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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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2 hours ago, McSpreader said:

Why are you questioning me like I'm a politician?

lolwut. If you were a politician involved in this utter clusterfuck my line of questioning would be far more aggressive.

2 hours ago, McSpreader said:

You are suggesting, are you not, that Brexit is inherently racist and xenophobic? I vehemently dispute that correlation.

I don't think Brexit is inherently racist and xenophobic. It certainly played a sizable role though. When your fellow travellers on the subject include the National Front, BNP and the EDL, and the campaign stoked fears of immigration, it's a perfectly legitimate conclusion to come to.

2 hours ago, McSpreader said:

The murderous and heinous terrorist attacks will have been a factor in any increased racist and xenophobic reporting, not Brexit.

I'm struggling to see the link between Islamic terrorism and the increase in racist and xenophobic incidents involving the Polish and Jewish communities tbqh. The only terrorist attack in Britain preceding the referendum was the murder of Jo Cox. Are you suggesting that the circa 50% increase in reported incidents post referendum, had nothing to do with Brexit ?

In the incident in question, which happened only weeks after the referendum, he shouted that 'he was taking his country back'. Which is the sort of language used during referendum. To refuse to admit that Brexit has encouraged and emboldened cretins like him is simply sticking your head in the sand.

2 hours ago, McSpreader said:

The false news and climate of fear perpetrated by Remoaners such as Baxter Parp, the BBC, Nick Clegg et al will create a false dichotomy that  some will exploit to their political advantage

As long as Remoaners  falsely portray Brexit as xenophobic there will be those only too willing to brazenly  use that lie whatever the consequences or effect.

This is an example of those who voted Leave refusing to take any responsibility for the decision and instead blame those who voted Remain for the complete mess this has turned into.

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2 hours ago, McSpreader said:

You are correct.

Anyone with a basic grasp of the English language will see that, exactly as TopCat described, the barrister was attempting to mitigate his clients guilt.

As we know, barristers are more than happy to twist and stretch the truth or throw in any curved ball  to try to skew justice to the advantage of their client . It would appear Remoaners are cut from the same cloth! 

Anyone with a basic grasp of the English Language should realise that "blame" could be interpreted in a strict legal sense or a moral sense.


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I've said this before but it bears repeating.

Anyone who uses a term like remoaner should really preface all their posts with " I am thick " just to save the rest of us the nanosecond it would take to discern the fact for ourselves.

Likewise in the unlikely event that they ever engage in dialogue with real people outside an internet forum, just stamp it on your forehead!


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I have come to the conclusion that  there should there should be another vote on the EU.  I never thought I would take this position but there needs to be greater clarity as to the mandate this government has.  Had the election result been decisive there would be no need for this but it was far from decisive.

Cameron is, of course, to blame.  He did not think the decision would be to leave; had he thought so he would, at least, have made the issue clearer and/or offered more options.

No doubt there will be those who will make the comparison to the Independence referendum.  For me that issue there was far clearer, we either became Independent or we didn't.  With the EU vote there are far more grey areas in relation to our ongoing relationship.

A further vote would also force Labour to be clearer on their position.  A "jobs friendly Brexit" may be a good soundbite but it is a meaningless policy and offers no direction in terms of a negotiating stance.


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2 hours ago, WILLIEA said:

I've said this before but it bears repeating.

Anyone who uses a term like remoaner should really preface all their posts with " I am thick " just to save the rest of us the nanosecond it would take to discern the fact for ourselves.

Likewise in the unlikely event that they ever engage in dialogue with real people outside an internet forum, just stamp it on your forehead!


It really doesnt bear repeating because what you are actually saying is if someone doesn't agree with you then they must be thick

Most people give up that line of reasoning at High School. 

Your a remoaner and thats fine that you dont like that term but it does sum you up rather well.

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2 hours ago, Bairnardo said:


It has probably been noted on here already but its worth saying again.

Remoaner is absolutely fucking torturous patter to read. Please grow up and drop it or come up with something vaguely witty.


Of course it is tortuous patter if it applies to you !

That's the point, is it no' ?


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5 hours ago, zidane's child said:

Japan and the EU agree a free trade deal 


is it just me or does EU membership get better as we are in discussions to leave?

The Government estimated this deal could have been worth £5 billion annually to the UK.
I'm sure chasing those immigrants out the country will make up for it.


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Japan and the EU agree a free trade deal 
is it just me or does EU membership get better as we are in discussions to leave?

According to the usuals this means its free trade for the leaving uk and isnt the eu screwing the uk car industry [emoji3]
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20 hours ago, McSpreader said:

His barrister blamed Brexit!.....Aren't barrister supposed to possess a modicum of intelligence?

I blame the racist thug who perpetrated the attack.....end of.  Brexit is unrelated , only a moron would suggest otherwise.


4 hours ago, McSpreader said:

It really doesnt bear repeating because what you are actually saying is if someone doesn't agree with you then they must be thick

Most people give up that line of reasoning at High School. 


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12 hours ago, Cerberus said:

I see that the amount needed to fix the UK after Brexit could fund the NHS for 13 years.

Image result for snigger gif

 No amount of money could run the NHS . The NHS  is not fit for the modern world . 

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16 hours ago, McSpreader said:

 No amount of money could run the NHS . The NHS  is not fit for the modern world . 

Your sort are happier when folk are lying in ditches at the side of the road. Francis Urquhart #2. 

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