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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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2 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

It really tests my faith in the democratic process.  These folk deserve the worst excesses of a No Deal Brexit, sadly it will apply to all of us and not just them.

Tests my faith in the sanity of large swathes of the English population who seem to believe that they personally gave Kaiser Bill a bloody nose after tea and cake at the Somme.

Fucking cretins.

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14 hours ago, welshbairn said:

There's no plan from anybody that doesn't leave us much worse off than than staying in. 

I guess that depends on your starting position.  It seems like stopping freedom of movement of those horrid Euro types is nigh on a certainty.  I would suggest that that alone will be enough for many brexiteers. (added to the blue passports of course).

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2 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

Given the fact that a majoirty in NI voted Remain I am astounded that there is not a greater demand for a United Ireland.  In the eyes of the public there is arguably more of a prima facie case for this than for Scottish Independence.

It would certainly removed the need for a backstop.


I suspect NI as a country would be fearful of the violence that would break out if there was any serious movement towards a united Ireland.

My wife and in laws are Northern Irish and most are just grateful that the troubles are significantly less than they used to be.  They also just have no faith that Northern Ireland would cope either independent or part of ROI.  It's a complete basket case really.

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3 minutes ago, Dons_1988 said:

I suspect NI as a country would be fearful of the violence that would break out if there was any serious movement towards a united Ireland.

My wife and in laws are Northern Irish and most are just grateful that the troubles are significantly less than they used to be.  They also just have no faith that Northern Ireland would cope either independent or part of ROI.  It's a complete basket case really.

Yeah, maybe I shouldn’t be so glib.  Sometimes is easy to forget that U.K. citizens lived through such a traumatic period quite recently.

I actually thought support for a United Ireland was gaining support both sides of the border.


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3 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

Yeah, maybe I shouldn’t be so glib.  Sometimes is easy to forget that U.K. citizens lived through such a traumatic period quite recently.

I actually thought support for a United Ireland was gaining support both sides of the border.


It possibly is and Brexit may be a catalyst for that but I think in many respects Belfast as a city alone feels like a place that has finally got its act together and become attractive for visitors etc again now.

However, the unsavoury element of the country is always lurking there and the recent controversy with the flag on Belfast city hall was a reminder of what it can be like if you rock the boat.

Saying that, I think a lot of the current generation in NI are hoping that when the generation of fierce loyalists/unionists etc pass on then they will finally be able to consign all that to history.

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2 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

Given the fact that a majoirty in NI voted Remain I am astounded that there is not a greater demand for a United Ireland.  In the eyes of the public there is arguably more of a prima facie case for this than for Scottish Independence.

It would certainly removed the need for a backstop.


There's a bit more to a re-united Ireland than being in the EU.

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42 minutes ago, dee_62 said:

I guess that depends on your starting position.  It seems like stopping freedom of movement of those horrid Euro types is nigh on a certainty.  I would suggest that that alone will be enough for many brexiteers. (added to the blue passports of course).


I'm reliably informed that here in the North West of England there is a sizable Asian community who voted for Brexit because they are anxious to to see the end of freedom of movement for"these horrid Euro types"


Because they are forever undercutting the prices they charge for their taxis!

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I was in Belfast recently and saw a bit more of the city than I usually do when I'm over. The idea of the scars of that city "lurking" is a bit generous.

Other than the very immediate city centre, which has a fairly cosmopolitan feel to it, it seems like you're only ever a few streets away from some pretty grim looking shit. I heard anecdotally that the criminal element associated with all that stuff is alive and well too.

I like the hypothetical idea of a united Ireland but I'm pretty sure the practical reality of it would be horrendous, at least initially. It tells you everything that the likes of Davis think this issue is a bargaining chip that Britain has in its favour. This whole thing is a big game to these c***s.

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49 minutes ago, Jacksgranda said:

"because if you don't we'll start shooting you again."

It's a legitimate question to ask why Arlene Thomas is claiming to represent the will of the people of Northern Ireland when she isn't even doing her job. 

A fairly recent poll would suggest the vast majority are far less intransigent than her. Not that I think that a united Ireland is on the cards, just that a large majority would be in favour of a special status with free trading and movement with the South and the UK, in return for the odd check on ID and lorry contents on the ferry to Stranraer (or whatever the new port is), which already happens anyway.


Edited by welshbairn
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