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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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1 hour ago, welshbairn said:

It all becomes clear when you remember how unbelievably thick he is.

That's right .....tell a lie often enough and it sticks.....of course only the super-intelligent such as yourself could sustain a campaign like that...

Well done, you're doing a fine job and don't come across as stupid at all !

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Just watching Rebecca Long-Bailey on Sunday Politics outline Labour's Brexit position. She's contradicted her party manifesto, her shadow Chancellor and herself in the space of a three minute interview.

They should be thanking their lucky stars that they didn't win the election because, on this evidence, their stance is even more incoherent than the government's. It's just Boris' "Have your cake and eat it," speech delivered in a northern accent.

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Just watching Rebecca Long-Bailey on Sunday Politics outline Labour's Brexit position. She's contradicted her party manifesto, her shadow Chancellor and herself in the space of a three minute interview.
They should be thanking their lucky stars that they didn't win the election because, on this evidence, their stance is even more incoherent than the government's. It's just Boris' "Have your cake and eat it," speech delivered in a northern accent.

They haven't been able to find two Tories who are singing off the same song sheet either.
Its the unpatriotic remoaners though.
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1 hour ago, Carl Cort's Hamstring said:

Just watching Rebecca Long-Bailey on Sunday Politics outline Labour's Brexit position. She's contradicted her party manifesto, her shadow Chancellor and herself in the space of a three minute interview.

They should be thanking their lucky stars that they didn't win the election because, on this evidence, their stance is even more incoherent than the government's. It's just Boris' "Have your cake and eat it," speech delivered in a northern accent.

In her defence, she did say this.

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2 minutes ago, Cerberus said:


David Davis came to the negotiations well prepared I see.

The guy is painfully out his depth.

He's got all the cards.

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Davis in that picture looks like when you turn up to a seminar not having done any of the reading or questions and know you are completely fucked for the next couple of hours but just have to smile through it and play along whilst desperately trying not to get rumbled.

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23 minutes ago, Cerberus said:


David Davis came to the negotiations well prepared I see.

The guy is painfully out his depth.

Davis is the perfect example of someone who has been promoted one or two levels above his abilities.

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Just now, WILLIEA said:

Davis is the perfect example of someone who has been promoted one or two levels above his abilities.

He came over as quite impressive on the back benches, must be humiliating to be found out straightaway when given a proper job. I'd love to play poker with him.

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Apparently Davis left the negotiations after an hour to go back to London.
Probably forgot his notes-
Brexit means Brexit.

After telling everybody that they need to get onto the hard work
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Davis's personal competency aside, he's got an impossible task.  He's being tasked with going to meetings and saying "We want out of the Single Market but we want a trade deal that gives us all the benefits of staying in".

It's simply not going to happen regardless of who is in charge of the negotiations.


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1 hour ago, Granny Danger said:

Davis's personal competency aside, he's got an impossible task.  He's being tasked with going to meetings and saying "We want out of the Single Market but we want a trade deal that gives us all the benefits of staying in".

It's simply not going to happen regardless of who is in charge of the negotiations.


f**k him - he wanted the gig.  It's the democratic will of the people of England and Wales that we're going to get fucked up the arse with a 27 member dildo. And he's happy to lead the charge. Of course the fermers will feel the sphincter intrusion first and given their outlook on UK ok and their preference for the party leading the ... negotiations  ... it's hard to find sympathy. Davis - like most of these fuckers - will have the personal wealth to ride it out. Unlike many in Angus or Moray who did right by their fleg. Arseholes. 

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7 hours ago, HTG said:

f**k him - he wanted the gig.  It's the democratic will of the people of England and Wales that we're going to get fucked up the arse with a 27 member dildo. And he's happy to lead the charge. Of course the fermers will feel the sphincter intrusion first and given their outlook on UK ok and their preference for the party leading the ... negotiations  ... it's hard to find sympathy. Davis - like most of these fuckers - will have the personal wealth to ride it out. Unlike many in Angus or Moray who did right by their fleg. Arseholes. 

I'd hate to open up your skull and take a peek inside. You're a slavering, festering mess and I pity all those who live in your shadow.

Davis is as good a person as any to lead the negotiations.. I always like to see a working class lad  made good, although I know the chattering classes will always hold that against him.

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