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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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Still a shit load of money tbf


In a country with a GDP of £40bn


It's about as significant as suffering a 0.4% drop in growth over a single year or a 0.1% drop every year for 4 years.


The whole thing was a red herring and would have been even if it wasn't a lie.


Even if you believe that there will be any improvement in the British economy post Brexit relative to if we stay in then no matter how slight it is it it would still make the bus figure seem like a tiny, nice to have, bonus.


If as most sane people believe it will have a negative impact then, again no matter how slight, it will dwarf the bus


Of course we'll never be able to know for sure what would have happened otherwise so people who've nailed their bollocks to the Brexit mast will be able to remain in denial for a long time on this just as you can kid yourself that those cigarettes had nothing to do with lung cancer because nonsmokers get lung cancer too and apparently STDs occasionally are genuinely transferred by toilet seats

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The Remain campaign was awful. I understand why Wales for example, a country hated by Thatcher and ignored by Blair would rebel against a campaign that focused almost exclusively on the City of London. It was a decision made in ignorance but I'm not going to blame the people who's lot in life was so shit that they saw the chance for one final gamble. That the structural issues in Britain have been caused by British governments is just a sad irony.

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No, As in I'll never trawl back through my posts to prove something to jupe because he's an irrelevance plus I'll never regularly  default to multi quoting because it annoys the twat.
On thread..... I can't really understand anyone criticising older folk for voting for that which sits best with them.
Young people today are not this poor , hard done by group of exploited and denied victims that the bleeding hearts would have you believe. 
There are  more options, opportunities, freedoms and support at the fingertips  of more young people than ever in British history.
The only place where young people are missing out is as a result of freedom of movement where there is no longer any incentive on employers, both State run organisations or private businesses to train  or up skill their employees  or even employ new graduates because it's cheaper and more expedient to import vast numbers of cheap, foreign workers instead.  
Cue Welshbairn and Shades......nip, nip!

No British kid wants a career picking fruit or cleaning the toilets for minimum wage.

But didn't you say that bankers who lost their job in London should be bused to places like Shropshire to pick fruit to make up for the foreign workers leaving?
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1 hour ago, Baxter Parp said:

Worth every cent.

That is not a helpful statement. Sums up the arrogance of the Remain campaign. 'The EU is so obviously good we won't bother explaining why'

That attitude did you no favours in the referendum and makes you come across as someone who lives inside his own arse!

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9 minutes ago, Cerberus said:


No British kid wants a career picking fruit or cleaning the toilets for minimum wage.

But didn't you say that bankers who lost their job in London should be bused to places like Shropshire to pick fruit to make up for the foreign workers leaving?


Have any bankers lost their jobs?


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1 hour ago, topcat(The most tip top) said:


In a country with a GDP of £40bn


It's about as significant as suffering a 0.4% drop in growth over a single year or a 0.1% drop every year for 4 years.


The whole thing was a red herring and would have been even if it wasn't a lie.


Even if you believe that there will be any improvement in the British economy post Brexit relative to if we stay in then no matter how slight it is it it would still make the bus figure seem like a tiny, nice to have, bonus.


If as most sane people believe it will have a negative impact then, again no matter how slight, it will dwarf the bus


Of course we'll never be able to know for sure what would have happened otherwise so people who've nailed their bollocks to the Brexit mast will be able to remain in denial for a long time on this just as you can kid yourself that those cigarettes had nothing to do with lung cancer because nonsmokers get lung cancer too and apparently STDs occasionally are genuinely transferred by toilet seats

I think most Leave voters fully accept that there is some negative aspects to Leaving and some of those will be financial. But I also think you'll find they are happy for the UK to take a hit if that's what it takes to get out of the EU.

The idea that the UK isn't robust enough to cope with some short term disadvantages is ridiculous.  

I am also struggling to believe that Remainers seriously believe a few words on the side of a bus that was roundly criticised and ridiculed during the campaign by Ministers, Prime Ministers, First Ministers, MP's, MSP'S., our favourite actors, comedians, pop stars, academics,  politicians of all shades and experts from every field of influence under the sun had any definitive influence  when  STILL the UK voted Leave so  probably tells you, if you were to analyse it honestly, that the antipathy toward the EU was much wider and more deep rooted than most Remoaners care to admit.

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2 hours ago, NotThePars said:

The Remain campaign was awful. I understand why Wales for example, a country hated by Thatcher and ignored by Blair would rebel against a campaign that focused almost exclusively on the City of London. It was a decision made in ignorance but I'm not going to blame the people who's lot in life was so shit that they saw the chance for one final gamble. That the structural issues in Britain have been caused by British governments is just a sad irony.

Like a boxing match where one boxer says "Watch out, I am going to knock you into the back end of next week" and the other says "Careful or I will start talking to you harshly."

Cameron, Osborne and Corbyn never looked as though they really believed in the cause.

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38 minutes ago, Fullerene said:

Like a boxing match where one boxer says "Watch out, I am going to knock you into the back end of next week" and the other says "Careful or I will start talking to you harshly."

Cameron, Osborne and Corbyn never looked as though they really believed in the cause.

Cameron was lousy at trying to sell the freedom of movement concessions that he negotiated, almost like he was embarrassed about how little he got. A recent poll said there would be a majority for staying in if people were told what they were. As for Corbyn....

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I think most Leave voters fully accept that there is some negative aspects to Leaving and some of those will be financial.

Its great fun waiting to see who his affected by these negative aspects.
Will it be Boris or Give or Nigel Farage?
Or will it be hourly paid,just getting by Joe Punter?
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This puzzles me.  Which country are you talking about?


The UK


on a weekly basis, based on hastily gathered data divided by 52 and rounded off


You can find a more precise number if you wish but the basic point will still stand.


If EU membership is even vaguely good for GDP Growth then the cost of membership is trivial. If leaving the EU is even vaguely good for growth then saving the cost of membership is an insignificance.


The whole argument about the number on the bus was a gigantic red herring



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7 hours ago, mjw said:

Its great fun waiting to see who his affected by these negative aspects.
Will it be Boris or Give or Nigel Farage?
Or will it be hourly paid,just getting by Joe Punter?

Too late to suddenly care about the hourly paid and the low paid.

It's because they have been ignored and sidelined, disparaged and denied over the past 15 years that we had Brexit.

At least the penny has dropped that it's not all about extra privileges for the middle classes and their children; That the  lower paid , lower skilled  those with lower expectations matter....... Farage seemed to understand that more than any other politician of his time.

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