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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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2 hours ago, Jacksgranda said:

Is it indeed. I thought you maybe thought it was  Commonwealth country, (one of the post Brexit plans is to have closer links to the Commonwealth countries, I believe) like Guyana and New Zealand, but you've obviously just picked it at random to make your non existent point

Guilty as charged.

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For those of us who take an interest in politics the next 12 months may be the most interesting and tumultuous in decades.  It will eclipse the failed Independence vote and the Brexit vote itself.

It will soon become apparent that the UK is not going to get a decent deal from the EU and the outcome is totally unpredictable.

Whilst we all talk about "the Tories" there are huge divisions within their ranks; partly based on ideology, partly on self-preservation.  The likelihood of 'no deal' is growing and two things will determine what happens then; the way in which the supposed Tory hegemony dissolves and the ability of Labour to capitalise on the divisions.

Sadly Corbyn's position on Europe is as untenable as May's and will rightly come under huge scrutiny in the months ahead.  Labour's best position would be a policy change and an embrace of the Single Market but that won't happen.  I can see Labour snatching defeat from the jaws of potential victory and decades of economic decline.

The historians may well record his legacy as "Oh, Jeremy Corbin!", but not in the same upbeat manner that it has been exclaimed at Glastonbury and anti-austerity rallies.



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For those of us who take an interest in politics

There are going to be people who don't care about politics normally who are going to find themselves fucked while the people who got us into this mess carry on regardless.
Cameron,Gove,Bojo,Dacre,Murdoch etc wont be sitting scratching their head wondering what the f**k just happened.
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4 hours ago, Jacksgranda said:

Is it indeed. I thought you maybe thought it was  Commonwealth country, (one of the post Brexit plans is to have closer links to the Commonwealth countries, I believe) like Guyana and New Zealand, but you've obviously just picked it at random to make your non existent point

Guilty as charged.

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10 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

It will soon become apparent that the UK is not going to get a decent deal from the EU and the outcome is totally unpredictable.

I know how it's going to go: ""We're brexiting, in the process, seriously... check with us in another 10 years, then we'll surely be just about to brexit completely."

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38 minutes ago, Cerberus said:

The British public don't like experts with their facts and figures.

Writing on buses, now that's where the truth is.

The British public don't like the EU.

52% for Brexit is where  the truth is.

What puzzles me is how the mighty EU had, in it's rules, the process for exit enshrined  and now that it is almost certainly going to prove problematical and inadequate, that is somehow, in the minds of Remoaners, the fault of the UK Govt.

We have no choice but to Brexit within the EU rules, but let's make no mistake, those are EU rules and perfectly illustrate what a nasty pernicious , punitive controlling and wholly unforgiving organisation it is.. If the EU had the Armed Forces they covet so badly, I have no doubt they would be subtly  threatening us with armed aggression by now.

The sooner we extricate ourselves from this evil empire and play no further part in its expansionist  and stifling agenda   the better  off we will be.



Edited by McSpreader
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15 minutes ago, McSpreader said:

The British public don't like the EU.


15 minutes ago, McSpreader said:

52% for Brexit is where  the truth is.


24 minutes ago, McSpreader said:

What puzzles me is how the mighty EU had, in it's rules, the process for exit enshrined  and now that it is almost certainly going to prove problematical and inadequate, that is somehow, in the minds of Remoaners, the fault of the UK Govt.

I'm not sure what you're getting at here tbqh. The Leave campaign (including several members of the govt.) assured us that it would be a simple process and a land of milk and honey awaited us once we'd 'taken back control'. I'm confused as to why this is the fault of either the EU or 'remoaners'.

31 minutes ago, McSpreader said:

We have no choice but to Brexit within the EU rules, but let's make no mistake, those are EU rules and perfectly illustrate what a nasty pernicious , punitive controlling and wholly unforgiving organisation it is.

Britain along with the other 28 nations agreed to abide by these rules when it joined, and therefore should be obliged to respect them as they exit. The EU has set out very clearly it's position and has expressed regret that the UK wants to leave. On the other hand, Britain has turned into a jingoistic seething mess.

44 minutes ago, McSpreader said:

If the EU had the Armed Forces they covet so badly, I have no doubt they would be subtly  threatening us with armed aggression by now.


47 minutes ago, McSpreader said:

The sooner we extricate ourselves from this evil empire and play no further part in its expansionist  and stifling agenda   the better  off we will be.

It's hyperbole like this that clouds people's judgement and actually undermines any legitimate criticism of the EU.

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It seems to me that it's the Brits' delusion and complete ignorance about the process that has caused them problems already, not the process itself. Brexity types are raging about all the complications they're running into now but none of it should have been a surprise. The Leave campaign's plan was proper back of a fag packet stuff. If they were remotely honest (or even aware probably) about what Brexit actually meant, these bumps in the road wouldn't be so upsetting for their voters. We wouldn't be going through them anyway because they wouldn't have won.

It's like deciding to represent yourself in court, not preparing, then claiming you're being oppressed by the law when your whole case is a shambles. May, Davis and co will take a pumping here because they're just not very good.



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1 hour ago, Henderson to deliver ..... said:



I'm not sure what you're getting at here tbqh. The Leave campaign (including several members of the govt.) assured us that it would be a simple process and a land of milk and honey awaited us once we'd 'taken back control'. I'm confused as to why this is the fault of either the EU or 'remoaners'.

Britain along with the other 28 nations agreed to abide by these rules when it joined, and therefore should be obliged to respect them as they exit. The EU has set out very clearly it's position and has expressed regret that the UK wants to leave. On the other hand, Britain has turned into a jingoistic seething mess.


It's hyperbole like this that clouds people's judgement and actually undermines any legitimate criticism of the EU.

With respect to the Independent, my paper of choice incidentally, that is merely a poll, whereas the 52% refers to the actual plebiscite result.

With regard to the bus.......please read the wordage then come back to me and expain how that is anything other than 3 distinct   statements and how you could conclude that the Leave campaign was wanting to put £350million per week into the NHS based on a few soundbites printed on a bus. Who would be that much of a numpty.

1. We send the EU £350million........Ok open to debate! But a distinct statement.

2. Let's fund our NHS instead ..........The intimation being that SOME of the £350million ( or whatever) could be, would be, should be put into funding the NHS instead of being wasted on a bureaucratic, undemocratic, protectionist, expansionist political Franco/German  vanity project to conquer Europe by stealth and economic muscle. It doesn't say put all the cash into the NHS.

3) Take back control........Of our Fishing grounds, our Borders , our Judiciary and our Economy......Distinct Statement.


The point of the Exit rules is a pertinent one as it explains how troublesome the EU intended to make leaving and how, even now it's a reality, it is so embittered and intransigent that it intends to hamper The UK's attempt at a  smooth  and pain less withdrawal at every opportunity. It will make the final Brexit all the sweeter for the likes of me, but what a bunch of c*nts.

Imagine if it was like that every time you tried to end your Gym membership or change your utilities supplier.  You wouldn't accept that. And before anyone says I think leaving the EU is equivalent to ending a gym membership , I don't , I'm just reducing it to a personal level. Hopefully you can understand that attempt at a reductive explanation  without getting all abusive.

FWIW I accept that Howard's statement was stupid and unnecessary , but there has been plenty of shit flying inbound from the continent and I find it a bit hypocritical when we get all antsy about comments from the UK and forgive the hyperbole and passive aggression coming from Europe.

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1 hour ago, Alan Stubbs said:

It seems to me that it's the Brits' delusion and complete ignorance about the process that has caused them problems already, not the process itself. Brexity types are raging about all the complications they're running into now but none of it should have been a surprise. The Leave campaign's plan was proper back of a fag packet stuff. If they were remotely honest (or even aware probably) about what Brexit actually meant, these bumps in the road wouldn't be so upsetting for their voters. We wouldn't be going through them anyway because they wouldn't have won.

It's like deciding to represent yourself in court, not preparing, then claiming you're being oppressed by the law when your whole case is a shambles. May, Davis and co will take a pumping here because they're just not very good.



The case isn't a shambles as Leaving the EU is the case, like divorce. The details are between the two parties and are to then be endorsed by the court, but if one  side  doesn't want the divorce and is angry and belligerent and  has the house keys, the car keys and your money in a private account and keeps wanting to come back in to your house whenever it wants and  to keep taking things then it is difficult for the side pushing for the divorce to get a just settlement and will eventually have to forget reason and just walk away because we are NOT staying f*cking married!!!

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9 minutes ago, DublinMagyar said:


On the verge of a nervous breakdown as the dream of leaving turns to a nightmare of poverty and isolation.

Hardly, my sweet ! You're unable to counter my reasoning though.


6 minutes ago, welshbairn said:


Trying to be respectful, thought you were wanting that,  despite thinking  whoever thought £350million was going directly to the NHS  was about 100  grades of stupid  greater than numpty.

Edited by McSpreader
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