."

"We want to preserve the integrity of the Single Market, by insisting on protections for those countries that have kept their own currencies. We want to expand the Single Market, breaking down the remaining barriers to trade and ensuring that new sectors are opened up to British firms. We want to ensure that new rules target unscrupulous behaviour in the nancial services industry, while safeguarding Britain as a global centre of excellence in nance. So we will resist EU attempts to restrict legitimate nancial services activities."  

So where's the commitment to stay in the Single Market after a vote for Brexit? "Yes to the Single Market" is just a statement of Government policy in 2015. It would no longer be valid in the event of a Brexit victory.

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1 minute ago, Jambomo said:

This speech bis a car crash - still no outline as to how we are going to achieve the list of things she wants.

She's fucking hopeless. The personification of the daily mail.

Strategy spelt out as - we will do anything up to and including damaging the economy to keep the poles out.


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7 minutes ago, doulikefish said:

Heres the bit in the tory manifesto

That's an oxymoron. The Single Market is a customs union that uses over 12,750 tariffs to thwart free trade. That's why Canada had to negotiate its own free trade agreement which abolished 98 of those tariffs for Canada-EEA trade. 

The first sentence is merely a statement that reflected Britain's EU membership (and therefore the Single Market) at that time. The manifesto commitments were to renegotiate the terms of membership, then hold a referendum and then respect the result. 

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Here's the TARIC - http://ec.europa.eu/taxation_customs/business/calculation-customs-duties/what-is-common-customs-tariff/taric_en

"TARIC, the integrated Tariff of the European Union, is a multilingual database in which are integrated all measures relating to EU customs tariff, commercial and agricultural legislation."

The "Single Market" is protected by thousands of common external tariffs. If a country or group of countries are in favour of free trade, they would abolish those tariffs. There should be no need for countries like Canada to negotiate bilateral trade agreements. 

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9 minutes ago, Bishop Briggs said:

That's an oxymoron. The Single Market is a customs union that uses over 12,750 tariffs to thwart free trade. That's why Canada had to negotiate its own free trade agreement which abolished 98 of those tariffs for Canada-EEA trade. 

The first sentence is merely a statement that reflected Britain's EU membership (and therefore the Single Market) at that time. The manifesto commitments were to renegotiate the terms of membership, then hold a referendum and then respect the result. 

I dont care what you think supras,i was just pointing out what the tories had in there manifesto

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